[5] An Interesting Title

I didn't open my eyes until I felt the sunshine on my face; the corpses all around me had disappeared, leaving only bones piled neatly in front of me. An apology that I didn't accept. An apology that I couldn't abide by.

I ran away before I started going even crazier than I already was.

I didn't realize that I stopped until the smell of dirt was the only thing I could smell. When I looked around, I found myself just outside the border of the forest.

Seeing a familiar sight helped calm down my heart. With the sun creeping up on the horizon, its warmth slowly waking everything it touched, I calmed down significantly. My mind cleared from the stupid thoughts, almost forgetting them all together.

Subconsciously, the little mana I had left was used to let me see the magic plane. The beauty of the waking morning is breathtaking.

A rooster clucked someplace else, prompting the different cattle around the town to start moving all over the place. Dogs barked not too long after, followed by the shouts of the villagers to shut it up. People began moving to do their morning tasks, their footsteps starting to bleed with one another in a long succession of thuds.

In the magical plane, it was more domestic. The magic surrounding them was neutral; unlike the elite wolf, they were content on staying inside, creating this imagery of a gas that changed in nature trapped inside a humanoid body.

Time passed before I knew it. I'm not sure when I got out of the forest, so I couldn't tell by the position of the sun, but I could guess I sat there for an hour max.

With a deep breath, I prepared myself for the worst. I looked down my arm, expecting to find shadows, grateful when it had returned to normal. For a minute, I spent making sure that there wasn't a single speck of that creature on my person before finally relaxing.

The shadow disappeared in my memory just as quickly as it took over my spell.

"System," I said to the wind, patiently waiting for the hologram to appear in front of me.

Two walls of text greeting me. One of them I already read, while there was another that I did not recognize.

Putting focus on that one, I wanted it to expand so that I could read its content.



Description: You have managed to observe a normal monster turning into an elite, an achievement only noticed by specific specialists of the species. Congratulations!

Reward: [Title: Bane of Their Existence (1/3)], [1 Dagger (Rare)], [10 Gold]



Status: Incomplete

Description: You are (partially) able to understand the nature of an elite's strength.

Effect: The chosen one can obtain qualities of the elites they have killed, such as skills and language.


"Now that's what you call a surprise."

I glanced at my arm just then, thinking that the shadows would come back if I wasn't paying attention. When there was nothing I turned back to the holograms.

I read over the new title's effect again, unsure about the details with such a simple description. What did it mean when talking about 'obtaining' the qualities of an elite? Does it have to do with an active skill? Or was it a passive skill?

Speculation could only get me so far. It was better for me to equip the title than wait around for something or someone to explain to me what this was all about.

Without another word, I opened my equipment menu.




Head: n/a

Torso: [Chainmail], [Leather Padding]

Arms: [R leather shoulder pads], [L leather shoulder pads], [R leather wrist guard], [L leather wrist guard (damaged)]

Hips: n/a

Legs: [R Leather Shin Protector], [L Leather Shin Protector], [R Wooden Knee Guard]

Accessories: [Necklace of a Lost Past], [Ring of Promise (INCOMPLETE)]


Title(s): [The Shadow Underneath] / [The Bane of Their Existence] / []

Shadow(s): Restricted

Shadow Body: Restricted

Shadow Summon(s): Restricted


There weren't any apparent changes in my appearance or feeling when I equipped the new title. Even after performing various movements, nothing seemed to have changed, so I decided to place this title on the 'figure it out later' box. A box that's been overflowing for a couple of weeks now.

Instead of dwelling on what the new title actually does, I decided that it would be best to head back to the village and sell what the shadows had butchered.

I didn't need to check my inventory to understand why there was only a pile of bones left in the field where the corpses were supposed to be. Despite the restrictions I placed on the system, those weren't enough to suppress an innate skill. Still, it convinced me that I wasn't me for quite a while, so I might as well call it a win.

Checking my inventory, I was correct in my previous assumption that I would be taking home over fifty kilograms of wolf material back home with my newly mastered butcher skill.

If I'll be careful with how I present myself while selling these later, I should make enough money to be able to last two weeks max without worrying about hunting for money. Which is a good thing to practice the shape-shifting skill I snagged from the traveling merchants the other day.

The thoughts of the previous events felt like a distant memory now. I could feel how wide my smile stretched and the genuine happiness I felt at the opportunities being brought to me in this moment.

The next few weeks should be extremely interesting, to say the least.

I could already see the amount of work I could do in the large timeline I'm able to buy myself, but before that, I do need to stop by somewhere.

Once my feet entered the village's territory, I activated the shape-shifting skill, consuming the remaining mana I had in my magic pool.

My skin crawled, a weird feeling that itched under my skin as it changed into a different tan, one that was much darker and had a rougher texture. I could see how my perception adjusted to my height that lowered. Faux fat formed on most of my limbs, being the heaviest around my waist.

There weren't any major differences in my facial features or its structure, but the added fat and different skin color were enough for most of the residents to be unaware of who they're talking to.

It was still early in the mornings in the village. The only people littering the streets are the ones preparing for their jobs and the early birds.

I didn't pay any mind toward any of the shouting being directed at me, calling for me to check out their produce. I had a goal in mind in the form of a particular flower shop with flowers that the old man loved while he was still alive.

When I arrived, the woman behind the stall was still busy prepping the flowers for a full day of being displayed out in the open. 

This stall was located on the opposite side of the inn where King and I stay, but nearby the memorial for the village hero. It was probably the only in this area; the other flower shops tend to avoid placing near the stench of death.

"I would like to buy a handful of hareblooms, Madam."

The woman turned around excitedly, the frill of her dress reminding me of a beautiful lamp in a noble's manor. Her smile was infectious; an energy surrounded her that shouldn't be possible for someone to have so early in the morning.

She paused before speaking; the gleam in her eyes told me that she saw through my disguise. "Willow.?" She tried to keep her voice low; however, the whisper was louder than her monotone.

I shushed her immediately, looking around just in case anyone heard, sighing in relief when there wasn't a single person in sight. "Is having a spell up not enough of an indication that I don't want to be recognized?"

Her cheeks reddened, the smile on her face turning bashful. "I apologize, dear. I thought I was hallucinating for a second; I didn't get much sleep last night."

"Try to get some more tonight for both of our sakes," I commented lamely, handing over the necessary coins for the flowers I purchased.

"You're still having nightmares?" She asked with a wince, wrapping the flowers in beautiful blue paper with a matching ribbon.

"It... wasn't as bad as normal. To be honest, I'm used to it at this point. I really don't have any hope of sleeping a decent amount of hours any time soon."

Her frown was prominent even as she handed over the bunch of flowers.

A pregnant pause followed my response. Catrina didn't take her eyes and frown off of me. She looked just about ready to give up and berate me at the same time.

"You're bleeding, you know."

"I know."

"You don't look yourself."

I laughed at that, "It's the spell."

She simply sighed. That wasn't what she meant; we both knew it. I was too scared to admit it out loud. If I misjudge, I'll be reminded of my place in this society. If I assume people will take advantage of that small hope.

Catrina may be the kindest person in this town, save for the old man, but she wasn't any different from the other villagers once they saw the shadows.

Seeing that she's not responding, I started walking away while adding, "I better get these to his grave. I have some other chores to do today."

"Ah! I see. I'll see you around, Willow."

"Maybe. The sun blesses you, Catrina." I nodded toward her, bringing my hand up to tip an imaginary hat her way.

It worked in bringing out a giggle from the woman as she replied with, "To you as well."