Don't spoil my children

"Stop eating those cookies Luke" said Lucinda as she walked into their room and she saw Lucas sitting on their bed while eating a plate of cookies.

"At this rate you will become fat before Noey turns 6" she said

"If I become fat, you would still love me, so I am not worries about that" replied Lucas

"I cannot believe you right now" said Lucinda

"What's so good about those cookies?" asked Lucinda

"Anyway John and Lisa are here" said Lucinda

"Ahh finally some good company" said Lucas

"What do you mean?" asked Lucinda

"Well I have been very bored here, your mother is nice and all but she and I are not close and your father...we both know about your father, he doesn't even acknowledge me, and I do not hate it, as long as we are not fighting" said Lucas

"Aww Luke, is that why you are eating so many cookies?" asked Lucinda

"No, I want to get fat" said Lucas plainly and Lucinda threw a pillow at him, which he caught easily.

"I cannot believe you" said Lucinda as she could not hold back her laughter.

'But it's true, my father is complaining, he says that I should be as fat as him, and only when I am like that, have I been living well" said Lucas

"Well your father is already old, you are not old" said Lucinda

"Mhmm" said Lucas as he gave her a kiss on the cheek.

Meanwhile in another part of the house.

"Phew, I haven't seen him yet" said Annie

"Oh relax, I was right, see he's so busy that he can't be here all the time" said Maddie as she and Annie were in their room settling in.

"Right... but what about today at dinner time, I will surely see him there" said Annie as she panicked.

"Relax, even if he does come to dinner, there are too many witnesses, including Aunt Luc, and your parents and almost everyone, so I doubt that he would cause a scene" said Maddie

"So you are safe as long as you don't cross path with him, when no one else is there" said Maddie

"Ahh, why are you so smart?" asked Annie

"Because I'm Maddie Wolf" said Maddie proudly

"Haha of course" said Annie as she laughed.

Dinner was lively, Elora loved having more people in the house, everyone was discussing and laughing while Sapiens remained quiet and ate in silence, before long it was bedtime and everyone made their way to their rooms.

Meanwhile in Elora and Sapiens room

Elora and Sapiens hadn't spoken in a while, Sapiens was usually used to her silence, but this time around, it made him uneasy and he didn't know why.

"Goodnight Elora" said Sapiens as he got into bed.

"Mhmm Goodnight Sapiens" said Elora as she turned to the side and closed her eyes, she did not have the energy to deal with him right now.

The next day, everyone had eaten, and Elora was in her office, she had some preparations to do.

"Madam Elora, should we start decorating the garden?" asked Sophie

"Yes Sophie, that's a good idea, the earlier the better" said Elora

"Haha okay then, I will start immediately" said Sophie

"Thank you Sophie" said Elora as she smiled

"You are welcome Madam Elora" said Sophie as she smiled back and left the room.

Meanwhile in Sapiens Office

"Professor you called for me" said Chris as he entered Sapiens office.

"Yes Chris, I need you to deliver this letter to the Vampire Realm for me" said Sapiens

"Professor if I may ask, is this letter official or personal?" asked Chris

"It is personal, and it should be delivered to the Vampire King immediately" said Sapiens

"Okay Professor" said Chris as he left the room, leaving Sapiens so cross off a certain point on his list.

"I will make it up to you Elora... I promise" said Sapiens to himself

Meanwhile in the Garden

"Bella?" asked Lucinda in disbelief as she walked into the garden and saw Bella who's hair was tied up into a ponytail and she was wearing plain jeans and a top.

"Lucyyyy, I missed you" said Bella as she ran and left the balloons she was blowing and hugged Lucinda

"You are here" said Lucinda

"Haha yes of course, I am, why would I miss the party?" asked Bella

"Haha of course, and what about Jacob?" asked Lucinda as she whispered that last part.

"Well I left him back in the Vampire Realm" said Bella

"My parents were getting suspicious of me staying there that long" said Bella

"I can imagine, and where is your ring?" asked Lucinda as she looked at Bella's bare fingers.

"Haha Lucy, camouflage mode" said Bella as she wriggled her fingers and her ring shone for a split second before it went back to being like nothing was on her finger.

"Ahh I see" said Lucinda as she laughed.

"So what are you doing here?" asked Lucinda

"Helping of course" said Bella

"Speaking of helping where are my cute babies?" asked Bella

"They are inside" said Lucinda as she laughed

"Speaking of your cute babies, why did you give Levi his tablet when I took it away from him?" asked Lucinda as she suddenly remembered.

"Sheesh I told Levi to be quiet and not tell Lucy, now I am in big trouble" said Bella to herself.

"Ahhh about that Lucy.. you see Levi was bored and he was being a very good boy so I thought to give him back his tablet" said Bella as she smiled sheepishly.

"Well don't do that again" said Lucinda

"Don't spoil my children, my mom never spoilt you when we were growing up, and I expect you to do the same" said Lucinda.

"Yes Lucy, I will, don't be angry anymore okay??? I promise not to spoil your children, witches honor" said Bella as she crossed her hand over her heart and raised her left arm up.

"Fine, witches honor" said Lucinda

"Yayyyyy" said Bella as she hugged Lucinda excitedly.

"But tell me how did you get in the house anyway?" asked Lucinda

"Ahh well I saw Sophie outside and she let me in, besides even in Sophie wasn't outside I still would have entered, this is my house after all" said Bella

"Mhmm, no it's not your house" said Lucinda

"No but it belongs to my best friend and we practically grew up here together, so it is my house" said Bella

"Sometimes I wonder why we became friends in the first place" said Lucinda

"Well it's because-" said Bella as she was cut off.

"Lucinda who are you talking to?" asked Elora as she walked to the garden.

"Ahh Aunty El, long time no see" said Bella

"Isabella, come here girl, I haven't seen you in a long time" said Elora as she hugged Bella

"How is your mother?" asked Elora

"Ahh Aunt El, she's fine, in fact she received your invitation and she says that she cannot wait to attend" said Bella as she broke the hug.

"I cannot wait to see her too" said Elora

"And what about your father?" asked Elora

"Well he's fine and as serious as usual" said Bella as she laughed.

"Haha as expected of Professor Halerick" said Elora as she laughed.

"So tell me dear, do you have someone special?" asked Elora as she winked.

"Haha yes I do actually Aunty" said Bella as she looked down.

"Oh do tell, is it serious?" asked Elora

"Yes very serious" said Bella

"In fact Lucy knows him too" said Bella as she looked at Lucinda

"She does?? Lucinda you didn't tell me" said Elora as she looked at Lucinda

"Mother it wasn't in my place to tell" said Lucinda as she gave Bella the stink eye.

"Okay fine then" said Elora

"Does your mother know?" asked Elora

"No my parent don't know, I have not told them just yet" said Bella

"Well my girl, you should, I am sure tell them soon, they would be happy to know this" said Elora

"Ahh Aunty, if only you knew" said Bella to herself.

"Haha don't worry I will Aunty" said Bella as she smiled

"Well then let's go inside" said Elora

"Okay Aunt El" said Bella

Meanwhile in the Vampire Realm

Henry was in his office when he heard a knock on the door.

"Come in" he said and it was Jacob that entered the room.

"Father, you have a letter from Professor Sapiens" said Jacob as he walked toward Henry's desk.

"Really?" asked Henry

"Yes" said Jacob as he handed him the letter and Henry opened it and read it.

"What is it?" asked Jacob.

"Well he wants me to come see him" said Henry

"That is odd" said Jacob.

"Jacob, tell Archie to get ready to take over, you and I are going to the Witch Realm" said Henry

"Okay father" said Jacob as he bowed and left the room, he had questions that he wanted to ask, but he knew it was not the time to ask them.