
"Now what the heck Curtis no more running it's time for you to explain everything where have you been and why have you been so mysterious??" asked Annie in anger

Annie, Matt and Curtis had arrived home, but Matt decided to stay back.

"Annie calm down" said Matt as he didn't like seeing Annie like this.

"Curtis dude you really have to explain to us what is going on??" asked Matt

Curtis just sighed and unbuttoned his blazer and sat down on the sofa and he said "Okay just sit down i will explain everything"

Matt sat down, but Annie was still reluctant and she crossed her arms

"Annie please sit down let's listen to him okay?" said Matt as he tried to plead with her.

Annie reluctantly sat down still with her arms crossed

"Explain" said Annie coldly "Where have you been?" she asked

"Well i went to the Witch world the High Council had some things to discuss and talk about concerning you" he said

"Concerning me why?" asked Annie

"Well as you know there is a main enemy here, the enemy that always ends up killing every member of the Grey family, he uses their power to keep himself alive but it only lasts until the next Grey comes" said Curtis

"Yes of course" said Annie

"Wait what really??" asked Matt as this was news to him.

"Yes it's true it turns out that he's responsible for every single one of my Family's member's death" said Annie

"Yes and well he knows that you have your powers now and he's coming for you" said Curtis those words sent a shiver down Annie's spine and Matt sensed it and said..

"Don't worry Annie i will protect you" said Matt and it made Annie smile.

"*sigh* If only it was that easy" said Curtis

"Anyway let's change the subject" said Matt

"Okay yes you're right now second question Why did we have to leave Maddie's house so quickly like we were running from someone we also had to leave secretly" said Annie

"Okay Well it's because Maddie's Father is the wizard that we are talking about" said Curtis Plainly

"WAIT WHAT??" said Annie and Matt at the same time as they were shocked and not ready for what Curtis just said.

"Mhmm mhmm mhmm wait wait hold up what did you just say?? you mean our Maddie our Maddie that we just left he house that Maddie??" asked Annie in disbelief as she hoped Curtis was talking about another Maddie.

"Yes that Maddie" said Curtis as he sighed and closed his eyes.

Matt on the other hand was still very shocked he didn't know what to say.

"Curtis i don't understand please explain to me the guy i saw in my dreams is a very old guy he's short and crooked and evil, now please tell me how can such a guy be Maddie's rich business mogul and be the same person?" asked Annie

"Wait are you describing an old short man with no hair and he looks like Voldemort from the Harry Potter series??" asked Matt

"Yes he's the one how did you know??" asked Annie

"Well its because i have seen the same guy in my dreams too" said Matt

"Wait what how is this possible??" asked Annie

"Well it all started when i first found out that i was half Vampire and Half Witch then the dreams kept coming and would end with him always trying to suck my blood" explained Matt

"Curtis what is going on??" asked Annie as she turned to look at Curtis.

"Okay let me explain the name of the Guy you are talking about and Maddie's father is Azazel" said Curtis

"Azazel??" asked Annie and Matt at the same time.

"Yes Azazel" said Curtis

"He is the same person you both saw in your dreams the reason he looks like that is because his magic is draining he needs to refill it and he will do that by killing you Annie, every 20 years or so in Human years Azazel's powers weaken and he needs blood most especially the blood of a chosen Grey, when he appears to you in your dreams he's in his Magic form that is old and drained and he can't waste his remaining energy to look presentable in the dream world so he appears just like that and that's why you see him like that, but in reality he looks like a young man that is just in his twenties" explained Curtis

"Okay i get it now but the question is does Maddie know??" asked Annie

Deep down Annie wished that Curtis would say that Maddie didn't know because if Maddie knew it meant that she was only getting close to her because of her Father and it would mean that she had just been pretending all along and for some reason the thought of that broke Annie's heart.

"Well i don't know for sure but i highly doubt it, Maddie's friendship seems really genuine" said Curtis

And Annie heaved a sigh of relief

"But now comes the big question what does he want with Matt??" asked Annie

"Well probably he wants to control him and add him to his Army, having a half breed would be very essential to him" said Curtis Plainly

Matt shuddered at the thought of him being controlled to kill his best friend Annie noticed that Matt was scared so she patted his back and said "Don't worry Matt he won't ever get to you we will make sure of it!" said Annie and Matt forced a smile.

"So now what do we do?" asked Annie "Since Maddie's father is him and we can't just ignore Maddie she's our friend and i doubt that she knows her Father is evil" said Annie as she turned her attention back to Curtis

"Well i have already thought of a solution for that" said Curtis

"Okay what is it??" asked Annie

"Well i need to discuss it with your Parents too first" said Curtis

"Okay then let me call them" said Annie as she went upstairs to wake up her parents because they had already gone to bed.

Meanwhile in the Wolf Mansion

"Maddison what happened today??" asked Azazel as he was in his usual pose on his executive chair.

"Well Nothing much Father i woke up at 7:30 i ate scrambled eggs for breakfast and then i went to exercise at 9pm and then...."

"Maddison do you take me for a fool i mean what a happened when you and Annie were on your way here" he said

"Oh that well Father on the way here we were ambushed by some strange men and i doubt they were human, they had red eyes" said Maddie as she explained

"And they caused the car to crash and that knocked out the driver, me and Annie tried to hold them off and we managed to, but they suddenly retreated" said Maddie

Azazel was listening quietly to his daughter's explanation to test her loyalty, those men were his men and they reported to him that there were 3 children but so far in Maddie's explanation she only mentioned she and Annie was she covering up for someone?? and according to him men the third child that happened to be a boy was as strong as them, and he managed to hit one of them, so why then was that left out of Maddie's explanation??

"Maddison is that all that Happened??" asked Azazel

Maddie gulped and said "Yes Father that is all"

"Alright then" he said "If that is how you want to play it" he said to himself.

"Maddison i assume you are very curious about why exactly i asked you to Befriend that girl?" asked Azazel

And Maddie nodded, she was indeed curious of why exactly he asked her to friend Annie, but at the same time she was scared, her Mother wasn't there and it was only her and her Father in that room, she felt like she would get her answer but at a higher cost.

"Well Maddison it all starts with a story of a Little Wizard he was a happy boy always wanted to make his parents happy, but whatever he did never made them proud of him, instead would praise other children, one especially named Abraham, well this young boy continued to be the best and top his classes in magic, potionry, spell writing and combat, but whatever he didn't was never enough for him to get the Love of his parents.

This young wizard grew from a boy to a teenager, he still wanted to please his parents and did whatever they told him knowing fully well that they would never want him but he still tried, this young boy only had one friend who loved him the way he was and his named was Abraham, yes the same Abraham that was always the best in class and he was always runner up to

Their friendship had no bounds, they were as close as brothers, until one day, they both got accepted into the best Magic university in the whole of witch world, they both studied hard to be the best they eventually graduated and were sent to the human world as guardians of the witch gate.

Until one day, the young boy now a man was in the spells lab and tried to find a way to enhance his magic, but accidentally used dark magic that was forbidden and the High Council heard of this, the young man didn't want to get caught but in the process he implicated his best friend and he was sent out of the country.

The young man felt bad but he wanted more power and dark magic gave him just that, so he kept on using dark magic, until one day the dark magic spoke to him saying "You have been taking freely from us, but now we need something in return"