Receiving transmission of the Azure Firestorm Archer's legacy arts (1)

Once the spirit said that, Xiao Lin nodded his head.

Then with a brilliant flash of light, both of them suddenly vanished from the spot that they stood at and appeared in a particular room.

As soon as they appeared in that room which was massive in size, and was totally separated from all the other rooms in the mansion, Xiao Lin suddenly caught sight of a massive golden statue that wore a large cape, and held a massive, azure-colored bow that had raging flame fiercely burning around it in it hand. Then within it big eyes could be seen the bright glow of azure color emitting from it.

Immediately Xiao Lin saw the statue, he didn't need anyone to tell him that the statue before him was the statue of the Azure Firestorm Archer.

He then made a bow towards it. And after being in that position for a few seconds, he straightened himself back.