This is not a meeting

"Oooh Curtis you look so good!" said Annie

"Yes dude you look great" said Matt

Maddie was the most shocked how did a talking, floating magical book turn into a handsome human boy she asked herself.

"Wow Curtis you really do look nice i think you should be in this form a lot often rather than your other form" said Maddie and everyone agreed.

"Okay okay i will" said Curtis

"Well then what do we do about the car?? it's totally destroyed and let's not forget the driver too" said Maddie

"Well no worries i can fix it but the driver is still unconscious and i can't wake him up it will be too suspicious of how i got here, so one of us will have to drive who can drive??" asked Curtis

"Umm Curtis you forget that we are just 15 and 16 year old's" said Annie

"Okay fine true then I'll drive" said Curtis

"Wait Curtis you know how to drive?? Since when??" asked Annie

"Well you forget i am almost 1000 years old and besides driving isn't that hard" said Curtis

"Well okay" said Annie with a i don't believe you tone

Curtis walked over to the car and did a repair spell and the car was repaired.

"Okay everyone get in" said Curtis

Matt Carried the unconscious driver to the back seat and laid him to sleep while Annie sat in the front seat with Curtis, Maddie and Matt sat in the back seat with the driver.

"Okay everyone let's go" said Curtis as he turned the ignition

He pressed his foot against the accelerator and instead of moving the car only made a strange noise.

"Curtis the clutch is still down" said Annie

"Oh yes right excuse me i am a bit rusty" said Curtis

"You Think??" asked Maddie

"Alright Alright" said Curtis

Curtis pulled up the clutch and set the car in reverse and he accelerated a bit too fast that he almost back up into a tree.

"Sheesh Curtis are you trying to get us killed?" asked Maddie in annoyance

"Sorry my apologies" said Curtis Shyly

"The last time i drove a car was in 1886" said Curtis

"Wow that is a long time and yet you want to kill us with your outdated driving skills" said Maddie

"Move over" said Maddie

And Curtis removed his seatbelt and climbed to the back seat, while Maddie opened the door and went to sit in the front seat, she put on her seatbelt and said

"sui pulsis alica" and the car started itself and started driving, Maddie put in the Wolf Mansion address and the car was driving itself to that location.

"There!" said Maddie

"Oooh alright Maddie!!" Said Annie as she cheered

"Yes Maddie that was a brilliant Idea" said Matt

"Thank you Thank you!!" said Maddie

"Hmm yes Maddie it was a good idea why didn't i think of that??" asked Curtis

"Well it's because you were trying to get us all killed" said Maddie

"Alright Alright sheesh i get it" said Curtis

After a few Minutes of driving Maddie said

"Well then so what are we going to say to my Father to explain what happened??"

"Well we for sure don't want him to know that Matt's a Vampire and i don't know if we should tell him about the rouges" said Annie

"Yes so what do we say to explain why the driver is unconscious??" asked Matt

"Oooh i got it don't worry i will just say we were ambushed by a group of strange people, and that the driver got unconscious when they hit him in the head and that would be believable since the car is fixed now" said Maddie

"Okay okay, I agree with your explanation but how are we going to explain how we escaped??" asked Matt

"Oooh i know we just say they retreated for some odd reason which is true" said Maddie

"Okay then it's settled that's the explanation Maddie will give to her Father" said Annie

And they all nodded.

They finally got to the front gate of the Wolf Mansion, it was a huge gate that was painted gold and if had a huge Capital W in the middle, once the gate opened and the car drove in Annie and Matt could see all the different expensive cars that were parked outside in the Parking Area and one of the Chauffer's that were parking the cars came over.

"Young Madam you are back why are you driving the car??" asked the Chauffer as he saw Maddie's hands on the staring wheel

"Umm Mr. Rob, please come take the car something happened which caused Chad to faint please tell Anthony about it" said Maddie as she got down from the car and signaled the other's to come down too.

"Okay Young Madam" said Rob then he got into the car and drove it to be parked.

"Come on guys let's go inside" said Maddie and they all followed her.

Once they entered the house it was like a whole ball was going on in there, rich people, business men and women, models, fashion designers and celebrities were everywhere talking to each other.

"Maddie you lied to me" said Annie as she whispered in Maddie's ear as they walked inside.

"Oh what did i say??" asked Maddie in confusion

"You said that is a meeting" said Annie

"Yes mhmm" said Maddie

"Well this is not a meeting it's a ball" said Annie in anger

"No Annie this is a small gathering a meeting you might call it" said Maddie as she smiled and waved to some people that were waving to her.

"My gosh Maddie next time don't invite me to a ball because i won't be able to handle it" said Annie

And Maddie chuckled and said "Stop Exaggerating"

Maddie took Annie's hand and went to the direction of the people that were waving at her which left the boys alone.

"Hello Tilly Matilda this is my friend Annie"

"Annie these are my friends Matilda and Matilda but just call the brown haired one Tilly and the dark haired one Matilda" said Maddie

"Hello Tilly, Matilda nice to meet you" said Annie with a smile but the two girl just scoffed at her and said

"Hmm Nice to meet you too" they said in a mocking way that Annie caught on too.

Tilly was wearing a bright red dress that curved and she tied her brown hair up, while Matilda was wearing a black dress and she decorated her hair with a tiara.

"Oooh Madison i Love your dress" said Matilda

"Oooh Thank you i am fond of your too" said Maddie

The atmosphere was awkward with the classical music playing in the background.

Maddie sensed that Annie was not comfortable so she said.

"It was nice talking to you girls but now we have to go"

"Okay then bye" they said

When Maddie saw that they had gone a bit far from the girls she said to Annie "Let's go to my room this place is too crowded" said

"You Think??" replied Annie

Meanwhile the boys were busy walking around "Curtis do you want some punch??" asked Matt as he pointed to a snack table.

"Oooh sure let's go i can't remember the last time i drank water not to mention punch" said Curtis as they both walked towards the snack table and Matt poured them each a glass of Punch.

"Oh my this is heavenly" said Curtis as he licked his lips

"Well it's Grape punch" said Matt

"More more more i want more" said Curtis

"Woah chill dude there is plenty more to go around" said Matt

"Okay okay" said Curtis

"Hmm i wonder where the girls are??" asked Matt

"Oh they are fine" said Curtis as he continued drinking his punch

Meanwhile upstairs in the meeting room, Azazel had had his eyes closed but he suddenly opened them and said "Clove do you smell that??"

"Yes Aza Dear it smells like Vanilla and the sweetest frankincense" she replied

"Mhmmm smells sweet she's the one haahah she's the one" Laughed Azazel maniacally

"Let the games begin" he said