Glowing Purple?




"Cadere" said Annie in her mind as she was playing with her purple pen.

Annie was sitting by the dressing table, with a notebook and a pen, she was determined to learn more spells and broaden her knowledge, she has spent way too much time on the same level, and it annoyed her, but somewhere along the line she got bored and started levitating her pen over and over again.

Every time she thought "Levitatis" her pen would float up into the air and when thought "Cadere" the pen would fall quickly back down on the table.

She had been doing this for a while now.

"If only doing other spells was as easy as this" she thought to herself.

Annie was so deep in thought that she did not realize that Maddie had entered the room.

Maddie knew that Annie was busy so she tried to be as quiet as possible when she came into the room.

"Are you done Annie?" asked Maddie as she looked over Annie's shoulder.

"Eeek" cried Annie in shock.

"Oh Maddie it's you" said Annie as she turned to look behind her, and when she saw it was Maddie she looked relived.

"Haha, sorry I scared you" said Maddie

"Haha it's fine" said Annie as she smiled.

"So what are you doing?" asked Maddie

"Well I was writing some new spells that I want to learn, and I kind of got bored so I started playing with my pen" said Annie as she smiled sheepishly.

"Ahhh I see" said Maddie

"Well then, don't let me trouble you, you can get back to what you were doing" said Maddie

"Haha Okay" said Annie

"Oooh Annie, can I borrow your potions book?" asked Maddie

"Sure you can, it's under my pillow" said Annie

"Ahhh okay Thank you" said Maddie as she smiled.

"You are welcome" said Annie as she smiled back and turned back to her notebook.

Annie picked up her pen and began to write, she was copying out a spell from a piece of paper into her notebook, which of course was also purple.

Maddie took the book from under Annie's pillow, and she climbed onto her own bed, as she rested her back against the headboard, as she opened the book and began to read in her head.

The room was very quiet, only sounds of breathing and Annie scribbling could be heard.

"I should also copy out that spell Aunt Stella wrote for me to practice" thought Annie to herself.

"hanc gratiam incantatores donec potes dicere" she said in her head as she wrote down the words one by one, as she sounded them out in her head.

"Done!" she said to herself as she finished copying them down.

"* Gasp* Annie you are glowing" said Maddie as she looked up from her book.

"I'm what?" asked Annie as she thought Maddie was saying something else.

"You are glowing purple" said Maddie

"What?? what are you saying?" asked Annie as she looked down to look at herself then she got scared.

"What, I am actually glowing Purple" said Annie in disbelief as she looked at her now purple hands.

"What did you do??" asked Maddie

"I don't know???? let me call Curtis, he should know what's wrong with me" said Annie as she panicked, it wasn't normal for a human girl to be glowing purple... okay she wasn't a human she was a witch, but still, she didn't see Aunt Stella glowing purple anyhow.

"Umm Curtis, Curtis" called Annie out loud, as she stood up from her seat.

"What is it Annie?" came the immediate response of Curtis as he heard how panicked she sounded.

"I am glowing Purple Curtis... is that normal??" asked Annie

"Umm No it's not normal to be glowing purple" replied Curtis

"Oh gosh, then what the heck is wrong with me??" asked Annie

Maddie walked over to Annie and poked her to make sure she was alright, and she was, it was only her skin that was glowing bright purple, Maddie had never seen anything like that before.

"Annie relax and calm down, what were you doing before you turned purple?" asked Curtis

"Well nothing, I was just copying a spell into my notebook, before Maddie said I starting glowing purple" said Annie

"Wait, which spell were you copying?" asked Curtis.

"Umm the hanc gratiam spell?" asked Annie

"Did you say it out loud?" asked Curtis

"No I didn't, I said it in my mind" said Annie

"So that's what happened" said Curtis

"What happened??" asked Annie

"Well you must have casted the hanc gratiam spell correctly and hence why yo turned purple for some odd reason" said Curtis

"What??" said Annie as she could not believe it.

"What happened??" asked Maddie as all this time she was just there staring at Annie who was talking to Curtis in her mind.

"Well Curtis says that I turned purple because I was finally able to cast the hanc gratiam spell correctly" said Annie

"Really?? well that's great, but last time I checked, I don't remember that spell turning people purple" said Maddie

"Yes, that is true, Curtis why did I turn purple??" asked Annie

"Well Annie, witches are different, and this spell can act different with different witches, and it choose to turn you purple" said Curtis

"Gosh" said Annie

"What did he say?" asked Maddie

"Well Curtis said that witches are all different and so the spell acts differently with other witches, and hence why I am purple" said Annie

"Oh that makes sense" said Maddie

"So how am I supposed to turn back to normal?" asked Annie

"Well soon, maybe in the next five minutes or so" said Curtis

"Ugh, can't I cast another spell to speeded the process up, or even stop it?" asked Annie

"No you cannot" sad Curtis

"Well okay then, at least it's not permanent, Thank you Curtis" said Annie

"You are welcome" said Curtis as he disconnected from Annie.

"Well he says that I cannot do anything, but sit and wait for the spell to wear off" said Annie as she sat back down.

"Ahhh phew, for a second there I thought something was wrong with you" said Maddie as she laughed

"Haha same here, I was so scared" said Annie as she laughed too, she looked very weird in purple.

"I love the colour purple and all, but having purple skin is where I draw the line" said Annie as she laughed.

"Hhaha, of course, you are the purple queen, almost everything you own is purple" said Maddie

"Yes, and I would like to keep my purple loving, for objects and not for my skin" said Annie as she laughed.

"Hahah, and also congratulations you finally did the hanc gratiam spell" said Maddie as she smiled.

"Yayyyyyyyy, Thank you Maddie" said Annie as she laughed.

"Well now you should be able to do spells easier" said Maddie

"Yes, I should" said Annie

"Oooh then try a spell on me" said Maddie

"Really?? the which one?" asked Annie

"Choose a spell that you really like, and find easy to do" said Maddie

"Ahhh okay then, I will cast my levitatis spell on you" said Annie as she smiled.

"Okay then" said Maddie as she smiled back.

"Levitatis" said Annie as she did not close her eyes, or say the spell out, all she did was focus on Maddie, and wait.

"Woahhhh" said Maddie as she slowly started floating in the air.

"Hahaha I did it!!!!!!!" said Annie as she jubilated.

"Haha Yayyyyy" said Maddie as she smiled.

"You know this reminds me of the day when you and I fought in the girls bathroom and you used this same spell on me" said Maddie as she laughed.

"Oh yes, I remember that day too, especially since it was the day Matt found out that we were both witches" said Annie as she laughed.

"I was stuck up there, for such a long time, until I had to call Anthony to come help me" said Maddie as she laughed

"Wow really??" said Annie as she smiled.

"Hahaa yes" said Maddie as she touched her chest.

"What why is it not working?" she asked herself.

"Cadere" said Maddie out loud as she touched her chest, to make herself fall down.

"It's not working" said Maddie

"Huh? how come you should be able to undo the spell too" said Annie

"Well I cannot" said Maddie

"Weird" she said.

"Cadere" said Annie and this time it worked and Maddie came dropping down, but luckily for her, she was right above her bed when she fell, so she had a soft landing.

"Okay another thing to note today, I don't think anyone else can undo your spells except for you" said Maddie as she thought.

"That is very weird, but you said before that Anthony helped you get down, that means he can undo my spells" said Annie

"It must be because, that was then, but now you are stronger, and if you cast a very powerful spell, I doubt anyone would be able to undo it except you undo it yourself" said Maddie

"Well I have to ask Curtis about this" said Annie as she also thought deeply.

"But anyway, it means that you are making progress" said Maddie as she changed the subject and smiled, as she picked up the potions book she was reading.

"Haha yes yesssss, everything will be so much easier now" said Annie as she smiled.

"Oooh yayyyyyy, very soon you will be able to do spell like this" said Maddie as she snapped her fingers and the book she was holding in her hand suddenly duplicated and made an exact copy.

"Awww what, that's so cool, how did you do that?" asked Annie

"Haha it's a duplication spell" said Maddie as she laughed.

"Wow it looks exactly the same" said Annie as she walked over to where Maddie was and she wanted to touch the copy and it suddenly disappeared like it was never there.

"What?? why did it disappear?" asked Annie

"Haha well it was only a level 1 spell, so all it could do was make an exact "Not real" copy, it would disappear as soon as someone else, other than you touched the copy" explained Maddie

"Ooooh, that is so cool" said Annie with stars in her eyes, she wanted to learn how to do this spell, and fast.

"Haha yes it is, speaking of which it gives me a great idea for a prank" said Maddie as she smiled.

"Ahh well you and your best buddy Evie, can go to your prank, just please show me how to do the spell" said Annie

"Haha okay, it's just one word" said Maddie

"Duplicato" she said

"That's it?" asked Annie

"Haha yes, just focus on what you want to duplicate and viola it's duplicated" said Maddie

"Haha okay Thank you Maddie" said Annie

"Well you are welcome, anyway if you would kindly excuse me, I must go in search of an Evie Sundew" said Maddie

"Haha, you may be excused" said Annie as she laughed

"Haha Thank you, see you later" said Maddie

"See you" said Annie as Maddie left and closed the room door behind her.

"Curtis can you come over here?" asked Annie out loud as she was alone.

"Sure, I will be there soon" came the quick reply of Curtis.

"So what is it?" asked Curtis after he arrived in 2 minutes.

"Well earlier, I did a Levitis spell on Maddie, and she could not undo it, I had to undo the spell I made" said Annie

"And I am confused how is that so??" she asked

"So Maddie came up with a theory that only I can undo the spells that I cast" said Annie

"I see" said Curtis as he seemed to be thinking.

"Well then try the Levitatis spell on this pen and let me try to undo it" said Curtis

"Okay" said Annie as she looked at the pen on the table and almost instantly it began to levitate.

It did not take Curtis even a second to undo the spell.

"Hmm weird" said Annie

"Maddie was not able to undo it, but you were" said Annie

"Hmm" said Curtis as he thought of something.

"Okay, come cast a spell on this... paper" said Curtis as he looked around the room till his eyes landed on a paper.

"Okay" so what kind of spell should I cast?" asked Annie

"Here" said Curtis as he wrote something on a piece of paper and handed it to Annie.

"Okay" said Annie

"Don't say it out loud" said Curtis

"Okay Curtis" said Annie as she looked at the words on the paper Curtis gave her and she looked at the paper on the table.

"I'm done" said Annie

"Okay then, let me do some tests on this paper, I will see you later" said Curtis as he picked up the paper and headed for the door.

"Okay see you Curtis" said Annie as she waved goodbye, she was still purple by the way.

Meanwhile in Stella's office.

"Come in" said Stella

"Stella, I need you to do something for me" said Curtis

"Okay what is it?" asked Stella and Curtis placed the piece of paper on her table.