The Rules

So 3 days had passed since Annie wanted to Start her witch training and Saturday had finally come.

"Annie are you ready to begin??" said Curtis

"Yes" said an Assertive Annie

"You remember that this will be a very vigorous training and no backing out" said Serious Curtis

"Yes I know I know ,so when do we begin?" asked an excited Annie

"Okay I see you are enthusiastic but there are some rules you need to know first" said Curtis

"Okay what are they??" said Annie

"Rule Number 1

You cannot use your powers in Public it risks getting you and the whole Witch world being discovered.

Rule Number 2

You cannot use any kind of potions to help you win in your normal mortal matters

Rule Number 3

You are not allowed to mind control or Love potion someone

Rule Number 4

Never disobey the rules

"Wow are those all the rules??" asked Annie

"No there are more rules in the Witches code of conduct those were just the important ones" said Curtis

"Okay" said Annie

"Okay Annie I wanted to wait till you were ready but I think I should tell you now" said Curtis

"Okay what is it you sound so serious" said Annie

"There is a time in a witch/wizard's life then they reach Maturity it is called gaudeant maturitate, and during that time he/she can choose to be a Good or a Bad Witch/ Wizard I as the book have to train you when you reach that stage it will be your choice and because you are my master I have to serve you no matter what you choose if you choose to be bad all the rules stated do not apply to you"

"Well Curtis you don't have to worry I will never choose to be bad anyway is there anything else I should know??" said Annie

"Ooooh yes You need to know about the Fast pass" Said Curtis