Chapter Seven

As the applause died down, I returned to my seat and sat next to Sheila and tried to relax. I felt like I had just run a marathon. Darlene gave me a warm hug and a glass of chilled ice water and sat with me. I don't know which I appreciated more, her company, the hug, or the beverage. I guzzled it down in one long gulp. Public speaking is lonely and thirsty work.

The sisters stopped by in ones and twos to exchange small talk with Sheila before retiring for the evening. That was the cover story, at least. I noticed after the third such "visit" that most of the women seemed to spend more time sneaking glances at my crotch than they did in conversation with their leader.

Great; I was now either the object of sexual curiosity or, at the very least, a diversion in the colony's daily routine. It had been some time since most of the women in the cabin had been with a man, with or without clothes. I sympathized with animals in the zoo. Maybe I should charge admission.

Sheila stood and stretched after too long sitting on an uncomfortable wooden bench without padding. "I'll show you both to your quarters if you two are willing to call it a night."

After several minutes, the last of the group drifted away to their rooms.

The colony's sleeping quarters were on the second level balcony that ringed the rectangular shaped Great Room. I did a quick count; there were twenty-four doorways in total, seven on each side of the long axes, and five each on the short sides of the rectangle.

located on the western balcony above the cabin's Great Room, the room reserved for Darlene and I appeared to be identical in size and layout as Sheila's quarters. The sleeping space was stunning in its simplicity. The walls had the same pine paneling that we had seen earlier, with wide planks of Gambel Oak for flooring, and exposed wood beams supporting the white plaster ceiling.

A colorful handmade antiquated quilt adorned a queen-sized bed on the wall opposite a large picture window. I paused for a moment and looked out over the moonlight bathed sleeping valley. In the distance, the shadows of mountains rose like sentinels into a sky ablaze with stars.

The belongings we had brought with us on our journey nearly filled a huge walk-in closet. I was pleased to see that my tobacco stash had also been unpacked. At the far end of the closet there was a small windowless half-bath with an "Out of Order" sign affixed to the door. Sheila told me that a communal shower was located two doors to the left when I asked where I could bathe.

I had to admire the cabin's design efficiency. The half baths used a minimum of plumbing and were handy for midnight relief, while the community showers were for general hygiene. Sheila wished us a good night and left us alone.

As I started to prepare for my shower, Darlene wrapped her arms around me and gave me a hug and a smooch that was almost violent in its intensity.

"I'm so damn horny, Dennis! I want you to make love to me," she said as she took my hands and pulled me next to her on the bed.

"Your wish is my command," I replied, and slowly began to kiss Darlene's face.

I tenderly stroked her eyelids and cheeks and lightly traced the point of my tongue across her welcoming lips and followed with kisses under her chin as I moved down and nibbled along the nape of her neck. I traversed the edge of her collarbone to her shoulders' rounded crest before reversing direction and gently kissed the side of her neck.

Darlene's steady breathing changed into little pants punctuated by low moans as I circled her face with affection. I tenderly stroked her eyelids and cheeks and lightly traced the point of my tongue across her welcoming lips and followed with kisses under her chin as I moved down and nibbled along the nape of her neck. I traversed the edge of her collarbone to her shoulders' rounded crest before reversing direction and gently kissed the side of her neck.

Darlene's steady breathing changed into little pants punctuated by low moans as my hand moved to the inside of my lover's thighs as she parted her legs and allowed me space to softly caress her sensitive skin. She held her breath as my advancing fingers danced along the edge of her pleasure. She gasped and shuddered as I ventured ever deeper.

Darlene's whimper was whisper-quiet, and her body glistened with desire as her body took on a deep reddish blush. Her soft moans became steadily louder as her arousal grew in anticipation of my touch while I visited and stimulated each erogenous zone in turn.

I felt the tension building within as she trembled, and her muscles tightened in response to ever-building waves of desire.

As I slid forward in search of her special place, Darlene lifted her hips in welcome and twisted her body to meet my lips. The point of my tongue gathered her dew as I celebrated and relished every luscious drop.

With the tip of my tongue acting like a magnifying glass in a beam of sunlight, I narrowed the focus of her thrill as I guided each particle of delight toward the center of her joy. Women have twice as many nerve endings there as men do. I wanted every strand to be on fire with desire.

"Oh, mercy, yes! Don't, uh, Oh my God! Don't stop!" she shouted as her body started to shake and quiver.

Darlene's climax exploded in a series of spasms, her legs went stiff, and then kicked and thrashed about as she moaned, "Yes! That's it. Oh yeah!" I relaxed the pressure a tiny bit and then redoubled my efforts as I stimulated all points at the same time as each wave passed.

I knew I was finished when she moved me away. I wiped my face with my hand and scooted up and rested alongside my lover's body. I held her close to me, and we cuddled together and basked in the warm afterglow of euphoria.

Savoring Darlene's lips, I innocently inquired, "Did I make you happy?" It was a stupid question, but I loved hearing the answer. It was my report card.

"You were absolutely fantastic, Dennis, and you know it! My sweetheart, I came so many times that I lost count," she said as she hugged me as tightly as she was able.

"That was only the first installment. Are you ready for part two?"

I kissed her skin in a line under her navel and whispered, "Turn over."

She eagerly obeyed. I straddled her and began to massage her bare backside and the inside of her loins. The heavenly and musky scent of lust rose from Darlene like steam. I savored the sweet/tart taste of her excitement.

I proceeded to lick and explore the pathways of desire. Each pass was a little faster than the previous one as I teased and pushed her toward the brink. Darlene suddenly arched her back and screamed, "Oh my lord! Oh, Dennis, yes!"

Darlene's entire body tensed in a screaming, nearly ear-splitting shriek of passion as she reached the top of her peak and kept climbing. Her contractions of bliss squeezed like a pulsating vise in one surge of ecstasy after another before she lay still.

"God Almighty! Do you think you can make any more noise?" I scolded.

"I doubt it, but I can try," she chuckled as she tried to catch her breath.

"I had been telling my sisters what a fantastic lover you are while you were meeting with Sheila, but I don't think they believed me, so I decided to let them hear for themselves. Besides, you need all the publicity you can get," Darlene explained.

"Why would I need any advertising?"

"Tonight, I think they all heard how hard you make a girl come. You now have a reputation to uphold, Mr. Talented Tongue. A few of my friends might want you to give them personal tutoring if I know them."

"And you would be okay with that?" I asked as I gave her a skeptical eye.

"Of course, I would be, just as long as you make sure your students use me for the final exam," Darlene laughed with a wink.

"Okay, okay, I'll think about it," I said as I lowered my mouth and began again. It had been a long day, but the night was still young.