
They all walked and followed behind Stella as they entered into the High Council Palace.

As soon as they walked in there was a man waiting for Stella and Annie recognized him in a second "Mr. Adrian Hi!! it's nice to meet you again!!" she said as she greeted him with a smile.

The man noticed her and turned to look at her and replied with a smile "Long time no see Annie how are you?" " I am good and how are you?" she asked with a smile

"I am good too" said Adrian and his eyes moved to the people that were following her.

"Oh Mr. Adrian these are my friends Matt and Maddie, and that guy over there is Curtis" said Annie as she explained, Maddie and Matt greeted Adrian and he replied with a smile and a nod

"Vice Chancellor Stella please allow me to show our guests to their rooms" said Adrian

"Oh don't worry Adrian let me do it these are my special guests you can take the day off" said Stella

"Okay Vice Chancellor" said Adrian as he bowed his head and left.

"Follow me" said Stella as she kept on walking

The Palace had very wide halls and the floors were marble, the walls were painted pure white.

"This Hallway leads to the meeting rooms for when there are official meetings and all" said Stella as she pointed in the direction as she was giving them a tour, then she turned to the left and they walked even deeper.

Maddie, Annie and Matt saw different paintings Stella said that they were paintings of the past and History of what happened.

They walked even deeper when Stella said "This is the middle of the Palace and this is where all the rooms are" she said as she pointed to the many doors that were there.

Stella opened the second door on the right, it was a very big room there was a double bed there and the Curtains were opened and it let sunlight enter the room, there was also a bathroom in the room.

"Annie this is your room" said Stella, Annie couldn't believe this, the room was bigger than the one she had at home and she didn't know if she could stay in here all by herself, Stella noticed her uneasiness and said

"So girls do you want to share the same room or have different room??"

Annie was dumbfounded how did she know?? The Idea of sharing a room with Maddie made Annie feel ecstatic she had never shared a room with anyone before since she was an only child.

"Oooh it sounds so cool to share a room, i have never shared a room with anyone before" said Maddie without thinking

"Hmm really i thought you grew up in an Orphanage??" asked Stella suspiciously

"Yes i did but it was a very nice Orphanage we all had our separate rooms" said Maddie as she realized her mistake

"Oh is that so??" asked Stella still i suspicion

"Haha yes it is" nodded Maddie

"So what do you say Annie do you want to share a room with me??" asked Maddie in a happy tone.

"Of course i will!!!" said Annie in a happy tone.

"Haha so girls do you want bunk beds or double beds??" asked Stella

"Double beds please" said Maddie and Annie in a chorus

"Okay!" said Stella and in a snap of her fingers the one bed in the room became two.

"Oooh so cool" said Annie

"Awesome!" said Maddie

"Okay now let's go to the next room" she said and she opened the door of the room right next to the girl's rooms

"This is your room Matt" said Stella

The room was the same as the other one but had a different colour.

"Okay Thank you!!" said Matt

Curtis finally spoke and said "Since i am not human there is no need for me to have a separate room so me and Matt will share the room" said Curtis

"Okay i am fine with that" said Matt

"Okay now i will leave you all to get settled Adrian will call you for dinner soon" said Stella as she snapped her fingers and a bunk bed appeared in Matt's room.

"Okay see you later Aunt Stella" said all of them in a chorus

"Why is there a bunk bed here??" asked Matt

"Stella must have changed it to one" said Curtis

"Awww in that case i call top bunk" said Matt and Curtis didn't say anything

Author's Interception

Hello my beautiful readers i just wanted to check up on you and ask how your Christmas was?

And also Annie Grey had just reached it's 100th Chapter!!Yayyyyyyyyyyy i just want to say thank you to all my wonderful readers and that the best it yet to come!!