Are you sure?

"You look troubled" came Curtis's voice as he entered Stella's office unannounced, Stella was deep in thought and she did not even notice him coming in until he spoke.

"Curtis??" asked Stella as she snapped out of her thoughts, she could not believe her eyes.

"Aren't we all these days?" came Stella's now relaxed voice as she calmed herself down, when in reality she was relieved that Curtis was finally here.

Finally someone that would give her ideas, and not bring her any more bad news, she was not sure if she could handle anymore bad news.

"True" said Curtis as he sat down.

"Curtis, Azazel he..." said Stella as she started to explain.

"I know" said Curtis as he cut her off.

"And after that, he sent witches brew potion bombs, over half the camp is poisoned" said Stella

"I know that too" said Curtis

"So what do you suggest that we do?" asked Stella, if there was one thing she knew about Curtis, it was that he always had a plan... always.

"I already handled it" said Curtis calmly

"What do you mean you handled it?? and how?" asked Stella

"Don't worry the witches that were poisoned will be well soon" said Curtis

"How?" asked Stella suspiciously.

"I found an antidote" said Curtis

"What do you mean you found and antidote?" asked Stella

"Witches brew has no cure, it can only be prevented and that is only in cases when the dosage administered is minimal, then it's spread to the rest of the body can be prevented, and even so, the witches body itself must fight against the poison, which would mean a few days of recovery" explained Stella

"In all my years, you and I both know that there is no cure for it" said Stella

"Yes you are right, but things have changed" said Curtis

"How have they changed?" asked Stella

"Well we now have a vampire witch hybrid, whose body allows Witches brew not to affect him in anyway at all" said Curtis

"So you are saying..." said Stella

"Yes, Matt is immune to witches brew, and right now Sapiens is making an antidote with his blood" said Curtis

"This is such a relief to me" said Stella as she finally sighed heavily and relaxed herself, there she was worrying her head over how she was going to help everyone recover, while the answer was right in front of her the whole time.

"But wait how did you know that?" asked Stella, sure Curtis had saved them all, but how in the world did he get to find out this information, if she did not know any better she would have been suspicious of him.

"That is not important right now" said Curtis

"We have bigger thing to deal with" said Curtis

"Like why Azazel decided to strike, and he reduced the dosage of witches brew, when he could have as well killed all of us and get his victory, it does not seem like it was a mistake to me" said Curtis

"You tell me Curtis, because I am also baffled with that, I do not know what Azazel is playing at, and it truly scares me" said Stella, Curtis was the only person (Okay book) that she could tell this too, if she told anyone else that she was scared, they would probably be scared that their leader was scared, sometimes she just needed someone who she could tell all her worries to.

"At this point I also do not know" said Curtis as he sighed.

"Azazel has changed...he has changed his way of thinking and his plans, and this makes it very hard for us to know what he is planning next" said Curtis

"But what I do know is that he is going easy on us, which means that he has an even bigger plan and he is only toying with us for now" said Curtis, if someone knew Azazel it would be him.

In fact the whole reason for his existence was because of Azazel, Abraham needed someone who would guide the next Grey's on how to be able to defeat him, but for the past thousand years now, he had not been able to do that.

"Curtis, so what you are saying is that we practically don't know what is going to happen next" said Stella

"Yes" replied Curtis honestly.

"My Chancellor you called for me" came Armand's voice as he interrupted their conversation.

"Yes Armand come in" said Stella as she turned to answer Armand.

"Thank you My Chancellor" said Armand as he bowed his head and raised it up again.

"We have taken the poisoned to the infirmary" he said

"My Chancellor I suggest that we would need to build another infirmary or either we expand the current one" said Armand

Stella sighed she did not know that it was this bad, that there was no more room for them.

"Do not worry about that Armand, they will all soon recover" said Stella

"Okay My Chancellor" said Armand as he just thought Stella was wishful dreaming of everyone's recovery.

"But for now I need you to do something very important" said Stella

"What is it My Chancellor?" asked Armand

"You and those who were not affected should work towards remaking our barrier, and this time make it stronger, we cannot afford another attack like this" said Stella

"Yes My Chancellor" said Armand.

"You may go now" said Stella

"Thank you My Chancellor" said Armand as he turned to go on his way, but his eyes landed on Curtis and he did not look away, he seemed to be analyzing something, but it was only for a brief moment, before he went on his way.

"He's new, I do not remember seeing him before" said Curtis as soon as he was sure that Armand was out of ear's reach.

"He might be new, but he is good" said Stella

"Hmm I am sure of it" said Curtis

"What do you mean?" asked Stella

"It's nothing, let me go check on Sapiens the faster he makes the antidote the better" said Curtis

"Okay then" said Stella as Curtis stood up and he walked away.


"Matt are you sure that you are okay?" asked Annie as she was worried.

Sapiens had just finished taking the fifth batch of Matt's blood, and he looked weak.

"I am perfectly fine" said Matt as he attempted to stand up, but his feet wobbled and he would have fell right down to the ground if not for Annie and Maddie coming to support him by his sides.

"I just feel a bit light headed" he said as he was still woozy.

"You are very heavy" said Maddie as she and Annie guided him to sit down.

"I knew that was too much blood" said Annie as she and Maddie sat Matt down.

"Annie relax, if there is a way for me to help people, then I will help them as much as I can" said Matt as he closed his eyes for a second, he was feeling very dizzy, but he knew that if he told Annie that, she would continue to scold him.

"Besides that was not too much blood, I told Grandfather that he could take more, but he refused he said that it was enough" said Matt

"Good he said that, just look at you, you look so pale" said Maddie as she handed him a glass of water.

"Okay okay, you two relax, I'm fine, it was just a little blood" said Matt, he had some bandages on his upper arm, where the needle was used to extract his blood.

"Where is Sapiens?" asked Curtis as he entered.

"He's in the lab" said Maddie

"Well you three can go now, go and relax" said Curtis

"Okay then see you Curtis" said Maddie as she was not hesitant to leave, this place smelt weird and she could not wait to get out of here.

"Matt can you walk or do you need us to carry you?" asked Maddie as she turned to look at Matt.

"Who do you take me for, of course I can walk, I'm not weak" said Matt as he stood up, his dizziness had finally subsided.

"Okay if you say so" said Maddie as she laughed and walked away.

"Annie are you coming?" asked Matt as he turned to look at Annie.

"Yes, I am just give me a minute" said Annie

"Okay" said Matt as he began to walk away.

"So Curtis how long will it take to make an antidote?" asked Annie

"Well if you leave now, I can finally start working, and we should have one by nightfall" said Curtis

"Wow okay sheesh, I get it, I'm going" said Annie

"See you" said Curtis

"Mhmm" said Annie as she pretended not to care, when actually deep down, she was happy that Curtis was back by her side again, and even thought Curtis did not show it, he was happy too.