Storm Fists

But as soon as that male gave that compliment and asked that question, Xiao Lin said with a rather fierce and battle-ready expression appearing in his face, "Who I am is not important. What is important is that you should ready yourself to be thrown out of the glowing blue circle by me"

Then very quickly, without giving that male the chance to respond to his statement, Xiao Lin quickly moved large amounts of dark-colored Spiritual Energy from his dantian to his right hand.

Immediately he did that, the energy channeled to his palm erupted out of it like a small explosion before rapidly turning into a solid, jet-black blade that Xiao Lin grasped. And once he did that, whilst deploying a powerful battle method in that same instant, he tightly clasped the blade formed from his dark, high-quality Spiritual Energy and used it to slash out at his fierce male opponent from the Celestial Dragon Emperor sect. .