his mother called,
"Time for supper!"
Tahara Hozaku is the son of Ares, the God Of War. Ares also had a daughter named Yanaha Hozaku. She was Tahara's twin.
"Yes mom!" Tahara yelled back. He and his sister were homeschooled by Rikizuma Hozaku, the mother. Tahara jumped off the roof and headed inside.
The small particular family lived in the Kingdom of Wravia, established by the Deities themselves and the most powerful mortals. The three were planning to join the Knight Organization, A defense to all evil forged by King Jiro. The bolt is reportedly cracking, and a new evil is approaching. This means Hades could return, and all beings must prepare for the worst.
The first requirement of a Knight is to have 1000 MP. The family met both, his MP being 6380. Tahara actually can't use his full power due to still developing, so his current MP is 3300. Yanaha had the MP of 2900, her full power being 6500. Rikizuma was
(Short for Magic Power, a scale of ones magical power ex: 2550 MP)
Rikizuma and Yanaha were waiting for him at the table. He sat down and started eating along with them. there was a short silence, quickly dispersed by Tahara with his mouth full.
"Today's the day, mom."
Rikizuma swallows and says,
"We know, honey. It's time for us to join the Knight Organization."
The family finished dinner, and sent out approval letters to the organization. they must put a trace a of their MP into the envelope. They then laid to rest for the night.