Their Safety

"Aunt Bella you give the best presents" said Evie and Kaylee nodded in agreement with her.

"Ahh I know hehe" said Bella

"Hello Everyone" said Aunt Stella as she entered the room

"Hii, Aunt Stella" said Annie and Maddie

"Oooh Stella, Long time no see" said Bella

"Oh my, Bella when did you arrive?" asked Stella

"Just a few minutes ago" she replied

"Ahh my Dear, come give me a hug" said Stella

"So how are your parents? and how are you?" asked Stella

"Ahh, Stella they are fine, and I am fine, how are you?" asked Bella as she broke the hug

"My Dear I am as good as anyone in my position could be" she replied

"Stella, as long as you are good and taking care of yourself" said Bella

"Oh Thank you My Dear" said Stella

"Ahh Yes Lucinda, there is something that needs your urgent attention, please meet me in my office" said Stella

"Okay Stella I will be there soon" said Lucinda

"Good, Bye Bye everyone" said Stella and all the children bade her goodbye

"Ahh Belle I have to go now, will you watch over the children?" asked Lucinda

"Sure Luc anytime, it's not even watching it's more like hanging out!" said Bella and Lucinda laughed at her reply and said

"Bye Children behave"

"Ahh Mom we always behave" replied Evie

"Bye Aunt Luc" said Maddie and Annie

Meanwhile in Stella's office

Everyone was quiet but not in a good way, Curtis, Mrs. Grey, Mr. Grey and Lucas were all sitting down waiting and there was one more person there, it was the lady that gave Stella Azazel's letter and she seemed to be jumpy.

While Everyone was waiting silently there was a knock on the door and Stella said "Come in"

Lucinda walked into the room and she sat down next to Lucas and said "Sorry I'm late everyone"

"It's no worry dear, now we can start our meeting" said Stella

Stella looked very serious now as she started talking

"Well as you all are probably curious of why this meeting was called... As for now we have only one enemy and that is Azazel, last time we already agreed that the children will not be present when he arrives here, and you all except Curtis leave today" she said

"Yes that was what we agreed on" said Curtis

"And I have no problem with that, my concern right now is that I do not trust Azazel at all, and for him to say that he wants to see me on the new moon which is in two days, is suspicious" said Stella

"So what do you suggest?" asked Mr. Grey

"I have decided to write him a letter... a letter of my terms, if he wants to come to my realm he must do so on my terms" said Stella

"Well how will you send him the letter?" asked Mrs. Grey

"Good Question, well that's where Mira comes in" replied Stella

"Mira" called Stella

"Yes my Chancellor" said Mira as she bowed down to show respect

"I need you to do something for me, I need you to go to the human realm and send Azazel my letter" she said

Mira's brown eyes went wide, she didn't seem to hide the fear on her face, she was a faithful servant but going to deliver a letter to Azazel was a death sentence, who was to say that she would return alive?

Stella sensed the fear in Mira's eyes and said "Don't worry Mira, you do not have to deliver it personally, I already enchanted the letter and all you have to do it activate the spell in the human realm"

Mira calmed down, her heart was still beating fast due to the fact of her prior shock.

Lucinda felt sorry for the girl, she was really scared of Azazel and who wouldn't be? he was known as the most brutal Witch in all of the realm

Azazel really needed to be taken care of.

"So Mira would you be able to carry out the mission?" asked Stella

"Yes my Chancellor, where you send I will go" she replied

"Good, here is the letter, you can go now" said Stella as she handed Mira the letter

"Thank you Chancellor" said Mira as she left the room and went to do her mission

"Right so are the children ready to leave?" asked Stella

"Yes Stella the children are all packed up and ready" replied Lucinda

"Good, *sigh* we are doing this for their safety... it's for their Safety" said Stella