Camp Fire

In the Carriage Matt, Annie, Maddie and the Sundew Siblings looked out the window, they did not know their destination, but what they did know for sure was that they were going in the opposite direction from which they came.

All they could see was a large, dense Forest, filled with old, green mighty trees, and it was a very beautiful sight.

After some time, the Carriage finally came to a halt.

Everyone came out of the Carriage and took all their backpacks while Lucas and Jacob along with Matt carried the heavy items like the tents and the cooler boxes. It was only fair that they did all the heavy lifting since they had Vampire strength so it was practically weightless for them.

They entered deeper and deeper into the dense forest, until they could see the Carriage no more.

"You know it's kind of creepy, If we were to get hurt here, no one would ever hear us scream" said Maddie as she talked to Annie

"Ahh why are you so negative? Nothing bad can happen to us, we literally have three strong vampires with us, and most of all we have Magiccc, so we will be fineeee, and I doubt that anything dangerous could be here" said Annie

"Okay okay, fine you are right" said Maddie

"Haha Yayyy of course I am" said Annie

"We are here" said Lucas

"Ooooh" said Everyone as they saw the area

It was a clear area surrounded by trees, and there was also a waterfall, the place just looked so serene and untouched.

"Wow Dad this place is soo cool" said Evie

"Haha yes it is, Me and your Uncle used to come here a lot when we were children like you" said Lucas

"Anyway it's time to set up our camp" said Lucas

"I can help" said John

"Okay then" said Lucas

And that was how the three men started setting up the camp and the tents.

"Hey Dad, me, Annie and Maddie are going to explore a bit, can we go?" asked Matt

"Sure, but don't go too far" said Lucas

"Okay Thank you Dad" said Matt

"Can I come along?" asked Evie

"No" said Maddie

"Aww why not?" asked Evie

"Well don't you have Aunt Belle to talk with?" asked Maddie

"Yes I do but, she is always here sooo we can all go together" said Evie

"Evie dear, do you want to help us make a fire?" asked Bella

"Oooh so cool, sure Aunt let's make a fire" said Evie

"Oooh you are lucky that Aunt needs me or else" said Evie and Maddie just stuck her tongue out at her.

Annie, Maddie and Matt explored the camp grounds, the trees were just so green and the area was just too serene, they spent their time talking as they admired the forest and by the time they returned to Camp the Tents were already set up and there was a fire.

The Sun had started setting and it looked so orange and beautiful, before long the only source of light in the camp was the fire that Bella and Evie had kindled.

"Oooh let's play a game" said Bella as everyone sat on wooden logs around the fire.

While Lucas, John and Jacob made smores for everyone.

"Ooooh okay Aunt what kind of game is it?" asked Evie as she handed her Dad some chocolates

"Well my dear it's a game of secrets" said Bella

"You have to tell everyone one secret, the person with the juiciest secret gets extra smores hehe" said Bella as she smiled

"Oooh okay" said Kaylee

"So who wants to go first?" asked Bella

"Okay I will" said Levi

"Oooh okay go on Levi" said Bella

"Umm well you guys remember that time that dad's tablet went missing?" asked Levi

"Yesss" said the Sundew children

"Umm well actually it didn't go missing, me, Mark and Frankie were playing with it and it accidentally fell into the kitchen sink and got wet" said Levi

"Ooooh juicy secret" said Bella

"What now?? I was looking for that tablet and when I asked if any of you knew what happened you said that you had not even seen it" said Lucas

"Ahh sorry dad" said Levi as he laughed

"Well what happened to the tablet?" asked Lucas

"Umm well we got rid of the evidence and threw it in the garbage" said Levi

"My gosh I cannot believe this" said Lucas

"Haha relax Luke, you cannot cry over spilt milk" said Bella as she laughed.

The next person to share a secret was Kaylee, followed by Evie Ellie, Cellie and Matt

"Wow wow my babies, who knew you were not as innocent as you look??" asked Bella as she laughed.

"Haha Aunt, we are still innocent" said Evie

"Mhmmm I doubt that" said Lucinda

"Okay my turn" said Annie as she laughed

"Oh okay then" said Bella

"Well Maddie, do you remember that time back in Sunset Village where your hair just got messed up with no reason in school when you were talking to me and Matt?" asked Annie as she laughed

"Yes" answered Maddie suspiciously

"Well that was me... I used magic to mess you hair up, to get you to leave me and Matt alone." laughed Annie

"Wow what?? so much for being the good guy" said Maddie and everyone else laughed.

"Wow what a secret" laughed Bella

"Well enough of the secret sharing, the smores are ready" said Lucas

"Ahhh Thank you, our big strong men" laughed Lucinda

The smores were chewy and delicious they ate them as they shared more secrets as they ate, until Bella smiled and said

"Well that was delicious,"

"Let's Dance" said Bella as she said a spell and drums started playing, Bella pulled Lisa and Lucinda and they started dancing, the children also joined in, leaving the men sitting and watching from the sidelines.

"Back in the day me and Lucy were the best dancers" said Bella

"Haha Aunt" said Evie

They were giggling and dancing even though a certain boy named Matt was a stiff as a board.

"Look at them over there, enjoying their lives" said Lucas as he smiled at the happy faces

"Haha Yes, I could not dance even if my life depended on it, but Lisa on the other hand dances way better than me" said Mr. Grey

"Haha same here, but I can at least bust a move or two" said Lucas

"Ahh our wives really are something" said Lucas

"Haha yes they are" said Mr. Grey

"Hey so how does it feel to be married anyway?" asked Jake as he looked at the children that were dancing along with Bella

"Ahh it's the most wonderful thing" said Lucas

"It's seen the person you love most in the morning when you wake up and in the evening when you go to sleep" said John

"It's also fighting when you do not see eye to eye, but making up because you cannot stay angry at each other for long" said Lucas as he smiled

"It's having little versions of the both of you and growing old together" said John

"Even though it can be hard sometimes, it's always nice to know that someone always has your back no matter what" said Lucas as he looked at Lucinda lovingly

"Haha look at us talking about our wives so adoringly.. they must never know about this" said John as he laughed

"Yes yes so true" said Lucas as he laughed too

Meanwhile Jacob seemed to be lost in thought and his eyes kept following the swift movements of a certain someone.