Do you Promise?

"Milady?? Milady are you here?" asked Nia as she walked into Clove's room.

After minutes of aimlessly walking about Nia decided that it would be best to return to Clove's side, to her, the worst she could get was a scolding from Clove, but after that she would be fine to stay with her.

Nia laughed at the thought of her finding some male to converse with, just because her lady ordered her too, it seemed like a very silly thing to do.

"Milady??" called Nia one last time.

"Hmm it seems that she's not here" said Nia to herself.

She proceeded to clean up when she noticed how untidy Clove's room looked, it seemed that Clove had scattered everywhere looking for something, the place looked like a mess.

Nia was cleaning up Clove's messy table, when her eyes stopped on a little book, it was a book that she had seen Clove write in many times, but that wasn't what caught her attention, it was what was written at the top of the page.

Nia had a frown on her face, she must not have been seeing well, so she bent down and picked up the book to get a closer look at what was written there.

This must have been a mistake there is no way that Clove would have wrote this, thought Mira to herself.

"Nia what are you doing here??" asked Clove as she entered the room.

Nia was surprised that she dropped the book on the floor, her eyes went wide, and she turned around to meet Clove's angry eyes.

"Umm I... I" said Nia as she tried to come up with an explanation.

"Nia, I asked you what you were doing here?? did I not give you the day off?" asked Clove

"Milady, I..." said Nia as she was trying to find the words but they just did not come out.

"And what are you doing with my diary?" asked Clove as she noticed that her diary was on the ground.

"Milady..." said Nia

"Nia, you don't have the right to go through my things" said Clove as she began to scold Nia, she felt like her privacy was breached.

"Milady, are you trying to kill yourself?" asked Nia as she cut Clove off.

"What are you saying?" asked Clove in shock.

"Milady, I saw it right here" said Nia as she bent down and picked up Clove's diary as she pointed to what was written there.

"Look Nia, there are some things that you cannot understand" said Clove as he tone softened and she moved closer to Nia.

"No Milady, I can understand quite well, why do you want to kill yourself??" asked Nia as she was on the verge of crying.

"Nia, I have seen the day of my death, and it's not a pleasant one" said Clove as she decided that there was no point of hiding, Nia was loyal to her, and she knew it.

"Milady what do you mean??" asked Nia

"I cannot explain to you how I know, but trust me I know, and it's very soon" said Clove.

"Then why don't we tell Master Azazel, I am sure that he will be able to protect you" said Nia.

"No Nia," said Clove as she shut Nia's idea down.

"Look Nia, you promised to be loyal to me, you promised to do whatever I asked you a hundred percent no matter how unreasonable it sounds" said Clove

"Yes Milady, I am loyal to you, and I do not break my promises" replied Nia, as she was trying to figure out what was going on.

"And can I trust you?" asked Clove

"Of course you can trust me Milady" said Nia

"Good so I ask you, I beg of you, no one must know what you just saw... okay??" said Clove very desperately.

Nia went quiet, she was torn between obeying Clove or doing what she thought was best for her.

"Nia??" called Clove as she noticed that Nia was thinking.

"Nia listen to me, no one else, even Azazel should not what you just saw, this is between you and me alone" said Clove.

"Yes Milady" said Nia as she looked up and she met Clove's eyes.

"No your yes is not enough, I need you to promise, do you promise?" asked Clove

"Yes Milady, I promise" said Nia as she nodded her head.

"No one, including Azazel must know about this" said Clove

"Yes Milady, you have my word" said Nia as she smiled.

"Good, I knew that I could trust you" said Clove as she smiled back.

"Milady, can I ask you a question?" asked Nia

"Of course you can" said Clove

"Milady, is that what you needed the Crystal shards for?" asked Nia

"Yes Nia "Sigh*" said Clove as she decided that there was no reason to hide anything, since Nia already knew.

"I need to settle some things first, before I go" said Clove sadly.

"But Milady, can you not reconsider?? I don't want you to die" said Nia as she looked desperate, she hopelessly wanted to change Clove's mind about this.

"I know Nia, and neither do I, but you cannot change fate" said Clove with a serious look on her face.

She turned around when she started hearing sobs.

"Aww Nia, don't cry, I'm not gone yet" said Clove as she smiled hopelessly at the big baby in front of her.

"I know Milady, but I don't want you to leave at all" said Nia as she cried.

"Hushh my dear, everything will be okay" said Clove as she hugged Nia.

"Don't cry, you know I don't like it when you cry, it ruins your pretty face" said Clove as she coaxed Nia.

"Okay Milady, I won't cry" said Nia as she sniffed and wiped her tears.

"But you have to let me take care of you" she said

"Of course my dear" said Clove as she smiled, and caressed Nia's hair.

"So Nia did you do what I asked you to do?" asked Clove as she tried to change the subject.

"What did you ask me to do Milady?" asked Nia as she looked up at Clove

"You don't mean that thing right?" asked Nia

"It depends on if "that thing" had something to do with socializing" said Clove as she laughed, she knew that Nia was feigning ignorance and she was trying to avoid the question.

"Umm well about that Milady, I didn't want to do it" said Nia as she acted like a little girl.

"Haha it's fine my dear" said Clove as she laughed, Nia was like her little sister, or even maybe her daughter.

"Really so you are not upset with me?" asked Nia

"No why would I be upset?" asked Clove?

"Well because I disobeyed you" said Nia

"Haha no I cannot be upset with you because of that, you are your own person, and you have your own likes and dislikes, just because you work for me does not mean that you have to always do what I say" said Clove

"All expect for that matter that is kept and best left between the two of us, but rather than that, you are free to do what you feel is best" said Clove

"Really Milady??" asked Nia

"Of course" said Clove as she smiled.