Maddison II

The Wolf Mansion was a very big area it covered 8000 square feet with a forest behind it, of course what else would you expect from the richest business man in Sunset Village.

Before you entered the main Mansion you had to go through Entrance hall, the bedrooms were nicely decorated with a medieval taste to it, and the mansion had a kind of evil feel to it.

Maddie quickly went upstairs to her room to change her clothes because there was a rule in the Wolf Mansion that when all members of the family and servants are indoor without outsiders they had to wear traditional witch clothes which consisted of robes and clothes and that of course exempted the Man and Lady of the house and the servants that had to wear their uniforms so only Maddie had to follow this rule.

Maddie entered her room it was on the second floor the wall paper around it was a emerald green she had a king sized bed, a walking closet, a balcony and a bathroom in her room, she was off course the heir to the Wolf empire and so all her needs were taken care off except for the fact that she did not have a normal relationship with her parents.

"mutantur alica" said Maddie and immediately little green balls of light appeared and surrounded her and when they disappeared Maddie was wearing a dark green robe, she removed the clip in her hair and let her beautiful blonde hair down and covered it with a dark green witches hat and with that she was set she left her room walked down the hall to the room she is only supposed to enter when called.

She knocked on the door and it opened, Maddie walked in confidently not showing all the fear she was hiding inside, she didn't want to get punished again after the last time.

"Good Afternoon Mother, Father" she said as she bowed her head down when she saw them and she only raised it up when her father said "Rise" and she did.

Azazel Wolf also known as the beast of the business industry was Maddie's father, he was wearing a grey business suit with the blazer off and Clove was wearing a green knee length skirt and a white top. Azazel is also a high class Wizard, he has jet black air and doesn't look a day over 20 he also had dark blue eyes which was where Maddie got her eyes from, to the normal eye they looked like a very happy family but that was far from true.

"Maddison i see that you have been picking fights again at school" said Azazel

Maddie's eyes went wide she didn't want to be punished so she said "Who told you that Father?"

"Ha, do you really think that I Azazel need someone to tell me?? don't you forget dear girl that i have eyes everywhere literally" he scoffed

Maddie felt chills run down her spine when he laughed she felt like crawling into the ground and never coming out "Honey let's just get to the point remember we have a meeting with potential investors soon" said Clove as she finally spoke after all she was doing was holding her husbands shoulders as he sat down in a cooperate chair.

"Yes you are right" he answered "Now Maddison who was that girl you were fighting today??" asked Azazel

"Umm well she is a friend Father" answered Maddie

"A Friend?? the way you were fighting didn't seem like you were friends" said Azazel

"Maddison are you lying to me??" asked Azazel with a piercing gaze that would make anyone want to say the truth.

"Yes Father i am lying she's not a friend she's actually an enemy and hence why i was fighting her" said Maddie plainly

"Hmm okay" said Azazel as he rubbed his chin with his hand he then asked "What is her name??"

"huh??" asked Maddie in Confusion

"I SAID WHAT IS HER NAME" shouted Azazel because he hated to repeat himself and everyone knew that, his voice echoed through the room.

"Sorry Father, her name is Annie Grey" answered Maddie with a hint of fear because she couldn't think of why her Father who wasn't interested in her or her friends would want to know Annie's name, it was very suspicious.

"Hmmm Annie Grey... Annie Grey" repeated Azazel as if he was recalling something and that scared Maddie a lot.

"Father do you know her?" asked Maddie in attempt to figure out what her father was thinking but Azazel just ignored the question and said "Maddison Befriend that girl"

"Huh???" said Maddie again in utter confusion "I SAID BEFRIEND HER, Clove did you give birth to a deaf child??" asked Azazel in a mocking tone

"No Aza Dear don't worry just let me handle this mother to daughter style okay?" she asked as she spoke to him in a sweet tone.

"Maddison dear what we are trying to say is we have never seen your friends we do not consider those brats you hand out with as friends and since this girl can match you in Magic we think that she would be a perfect friend for you" said Clove as she tried to convince Maddie

"But Mother me and Annie are not friends we have been enemies for a long time" answered Maddie

"Well Then you just have to try and by try i mean give it your all and do your best to make sure she accepts your friendship" said Azazel

"But why?? why is this so sudden??" asked Maddie as she was confused

"Little Maddison don't ask questions or do you want to have a punishment??' asked Azazel

Maddie shuttered at the mention of punishment so she just bowed her head and said "As you wish Father"

"Good Now you can leave ,be gone" he said as he waved his hand signaling that Maddie should leave the room.

When Clove and Azazel saw that Maddie was out of earshot they begun their own conversation.

"Aza dear do you think that she's the one??" asked Clove

"Well i am not sure but she has the last name, we just have to make sure that daughter of ours does as she is told" said Azazel

Meanwhile in Maddie's room

"Ugh why do those two want me to friend Annie why??" complained Maddie as she took of her witch hat and landed flat on her bed, she just couldn't figure out why she needed to be friends with someone and Annie for that Matter, this was particularly strange because this was the non school, magic, work related thing her parents asked her to do, and it made chills run down her spine.

"Oh well i better just obey them before i get punished again, last time was harsh" said Maddie to herself and with that she closed her eyes for an afternoon nap.