The Piped Piper

"Why would Matt be so far away from the camp??" asked Annie

"I have no Idea Annie" said Maddie

"But we need to find him, maybe he's in danger" said Annie

"I know so what do we do?" asked Maddie

"I suggest that we tell Aunt Stella so they can go looking for him" said Maddie

"I say that we go look for him" said Annie

"I don't know Annie, that sounds too dangerous" said Maddie as she frowned.

"Let me ask Curtis" said Annie

"I don't think that's a good idea, I doubt he would let us go find Matt" said Maddie

"Well we can try" said Annie

"Okay then" said Maddie as she observed that for some reason, Matt's dot wasn't moving, like he was stuck in a place.

"Umm Curtis, Curtis" called Annie out loud.

"What is it??" asked Curtis as he replied very quickly this time, unlike the others.

"Curtis, Matt is missing, so Maddie casted a location spell and for some reason he's out of the camp, can me and Maddie go find him?" asked Annie

"Annie I don't think that is the safest thing to do right now" said Curtis.

"What did he say?" asked Maddie

"He said no" said Annie

"I told you so" said Maddie

"But Curtis, please, I don't know why, but I feel like we have to go" said Annie

She could hear Curtis sigh in her head, she knew that he didn't want her to go, and she also didn't want to go either, she knew how important her safety was, but at the same time, something told her that she needed to go.

"Okay fine, you can go, just be careful, and don't go alone, go with Maddie" said Curtis

"Thank you Curtis" said Annie as she smiled.

"You are welcome, I will inform Stella, just be careful and make sure that if you find anything suspicious you will tell me quickly okay" said Curtis

"Okay" said Annie, as she felt that Curtis was now disconnected now.

"What did he say?" asked Maddie.

"He said that we could both go, but he is still going to tell Aunt Stella" said Annie

"Okay then let's go" said Maddie as she took the paper, and she removed her dagger and put it back in it's place, which was under her bed.

"So where are we going?" asked Annie as they were walking outside.

"Well according to the map he's not too far from the camp" said Maddie

"Which means that we need to go out of the camp to find him" she said.

"Well that should be easy" said Annie

"I don't think so" said Maddie as she stopped Annie from walking any further, as she pointed at a group of witches that were guarding the entrance, there were about six of them.

"I am sure that they won't allow us leave" said Maddie

"Either we sneak past them, or use an invisibility spell, and I doubt both options would work, considering that they are probably very skilled witches" said Maddie as she tried to think of a plan.

"Well I have an idea" said Annie

"Really?? what is it?" asked Maddie

"Why don't we just go up and ask them to allow us go?" asked Annie

"I don't think that would work" said Maddie

"Oh hey I see Mira over there" said Annie as she did not wait for Maddie to finish talking and she went to call Mira.

"Mira, Mira" called Annie, and that caught the attention of the other witches.

"Gosh Annie, you are wayy too bold" said Maddie as she face-palmed herself and followed after Annie.

"Annie??" asked Mira as she could not believe who was calling her.

"What brings you here??" asked Mira.

"Well Mira, me and Maddie are looking for Matt, and apparently he's out of the camp for some odd reason, can you let me and Maddie go and find him?" asked Annie without wasting anytime.

"Umm I am not sure about that, it's dangerous out there, and I cannot let you both out without permission" said Mira

"I know, but I told Curtis and he let us go, and he said that he's going to tell Aunt Stella, so can you please let us go?" asked Annie

Mira looked like she was thinking for a while, until she nodded her head and said.

"Go" as she opened the gate.

"You can go but I am going to confirm this from the Vice Chancellor" said Mira

"Okay Thank you Mira" said Annie.

"Thank you Mira" said Maddie

"You are welcome girls" said Mira as she smiled.

"Come on, where do we go from here?" asked Annie

Maddie looked down at her map, now their dot had moved, "We go right" she said

"Okay" said Annie

"I cannot believe that you just asked for permission to leave" said Maddie

"Well asking was wayy better than your plan to try sneaking out" said Annie

"Hmm well asking for what I wanted, never really worked for me" said Maddie

"Well honesty is always better in the end" said Annie

"I guess so" said Maddie

"So where do we go from here??" asked Annie

Maddie looked down and said "Just keep on going straight from here" she said as they walked.

The sun was extremely hot today, it seemed that the barrier over their camp also blocked out the sun's extreme heat, because she didn't feel this hot when she was in the camp.

"It's so hot" said Maddie

"Look I see him" said Annie as she caught sight of Matt's back.

"Wait, that is him" said Maddie as they picked up their pace and they ran to catch him.

"Matt" called Annie

"Matt" called Maddie

"Hmm weird he should be able to hear us by now" said Maddie

"True, this is very weird" said Annie as they finally caught up to him.

But without warning, Matt started to walk very slowly.

"Where is he going??" asked Annie

"I have no idea??" said Maddie as she was confused.

"Matt, Matt??" called Annie as she walked closer to him, she went in front of him and blocked his way, but he was still trying to go to who knows where??

"Umm Maddie" said Annie

"What is it Annie?" asked Maddie

"Something's wrong with Matt" said Annie.

"What do you mean??" asked Maddie

"Well come see for yourself" said Annie, and Maddie walked to see what Annie was talking about and she gasped as soon as she saw Matt's face.

His eyes were light and pale, they had lost it's usual colour, his skin had also become lighter, and he moved like a brainless zombie that did not know where he was going, and he was also breathing very lightly.

"What happened to him??" asked Maddie

"I have no idea??" said Annie

"Matt, Mattt are you there?" asked Annie as he waved her hand over his face to see if his pupils would follow it, but it didn't

"He looks like a mindless zombie" said Annie

"Well we need to snap him out of it" said Maddie

"Try hitting him??" said Maddie

Annie flicked his ear, but nothing happened, he just remained there still and motionless, before he began to walk again.

"That's not hitting him" said Maddie

"Well sorry, I don't want to hurt him" said Annie

"Don't worry I will do it" said Maddie as she stood right in front of him to block his way, and she gave him two might slaps on both of his cheeks.

"I don't think that it worked" said Annie

"I can see that" said Maddie

"It's like he's being mind controlled, he can't see, or hear us, and he's just walking in a straight line to who knows where??" said Maddie

"Well I don't think it's mind control, doesn't the person controlling, have to be close, and as far as I know, there is no one else here except for us" said Annie

"I know but we have to find a way to snap him out of it" said Maddie as she created a barrier that would stop Matt from moving any further, he still tried to move and he kept on hitting himself against the barrier.

It was as if someone was playing drums and Matt was moving to the beat of the drums.

"It honestly looks like he's dancing, mindlessly dancing, I might add" said Maddie

"Dancing?? dancing??" said Annie to herself.

"Aha, I have an idea of what might be happening" said Annie

"Which is??" asked Maddie

"Do you remember the story of the piped piper?" asked Annie

"The pipes whoer??" asked Maddie as she did not know what Annie was talking about.

"The Piped piper, it was a story I learnt in preschool" said Annie

"I have never heard of such story in my life, my preschool must have never taught such" said Maddie

"But we went to the same Preschool" said Annie as she looked at Maddie weirdly.

"Anyway that's besides the point." said Annie

"In the story there was this town full of rats, they were everywhere, and the town was fed up, so there was this piper who they hired to play and get rid of all the rats and he did, but then the townspeople did not pay him, and so the piper took revenge by playing a tune that enchanted all the children and he led them out of the town and he left with all the townspeople children" explained Annie quickly.

"Okay I get that story and all, but what does it have to do with this??" asked Maddie

"Can't you see?? It's like Matt is dancing, like he's enchanted by a tune, to go who knows where?? like the piped piper, so it means that someone is playing a tune that's making Matt act mindless" said Annie

"Now that you say that, it makes sense" said Maddie

"But how come we can't hear anything??" asked Maddie

"Maybe it had something to do with Matt being half vampire" said Annie

"That might be true" said Maddie

"But then how do we snap him out of it?? does the story say that??" asked Maddie

"Well I don't know, the story never said anything about that, but what I am sure of, is that only the piper can remove the enchantment" said Annie

"Well then we have to break the rules, and break the enchantment ourselves" said Maddie

"I'm with you on that, but the question is how??" asked Annie

"I have no idea" said Maddie as she sighed.