First Spell

"Okay Annie open me and see the first spell" said Curtis

"Okay" said Annie

As Annie opened the Curtis a spell appeared on the blank page it read

Levitatis incantatores

A levitating spell that can levitate small objects read as follows Le-vit-atis inc-anta-tores

"So Annie did you see the spell?" said Curtis

"Yes I did" said Annie

"So what is it?" said Curtis

"It is a Levitating spell" said Annie

"Okay try it out" said Curtis

"Levitatis incantatores" said Annie

they waited for some minutes but nothing happened

"Levitatis incantatores" Said Annie again

Alas nothing happened

"Levitatis incantatores Levitatis incantatores Levitatis incantatores" she said repeatedly