
While Sapiens was busy in his office, he had no idea that an army was on their way to meet him.

The Sundew siblings (all except for Noey, who was taking a nap), were walking through the Palace halls to their Grandfather's office.

Evie gathered all her siblings one by one, Levi was just chilling in his room when Evie came knocking saying that they had to fight for Annie, if not that Matt was there and agreed with Evie, Levi would have just ignored her and went back to doing what he was doing.

It didn't even take long for Evie to gather the girls, all she had to do was mention Annie's name and they all came running, even the usually quiet Celeste had a determined look on her face, why was their Grandfather being mean to their sweet Annie??

Evie was of course leading the troop and she was right in the front of it all, she knocked on the door and waited for a reply.

"Come in" said Sapiens as he heard a knock on his office door.

"Hello Grandfather" said Evie as she smiled sweetly as she peeked her head out the door.

"Ahh Evie, come in, come in" said Sapiens as the cold serious look on his face was replaced with a smile.

"Hella Grandfather" said the other siblings

"Hello Children, what brings you all here?" asked Sapiens

"Nothing much Grandfather, we just wanted to see you and greet you" said Evie as she smiled once again

"Well it's good to see you too" said Sapiens as he smiled back.

"Ahh Grandfather, do you by any chance know our friend Annie?" asked Evie

Sapiens smile wavered a bit at the mention of Annie's name, why did that girl always have to be at the center of everything?? If Sapiens had any doubt that she was a Grey before, now this confirmed it. Grey's always the ones who bring trouble.

"Yes, I do, what about her?" asked Sapiens as his smile had dropped a bit.

"Ahh well you see Grandfather, she is our very good friend, in fact our very best friend, and also my future sister in law" said Evie but she kept that last part to herself.

"Yes so?" asked Sapiens

"Ahhh well Grandfather as she is the friend of your very precious Grandchildren, we ask that you treat her like you would treat us" said Evie

She never said directly that Sapiens was being unfair to Annie, all she asked was that he treat her like he would treat them, this was of asking was neither disrespectful or rude, it was just perfect!

"Is that all you want?" asked Sapiens

"Yes" said all the children in a chorus

"So will you Grandfather??" asked Evie as she looked as Sapiens and the twins were looking at him with expectant eyes.

"Fine, I will" said Sapiens

"Yayyyy" said the children

"Thank you Grandfather" said Evie

"You are welcome" said Sapiens

"Ahhhh yesss, Grandfather, one more thing, can you also add Maddie to the list of people you should treat like us?" asked Evie as she just remembered Maddie existed.

"Who's Maddie??" Sapiens had never heard of someone called Maddie, his grandchildren were just out to stress him today.

"No problem" said Sapiens as he smiled.

"Ahh Thank you Grandfather" said Evie as she ran to his side and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"You are the best" she said.

Sapiens smiled, no one had ever said that he was the best before.

"You are welcome" he said as he smiled back.

"Well Byeee Grandfather, that's all we wanted to say, see you later" said Evie as she waved

"Bye Children" said Sapiens as he waved back.

The smile on his face vanished as soon as they stepped out of the room.

"You reported me to my Grandchildren, I will pay you back" said Sapiens to himself, he really was being unreasonable.


"Uncle Captious" said Annie as they had finished their potions lesson for the morning.

"What is it Annie?" asked Captious as he was picking up a vial from the floor, they were cleaning up after they had made a mess with potions, they would have as well used magic to clean everything up, but Captious didn't want Annie to get lazy and rely on using magic all the time.

"Can I ask you a question?" asked Annie as she took a mop and cleaned up a brown liquid on the floor.

"Sure, you can" said Captious

"Okay, do you know Professor Sapiens?" asked Annie

"Sapiens? Of course I do, we have been colleagues in the High Council for a long time, in fact, me, Sapiens, Stella and along with your Grandparents all went to the same university" said Captious

"Oh, then you all must have been be very close" said Annie as she dropped the mop in a bucker nearby.

"Yes, we were, but Sapiens was never really chummy with anyone, except for Alice, your grandmother" said Captious as he put the vials in his hand into a box.

"Ahhh, I see" said Annie

"Yes" said Captious

"Why do you ask?" asked Captious

"Ahh well it's nothing Uncle, I was just curious that's all" said Annie as she laughed

"I see" said Captious

"Yes, speaking of curiosity, where is Adrian? I haven't seen him for a while" said Annie

"Ahh well I also have no idea where he is, maybe you should ask Stella" said Captious as it was not in his place to divulge sensitive information like that to Annie.

"Oh okay, I will, Thank you Uncle" said Annie as she smiled

"You are welcome Annie" said Captious as they had finally finished cleaning up the lab.

"Ahhh well Uncle I have to go now, I have a lesson with Professor Sapiens ,and I cannot be late" said Annie

"Don't worry, I understand, you can go" said Captious

"Thank you Uncle" said Annie as she smiled

"Your welcome" said Captious as she left the room.


"Come in" said Sapiens as he heard a knock on the door.

"Good Morning Professor" said Annie as she made sure to be early today, in order to escape his wrath, but little did she know that no matter what she did he would still treat her unfairly.

"Mhmm" said Sapiens as he did not even acknowledge her greeting.

"Miss Grey, tell me, have I ever oppressed you?" asked Sapiens

"No" said Annie while in reality what she wanted to say was "Yes, very much so"

"Then tell me why my grandchildren came to my office asking for me to treat you better?" asked Sapiens

"They did what now??" asked Annie as she could not control herself, didn't she tell Matt to stay out of it, and that it was not that serious, my gosh what have they done??

"Yes, they did not tell me if I was being unfair?" asked Sapiens

"No Professor, I never asked them to do such, they just acted out of their own accord" said Annie

"Really?? well then we better start our lesson" said Sapiens with a smile that creeped out Annie.

"Okay Professor??" said Annie

Meanwhile later in the day.

"Ahhhh I am so tired once again" said Annie as she plopped on her bed like she did yesterday.

"Oh let me guess, it's Professor Sapiens once again right?" asked Maddie

"What do you think?" asked Annie

"Well what did he do this time?" asked Maddie

"Ahh well today was worse than the last, he made me repeat a spell that I already casted the first time successfully 3 times, I think that has to be because Evie, Matt and the rest of their siblings told him to be nice to me" said Annie as she face-palmed.

"They did what??" asked Maddie in disbelief but she could not hold back her laughter.

"I am telling you, I was also shocked, and he thought that I complained about him to them" said Annie

"That must have been so awkward" said Maddie as she laughed

"I tell you, I wished that the ground would open and swallow me up" said Annie

"And that wasn't even the worst part, he kept on mentioning my Grandma's name for some odd reason" said Annie

"You know what at this point you should just tell Aunt Stella" said Maddie as she calmed her laughter.

"No, that would make things worse, I will handle it myself" said Annie

"Really?? well Okay if you say so" said Maddie

"Yes, and I do say so, now if you would excuse me, I need to go talk to a certain someone" said Annie as she got off her bed.

"Haha Okay, see you" said Maddie

"Come in" said Evie as she heard a knock on the door.

"Ahh Annie, hiiii, how are you?" asked Evie as she eyes lit up when she saw Annie.

"Not good Evie" replied Annie

"What?? why?? what happened are you okay??" asked Evie worriedly

"No I am not okay, not after what you and your siblings did" said Annie

"I told Matt not to interfere, and you guys should not have" said Annie

"Ahhh, about that, Annie I'm sorry, we just thought that it was best fi we helped you" said Evie

"I know that you meant well, but next time ask me first before you all go do something like that" said Annie

"Yes I will, I promise, so are you still angry at us?" asked Evie

"No I am not" said Annie

"Yayyyyyyyyyy" said Evie as she smiled

"So did Grandfather treat you better??" asked Evie

"Ahhh well he did" said Annie as she laughed sheepishly.

"Haha Yayyyyyy, I knew it would work" said Evie as she smiled, but little did she know that it was far from the truth.