Maddison IV

According to the Wolf Family rules everyday the assigned driver would go and pick Maddie up from school and back home straight and today was no exception, everyday Maddie would ride home from school alone and it was a lonely sight, only in some instances would Anthony come and ride with her and it always lightened the mood but today was different especially because Maddie was sad that her friend no longer wanted to be friends with her so she sulked all the way home.

The Chauffer didn't help either he just minded his own business since it was their duty to drive and not be involved the the Young Lady's life so he kept quiet and just kept on driving.

When Maddie got home she went upstairs and quickly changed into her green cloak and witch hat and she went to go and meet Anthony in the Courtyard for her weekly training.

"Good Afternoon Anthony" said Maddie as she bowed in respect for him,

"Ahh Good Afternoon Maddison, how was school today??" asked Anthony

"Are Father and Mother around??" asked Maddie

"No Maddison" answered Anthony

"Good" she replied and with that she ran to hug Anthony with the biggest hug she could find??🤣🤣🤣

That's why Maddie loved Anthony like her own Grandfather, it was only him that showed real concern for her in this entire household, when Maddie had a bad day she would talk to Anthony about it and today was no exception.

"Anthony?" asked Maddie as she was stretching in order to warm up for her training

"Yes" said Anthony as he lunged forward to hit her, this was part of her fighting training, Maddie swiftly dodged Anthony and threw a punch at his abdomen that landed with a BAM!

"Anthony have you heard of my Parents latest request" asked Maddie as she kicked him to the ground after he mighty blow, but Anthony got up quickly and said "Sadly i haven't what happened this time??" he asked as he landed threw Maddie to the side when he caught her arm.

Maddie quickly stood up and chanted a leve (light weight) spell so she could lift Anthony because he was too heavy for her to lift "Well apparently they want me to go be friend Annie"

"Oh wow how strange" said Anthony as he tried to dodged her but Maddie a touched his back and he went flying into the air.

"Okay that's enough for today" said Anthony as he dropped to the ground

"Yayyyyyy hehehe i won!!" rejoiced Maddie

"Okay yes you did but i was easy on you today" said Anthony

"Aww no fair" said Maddie

"Well Back to what i was saying yes it is very strange for them to ask me to be friends with Annie out of the blue, i mean they never seem to care about my other friends so why her my worst enemy??" complained Maddie

"Well you just have to obey them, they are your parents after all" said Anthony as he wiped off the sweat on his face with a small face towel.

"Yes yes i know and i am trying to but Annie is being impossible i think she's annoying me because i have tried seeing her the whole day but she never showed up" complained Maddie.

"Oh well i see but why don't you try sending her gifts??" asked Anthony

"Gifts??" asked Maddie

"Yes like things she likes tell me what does she like??" asked Anthony

"Well i wouldn't know we have never actually been friends" answered Maddie

"Then Maddison i suggest you find out what she likes that way it would be easier to befriend her" said Anthony

"Yes i guess you are right Anthony" said Maddie|

"And also do you know where she lives?" asked Anthony

"Yes why??" asked Maddie suspiciously

"Well because if the mouse won't come to you, you have to go to the mouse right??" winked Anthony

"Oh yes right" winked Maddie back.

"Anthony what's the time??" asked Maddie

"Oh well it's 3pm, why do you ask?" asked Anthony

"Oooh yessss it means i can still go find Annie" said Maddie

"Oh but why so soon why can't it wait till tomorrow??" asked Anthony like a worried parent

"Relax Anthony i will get the Chauffeur to drive me there and besides i can take care of myself, and i figure that the sooner i make Annie my friend the sooner i can find out what my parents are up to" explained Maddie

"Oh Alright but be safe" said Anthony

"Oh i will" and with that Maddie had already started running inside to change.

Back in the car, the Chauffer was driving to the Grey house and Maddie was in the back seat, she closed her eyes tightly and tried to remember things that Annie would like, she stayed like that for a few minutes then she remembered something, it was something long gone buried in the deepest part of her memory.

10 years ago in Sunset Village Kindergarten, it was break time and the teacher Miss Lily gave the children their bags to take out their lunchboxes, there was a little girl that was sitting alone on one of the small tables, she had dark short black hair that was flowing around, and she had big round green eyes and a cute little nose.

"Hi, do you want to sit with me??" asked the Little girl as she saw another little girl with long blonde hair and blue eyes looking for somewhere to sit with her schoolbag.

"Sure!" answered the little girl.

"Yayyy my name is Annie, what's your name??" asked Annie

"Oh my name is Maddie, nice to meet you Annie" she replied

"Nice to meet you too" she said and Annie brought out her lunchbox, there was bread with jam and she ate that in a flash, then it was time for her snack Maddie saw that the girl had some cookies and she was eating them so happily.

"What are those??" asked Maddie

"WHAT, you don't know Chocolate Chip cookies??" asked Annie in utter shock

Maddie nodded her head shyly

"Oh then i'll tell you, Chocolate Chip cookies are the tastiest, sweetest and best cookie flavour ever made and they are also my favourite cookies, so do you want some??" asked Annie and Maddie shook her head, so Annie shared her cookies with her and they ate like Happy Chipmunks.

Back to the present

"Aha!, that's it Chocolate Chip cookies" shouted Maddie out loud that it almost gave the Chauffer a heart attack.

"Chauffer let's go to a cookie shop first" said Maddie

And with that they drove to the nearest Cookie shop.