
"Please, I beg you, don't" said Annie as she pleaded with him.

"Don't hurt Curtis, I beg you just please" she said as she looked at Azazel and he turned to look at her.

"I won't run anymore, I am right here" she said.

"I admit to everything, I admit" she said.

"Just please let Curtis go, let everyone else go" said Annie

"I won't fight with you, I won't, I will freely give myself to you" she said

"Just please let Curtis, and everyone else go" she said.

"It's me you want, and I am right here" she said.

Annie had figured out that this was all pointless and useless, she was not going to let anyone suffer just because of her, she knew that it would be best if she just surrendered and gave in, it would cause way less damage if she did that.

"I am right here, please let him go, let him go, and let everyone else go, and you can get what you want" said Annie as she had made up her mind.

"Annie no" said Curtis as he looked at Annie

"Don't do this" he said

"Don't worry Curtis, it's going to be alright" said Annie as she smiled sadly at Curtis, she knew what she was getting herself into, but she did not care, she did not want her loved ones to suffer, just because of this guy.

"Azazel, I am right here, just please let Curtis go" said Annie as she turned back to look at Azazel, she was seriously begging him, seriously pleading him to let everyone she loves stay out of this.

"This is between me and you and not them" she said.

"So please" said Annie once again and Curtis looked at her telling her with his eyes that she should not do this, but Annie's eyes told him that he should not worry, and that things were going to be okay.

"Aw what a touching moment" said Azazel as he laughed mockingly and Annie had hope, she had hope that he would consider what she said.

"But I am not Azazel for nothing" said Azazel and right that moment, he squeezed Curtis so hard that he began to crack, his skin began to loose it's colour, his eyes became pale, and he looked like he was dying.

"Noooooo" shouted Annie and right then a green light shone around Curtis and enveloped him, as he green light moved from his body, Azazel breathed in the light and his eyes shone, as the light dispersed there was nothing left in Azazel hand rather than dust was could be seen on the ground.

Azazel smiled, he had recovered some power that would be able to sustain him for a while, he was getting weak, he had wasted too much time, which was why he needed Curtis power to keep him going on.

"Noooo" said Annie as she fell down to the ground on her knees.

"What's wrong girl?" asked Azazel

"Now you know how it feels to loose someone you love" said Azazel as he laughed.

Annie began to cry, everything had crumbled, her hope, everything and now Curtis was gone, she had begged Azazel, she begged him, she pleaded with him, she offered herself willingly, and yet he went ahead with it, he killed Curtis.

He killed her guardian and her best friend, he was dead because of her, because she was too weak to protect herself, so he had tried to protect her and he ended up dying in the process.

Annie felt heartache, she felt horrible terrible, she was a curse, she hated this, she hated him! she hated Azazel with all her heart, he was as wicked as wicked could be, he gave no heed to her pleas or begging.

She was weak for ever believing this Azazel the person who has killed generations of her family members over and over again, would ever agree to a truce, he looked to kill innocent people, it was like fun to him and it made Annie sick.

"Now it's your turn" said Azazel as he walked closer to Annie.

"No, No" said Annie to herself, Azazel was a fool if he thought that she would going down without a fight, he hurt the people she loved, and he was not going to get away with that at all.

Azazel bent down and he raised up Annie's chin with his hand.

"Say Goodbye Girl, this is the last time you will see this world" he said

"I will make sure that you have a nice long painful death" he said mockingly.

"No!" said Annie as she shook her face out of his hold.

"Oh you want to fight now girl?" asked Azazel as he laughed, this little Grey was truly amusing, what did she think that she could do when everything was already ruined.

"You do not deserve my blood, neither do you deserve life" said Annie spitefully.

"You are wicked and deceitful, I asked for your mercy, and you gave none" said Annie

"I am not giving you anything, at least not without a fight" said Annie.

"Your beliefs are funny" said Azazel as he laughed.

"Just look around you girl" said Azazel

"None of us deserve life, we are all nothing after all" said Azazel.

"No you are lying, it is only people like you who don't deserve life" said Annie.

"Are you sure about that?" asked Azazel.

"Because It was very easy to get rid of that book of yours, he was just a waste of space and time, and he was good for nothing except for his magic" said Azazel.

"Don't say that about him!" shouted Annie.

"This little talk of ours has been fun, but I am bored now" said Azazel as he brought out a little blue blade, as he said he wanted her death to be long and painful.

"Say Goodbye" he said as he leaned in with the blade next to Annie's neck.

"Noooo!!" shouted Annie with all her strength and in that moment her power exploded, and it blew Azazel away, he went flying and he hit his back on the ground as he did not expect this.

Annie could feel it, she did not know what was happening, but she somehow felt powerful, she felt, anger, rage, and regret all at once, she was not going to allow anyone, absolutely anyone hurt her again.

She rose up to her feet, and she stood strong, Azazel got up, and he looked at Annie, he underestimated the girl once again.

"Your little show of strength will not do anything" said Azazel as he looked at Annie.

Annie did not care what Azazel said, she could feel rage fuming within her, she was tired of being belittled and seen as weak, right that moment, her eyes changed from their normal green colour and they became bright purple.

"Your little light show does nothing to me, your fate is still sealed" said Azazel as he scoffed.

"You will never, never again ever terrorize, me... or my family, or anyone else, every again" shouted Annie as her voice had a little echo to it.

"You are not one to say such" said Azazel

He moved his hands, and he sent ice shards towards Annie, they did not even get near her as the power emanating from her melted them immediately, she was angry and he knew it.

Azazel laughed, it only meant this was going to be a fun battle, he had not had one of these in a very long time, most of the Greys were weak and feeble, but this one over here, well she was a fighter.

But before Azazel could say anything more, Annie opened her mouth and she began to speak.

"Crystal Locam austen dere" she said with the echo in her voice.

Azazel eyes went wide, he looked shocked for once in his life.

"Since when did she know how to speak in the old tongue?" he asked himself as he could not believe it.

"Forto, potum ala lupe" said Annie as she herself did not know what she was saying, she just opened her mouth as the words came out.

"Scrosi mele mada shlupe" she said as purple balls of light engulfed her like flames.

"Porta fupe ende" she said as she shouted, and in that same moment as if all her power was being released, the purple balls moved and joined together, they formed together into a ball of power.

As soon as Annie spoke the last words the ball of power went straight for Azazel, Azazel was too stunned to speak or move, he could feel the heat from the power in the energy ball before it even reached him, his body had already started to burn.

At the same moment that Azazel was about to meet his demise, thunder struck where he was standing and he was taken away before the ball could reach him, it was as if he disappeared into nothingness, and the ball of power just hit the ground and caused a loud explosion.

Annie did not know why, but she could sense that Azazel was no longer present, and it was not because her power hit him and he was dead, but it was more like he had vanished before that could happen.

As Annie looked around in the desolate place she was, she calmed down and her power quenched like a fire being put out, she feel to the ground as she felt tired and closed her eyes.

"Curtis!" called Annie in shock as she opened her eyes, she stood up and rushed to where Curtis was killed.

She bent down and se began to sob as she saw what happened to him, it seemed like he had transformed from his human form back to his book form, Annie could see that his pages were all burnt, and all that was left was his brown hard cover.

"Curtis, Curtis, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" said Annie as she held his book cover in her hand as she cried.

"I didn't mean for this to happen" she said as tears fell from her eyes.

She was the reason that Curtis was gone now, and the mere thought of that killed her, she could not go on, she could not do anything without Curtis, Annie sobbed and sobbed.

In the middle of her sobbing Annie seemed to recall something, she remembered a conversation she had with Stella when they used to train together.


"My dear, please don't even tell Curtis that I taught you this spell" said Stella as she smiled at Annie.

"I am sure that he would have a fit and scold me for teaching you this" said Stella

"Don't worry Aunt Stella, you can trust me he will never know" said Annie as she smiled at Stella and Stella smiled back.

"Okay dear" said Stella

"So the spell I am about to teach you is a very important one, and a very dangerous one, and it should only be used as a last resort" said Stella very seriously.

"Yes Aunt Stella" said Annie

"This spell is called the reviving spell, a witch can use to it get back something or someone that they lost" said Stella

"But it always comes with a price and a hefty one at that" said Stella seriously.

"So promise me Annie that you will not use the spell no matter what" said Stell

"I promise Aunt Stella" said Annie

"Good" said Stella as she smiled.


Annie knew what she had to do, she had to perform the reviving spell, to get Curtis back, that was the only thing she wanted.

Annie did not hesitate at all, she quickly put Curtis's hard cover on the ground beside her, she laid both her hands on him, and she closed her eyes, and she began to chant a spell.

As she chanted the spell small purple balls of light began to leave her body and a purple light shone on Curtis, a purple light engulfed them both, and as soon as the light left, Curtis was back he was in his human form and he was breathing very heavily.

"Annie what did you do??" asked Curtis worriedly as he looked at Annie

"Curtis, you are back" said Annie as she smiled, she felt very weak.

"Annie what did you do??" asked Curtis in shock as he hoped that it was not what he thought it was.

"Curtis quick, you have to go save the others, you need to wake them up" said Annie as she ignored Curtis's questions, she suddenly felt extremely weak and she fell straight to the ground.

Curtis rushed to Annie, and he put her head on his lap.

"Annie, you should not have done that" he said

"Curtis you can.... you can scold me later" she said as she started feeling short of breath.

"But go save everyone... first" she said as she slipped into unconsciousness.


Hello by beautiful readers, this was such a sad ending, I tell you the weather just wanted to fit this dark, gloomy setting haha, I hope that you enjoyed the long ride, so much time and effort, and so many chapters haha, it's actually very sad to me, but this is not the end.

This is only the end of volume 1 and trust me volume 2 will be more packed, more action, and more secrets to uncover and of course more relationships haha and new characters, I hope that you all really enjoyed the journey, and I hope that you will stick around for the next one.

The release date for Annie Grey Volume 2 has not yet been fixed, but make sure to add Annie Grey to your library so you will be notified when Volume 2 begins.

In the meantime I hope you read more webnovel books, and you can even join me in my new journeys with my other books 'A Second Chance: I Will not waste it' and 'Betrothed to the Prince'.

I hope that you all have a fantastic day, and that you all with stay healthy and well and keep on reading because words are healing.

Best Wishes

