Only way out

"Boss I have bad news seriously bad news" came the voice of one of Liam's vampires, he looked panicked and seriously disheveled.

"Relax, calm down" said Liam as he walked calmly, there he was busy playing cards with one of his boys to while away time, and then this one comes out screaming bad news like a headless chicken.

"Yes boss" said the vampire as he was hyperventilating, you would think that for a rogue he would be calm, cold and fearless, but he was actually the complete opposite, in fact he was a wimp.

"How bad is the news on a scale of 1- 10?" asked Liam as he still was not taking this seriously, instead he was still focused on his cards.

"Boss it's a solid 10, an eleven even" said the vampire as he still had a worried look on his face.

"*Sigh*" said Liam as he realized that ne needed to pay attention right now.

"Let's take five" he said to his card playing partner.

"Okay Boss" replied the vampire as he dropped his cards and walked away.

"Now you have my full attention" said Liam as he turned on his seat to face the vampire.

"What is it?" asked Liam seriously.

"Boss it's Billy he's dead" said the Vampire shakily.

Liam sighed very deeply, that kid did not know what was coming for him, and now look at him he was dead, and he had warned him but he would not listen, witches were not to be trusted, especially the ones they were with now.

"Boss, Boss sssay something" said the vampire as Liam's silence was killing him.

"When did this happen?" asked Liam as he snapped out of his thoughts

"Boss, I found him early this morning in one of the Witches tent, he looked fine, and I thought he was sleeping, but when I reached out to wake him up, his colour was gone, and he was as stiff as a board, I heard no breathing, no heartbeat no nothing" explained the Vampire as he narrated his experience of finding his comrade dead.

"That boy was too stubborn for his own good" murmured Liam under his breath.

"Boss he was so young" said the vampire.

"I know" said Liam as he bowed his head to the ground, he was really fond of that boy, regardless of if he listened to him or not.

"Let this be a lesson to you all" said Liam as he raised his head, and his earlier sadness was gone like it was never there in the first place.

"All of you must be careful, you must not tread on any of these witches toes, when they are involved I cannot save you at all" said Liam

"Look what happened to Billy is a reminder that these Witches are dangerous, and we must not give them any chance to hurt us, because they will not hesitate at all to punish us" said Liam, he was not going to loose all his men one by one, just because of their disobedience he had to warn them, this was not their home, they still had a mission to complete.

"Have you heard me?" asked Liam

"Yes Boss" replied the vampire.

"Good, now go and warn the others, tell them exactly what I said" said Liam as he stood up.

"Yes Boss" said the vampire.

"But Boss where are you going?" asked the vampire.

"I am going to see who is behind this" said Liam as he walked away.

Meanwhile in Selene's tent.

"Mission accomplished" came the voice of a female witch who was all smiled.

"Selene your plan worked that vampire is gone" she said

"Ahhh is that so??" asked Selene

"Yes Selene, he was as stiff as a board by the time I got there" said the witch.

"Good, that serves him right, for thinking that we were just their all you can drink buffets" said Selene as she looked angry.

"Besides, I have been itching to kill something, and that boy walked right into the trap" said Selene as she smiled wickedly.

"I agree Selene" said the witch

"But there is still something that is bothering me" said the Witch as she was uneasy.

"Which is?" asked Selene as she looked at her.

"Are you sure that what we did, cannot be traced back to us? because I am sure that Azazel will be furious if he finds out that we killed one of his rogues" said the Witch as she was scared.

"Is that all?" asked Selene and the witch nodded her head in reply.

"Well don't worry about that, nothing will happen to us, that rogue deserved it, and I even warned them all, and besides Azazel left everything concerning the rogues under my jurisdiction, so I can do whatever I deem right" said Selene proudly.

"Ahh I seee, no wonder, anyway Selene, see you around" said the Witch as he was about to walk away, she knew that Selene was a dangerous woman, and if you were on her bad side, you would be damned, so she decided that it would be best if she cut all ties with Selene and disconnect from her right now.

"One more thing before you go" said Selene

"Yes what is it Selene?" asked the Witch

"Your loyalty lies only to me" said Selene as she shone her wicked smile.

The witch gulped, she was really going to be trapped now "Of course" she replied with a smile, but deep down she was going to make sure that she never cross Selene's path again.

"Good, you may go now" said Selene as her smile switched from dangerous to friendly.

"Cat eyes, you took one of my men from me, should I not take one of yours to make us even?" came the dark voice of Liam as he appeared from the shadows.

"My gosh" said Selene as she was startled, but her sudden shock was replaced when she saw who it was.

How did she not notice when he entered here? and here he was accusing her of killing on of his men, she would not deny it, he must have overheard her conversation from earlier.

"You wouldn't dare, my people have done nothing to harm yours, but we cannot say the same for your men" said Selene as she looked at him coldly.

"Wow cat eyes, you did not even miss me" said Liam as he chuckled and came closer to her.

"Don't you dare come any closer" said Selene as she glared at him.

"Oh well" said Liam as he shrugged.

"Since you told me not to, I will not take one of your witches in exchange" said Liam as he smiled.

"But if you ever take out one of my men again... let's just say that your cat eyes would no longer be cat eyes, but bird eyes" said Liam seriously and coldly, as his usual playfulness was gone, even Selene could feel that he was not joking and he would do exactly as he said to her.

"You witches stay on your lane, and we vampires will stay on ours" said Liam as his voice slowly changed from threatening back to his joking self, but Selene was still quiet.

"That's all I wanted to tell you cat eyes" said Liam as he started to walk away.

"See you around" he said as he turned back and winked at Selene, which brought her back to her senses.

"Wretched Vampire" said Selene.

"Wicked Witch" said Liam as he smiled back at her as he left.

"Does he think that this is all a game?? well we'll see, I Selene will show that Vampire that I am not one to be joked with" said Selene as she was fuming, that Vampire was just too annoying for her to handle.

Meanwhile back in the camp.

Annie followed after Armand as he led her through the camp, it was very awkward and silent, Annie did not know what to say to try to lighten the mood right now, so she decided that staying quiet would be the best option.

The camp was almost barren, half of the witches were either in the infirmary and the rest were high on guard duty, they all could not afford an unexpected attack right now, they had no more troops.

Annie realized that she and Armand were now leaving the protected area of the camp, and they were now on their way to enter the deep wilderness on the plain of Kadama.

"Umm Mr. where is Aunt Stella?" asked Annie as she and Armand kept on walking, she was sure that they were going the wrong way, or this guy was leading her astray.

But Annie discarded her second thought, Aunt Stella said herself that they could trust him, and if they needed anything they should go to him, so she was sure that he would do nothing to harm her.

"Armand" said Armand as he did not answer her question.

"Ahh Mr. Armand, where exactly is Aunt Stella?" asked Annie

"The Vice Chancellor had something important to do outside the camp, and she asked me to bring you to her" said Armand as he kept on walking forward and Annie followed behind him.

That didn't sound like what Aunt Stella would say, but who was she to know? Maybe Aunt Stella was actually busy and wanted to talk to her, so she sent Armand to come get her.

"Okay" replied Annie as she trusted Armand and walked quietly behind him.

"I never wanted to be here, fighting against that man" said Armand

"I had other plans, bigger plans" he said as he kept on walking.

Annie was wondering why he was telling her this?? she thought that maybe it was his way of easing the awkward silence that was between them as they were walking, so she just kept quiet and listened.

"But no, they all went to waste" he said

"My Grandfather fought against this man, My father fought against this man, and now me, I'm fighting against him" he said coldly.

Annie knew that the man he was referring to would probably be Azazel.

"And do you know why?" asked Armand as he stood walking, and turned to face Annie.

Annie nodded her head no, what was he playing at?

"It's because of... you" said Armand bitterly.

"Because of you and your family" he said while pointing his finger at Annie.

"The cycle continues, because of you" he said

Annie was confused, what led him to start accusing her right now?? but there was one thing that she was certain of, Aunt Stella was not the one calling for her, and this guy was crazy.

"So I came up with a plan" he said

"A plan that would end all of this" said Armand as he laughed manically, it was at about this point that Annie started to back away.

"The plan was simple, kill you and then kill Azazel" said Armand as he stopped laughing, and looked at Annie who was backing away slowly.

"You are crazy, you can't do that" said Annie

"Oh I can and I will" replied Armand, he did not even care that she was moving away slowly.

"As I speak, once I kill you, I have ten of my men just waiting for my command, and they will attack Azazel immediately" said Armand.

"Aunt Stella won't allow this, you cannot do this" said Annie

"Well that's enough talking, Victory is at hand" said Armand as he looked crazy.

It was at this point that Annie realized that the only way out of this was to fight, or at least stall, so she could think of what to do.

"So then Miss Grey, say goodbye" said Armand