He's Back

Morning came and the light from the bright shining sun entered the room and shone on Annie's eyes and she woke up.

"Yawn!!" said Annie as she stretched out of bed, she looked over to Maddie's bed and saw that Maddie was still sleeping.

"Good Morning Maddie!!" said Annie as she jumped out of bed and went to Maddie's bed

Maddie grunted and moved around her bed and opened her eyes

"Good Morning Annie!!" said Maddie as she sighed

"Ooh so how was your night??" asked Annie as she noticed that Maddie looked a bit tired like she was sleep deprived.

Maddie's mind immediately went to that realistic dream she had last night, she knew it was real but she couldn't tell anyone, how could she?

"Oh Umm it was good and how was yours" said Maddie as she tried to change the subject.

"Hmm are you sure Maddie you look very tired?" said Annie in a concerned tone

"Haha yes i am sure, i just had a bad dream" said Maddie as she tried to make Annie less worried.

"Really?? what was it about??" asked Annie

"Umm Haha nothing much just that Evie spilled my secret" said Maddie as she laughed.

"Oh umm okay i doubt that would happen since Evie gave us her word but sure! Anyway time for breakfast so get out of bed!!" said Annie

Maddie smiled and got out of bed.

"Like i always say a good breakfast is the cure for a bad dream!!" said Annie as she smiled.

"Haha since when did you say that??" asked Maddie as she went to the bathroom to brush her teeth.

"Well since now" said Annie and the girls burst into laughter.

"Good Morning Aunt Stella!! Everyone" said Annie as she and Maddie were the last ones to come down for Breakfast, the rest were already there.

"Ooh Good Morning Annie and Maddie!!" said Stella as she greeted them back

"Good Morning Everyone!" said Maddie and the rest said "Good Morning!" back to them.

Stella did not have any meetings today so she was free and decided to come and have breakfast with everyone.

"Maddie you look a bit tired did you not sleep well??" asked Stella as she was observant

"Oh Umm it's nothing Aunt Stella i am just tired that's all" said Maddie as she smiled

"Oh okay Dear" said Stella

Curtis looked at Maddie and Maddie noticed that he was looking at her, it was as if he knew the truth and was staring into her soul.

Breakfast was lively as usual and this time Annie volunteered to help Evie feed Noey so she sat next to him to feed him his eggs.

During Breakfast, Adrian came into the dining area to tell Stella that someone was looking for her, but the person didn't wait for Adrian to finish, they just entered the dining room without notice and bowed in front of Stella.

Annie looked closer and saw that the person was a woman, she was wearing a black cloak and her cloak hood was on her head, so she couldn't see her face.

The Lady said "Good Morning Vice Chancellor sorry for barging in"

"You may rise" said Stella, and the woman rose, she seemed panicky

"Thank you!" said The woman

"Now tell me what is the matter?" asked Stella

The woman looked around and faced Stella "It's okay you can say it here" said Stella

The woman hesitated but she went closer to Stella and whispered in her ear "Ma'am it's Azazel,... He's back he passed through the Witch Gate"

"WHAT!!" said Stella as she jumped off her chair and looked shocked.

"Aunt Stella what happened??" asked Annie and everyone else when they saw Stella shocked

"Oh sorry everyone it's nothing it's just official business" she said as she forced a smile.

"Just excuse me, everyone continue with breakfast" she said as she smiled and stepped out of the dining room with the woman behind her.

When Stella knew that they were out of ear's reach she closed the door and said

"How many Casualties are there??"

The woman looked down and said "20 deaths no casualties"

"*sigh* Azazel really is something" said Stella as she put her hand on her head

"Ma'am it wasn't actually Azazel, Agent R sent me some messages minutes before he passed away too, he said that they were attacked by Vampires" said the woman

All Stella could do was to sigh "Okay Thank you, you may go now i will talk to Curtis about the rest" said Stella

"Yes Vice Chancellor, Goodbye" said the Lady and with that she left.

Meanwhile in the dining room, everyone was still wondering what was so serious that it made the always calm Stella shout when Curtis spoke up and said

"Attention everyone" and everyone payed attention to him.

"I have to go to the werewolf Kingdom to get some information" he said "Lisa and John, both of you will come with me, we can't take Annie out of the Palace since it's too risky" said Curtis

"Okay" said Mr. and Mrs. Grey

"Aww so how long will you guys be gone??" asked Annie as she was sad.

"We should be back in 3 days" said Curtis

"3 days? that's too long can't you use magic to get there??" asked Annie

"Well no we can't, the Werewolf law states that no Witch/Wizard is allowed to use magic in their borders for certain reason, so we can only get to the gate with Magic but once we cross we have to get to the Palace by carriage" said Curtis

"Oooh sounds like an Adventure!" said Annie and Maddie nodded

"Haha Sorry for the interruption i just had to attend to a serious matter" said Stella as she looked at Curtis

"Curtis after Breakfast come see me in the meeting room" said Stella as she left the dining room

After Breakfast Curtis went to the meeting room and closed the door.

"Curtis Azazel is here. he's in the Witch world" said Stella

But Curtis didn't seem surprised.

"Wait you knew already?" asked Stella

"*sigh* Yes i knew i felt his presence yesterday night, and i wanted to tell you after breakfast" said Curtis as he sat down.

"And also me, Lisa and John are going to the Werewolf realm" said Curtis

"What no you cannot go to the Werewolf realm, no not at this time, not with what is on ground here" said Stella as she argued her point.

"Yes i can, and i will, and besides when i feel Azazel's presence it doesn't seem like he's here to hurt i don't know what he is playing at but Annie is safe for now and if she isn't i will come back as fast as i can" said Curtis

"*sigh* Okay then Goodluck, you may leave now" said Stella and Curtis got up and left the room.

"*sigh when is this all going to end?" asked Stella to herself as she was lost in deep thought.

Author Interception

Helloooo my beautiful readers once again!!! Can you all believe that it's already the New year??!!

I just want to say Thank you to all my beautiful dedicated readers that have read Annie Grey through out the year and i wish you all the best and a Happy New Year!!!.