
"No because tell me how Matt got out of the camp, when the camp is supposed to be on maximum security, extra tight security for that matter." said Mira, her tone was calm, but they could sense the anger that she had in her voice.

Early this morning she had been called by Stella to assess and discuss the level of security, not only was she scolded, but her strength and power as Captain was being tested, she was accused of her group being incompetent.

"Captain, we do not know" replied one male witch.

"What do you mean that you do not know??" said Mira as she was frustrated, she was captain and yet her soldiers were incompetent, not to notice, a full grown half vampire, half witch slip through their so called defense.

"Captain, maybe it was when the shift rotation was taking place" said Liz as she was the one to speak up now.

"So you are telling me that all your guards were down when you were switching shifts" said Mira as she could not believe this, they were supposed to be members of the Cauldron, and yet here they were being accused of making a cadet's mistake.

"There are ten of you, and yet you tell me that all ten on you, had your guards down, and he just literally walked out of the camp without any of you knowing" said Mira as she could not believe this right now.

"It's not like he used an invisibility spell to walk right past you all, and even then, you should have noticed, we are not children that do not know how to watch our environment when something is wrong" said Mira

"We understand your anger Mira, and we deserve it, but we promise never to let this mistake repeat itself" said Liz as she spoke up for the rest of the other witches who were too scared to say anything.

They had never seen Mira like this before, she was always the cool, collected and relaxed type, this was more like an Armand this for her to do, their worst fear was coming to pass.

"Liz, It seems that you all still do not get it, what if it wasn't Matt going out, but an enemy coming in, just how poor are our defense for that to happen, the whole camp would be in danger, and all because of us" said Mira

"Anyway, I am sure that you all know where you have fallen short" said Mira as she was tired of talking.

"So meeting adjourned, and everyone goes to their duty posts immediately, and no slip ups" said Mira.

"Yes Captain" said the Witches as they left for their duty posts, all except Liz who ran to catch up with Mira.

"Look Mira, I understand that you are stressed and all, but you were being a bit too harsh there" said Liz as she was the only one brave enough to talk to Mira in this state, she was not talking to her as a subordinate, but as a friend.

"Do you think so?" asked Mira softly.

"Yes" replied Liz.

"*Sigh* I'm sorry, I was just stressed that's all, and with the Vice Chancellor giving me this position she expects me to be better" said Mira as she sighed and calmed down.

"I understand Mira, we all do" said Liz

"This is not like you, this was more like something Armand would do" said Liz

"No don't tell me..." said Mira

"Yes Mira, you are becoming Armand" said Liz as she laughed.

"No no, that is the last thing that I want to become, you know how harsh he is, and I don't want to be like that, he is ruthless in his scolding and in fact in everything he does." said Mira

"Look one Armand is more than enough for us already, and we do not want another one" said Liz as she laughed.

"So just relax, and chill don't think too much, and we will make sure to do our duties, and not to be sidetracked again" said Liz

"Thank you Liz, you are the best" said Mira as she smiled.

"I know" said Liz as she smiled back.

"Well I owe you and the rest an apology for being too harsh" said Mira.

"Well don't worry about it too much, they know that you didn't really mean it" said Liz

"But I must still apologize to them" said Mira.

"Okay true" said Liz

"Umm excuse me misses" said a male voice that interrupted Liz and Mira as they were talking.

"I am lost, can you please help me?" he asked as his voice caused Liz and Mira to stop in their tracks.

"Umm okay sure, where do you need to go?" asked Liz as she turned around.

She noticed that the guy was a vampire, she had never seen him around before, he must have been one of the new recruits.

"I am trying to find Commander Jacob, he is supposed to be with the Vice Chancellor" he said.

"Ahh okay then you might need to go to her office" said Liz

"It's just past that corner, it's a big brown tent you should not miss it" said Liz as she directed him.

"Ahh okay, Thank you" said the vampire as he smiled.

"You are welcome" said Liz as she smiled back.

"Umm Witch realm to Liz, are you still alive??" asked Mira as she waved her hand over Liz's eyes to snap her back to reality.

"Wasn't he cute" said Liz as she came out of her daydream.

"He's a vampire" said Mira.

"And so what, this is a new age, get in with the program Mira" replied Liz without hesitation.

"Oh wow umm, all this just because of that guy" said Mira

"Mira, I do not expect you to understand, after all, you have never had a boyfriend, it's all work, work ,work for you" said Liz

"Liz I do not see how that correlates to what is happening right now" said Mira as she face-palmed.

"Hmm whatever you say, anyway, I will see you around" said Liz as she waved Mira off and left.

It was at this point in time that Mira doubted if she and Liz's so called friendship could not be easily destroyed just because of some guy that just randomly pops out of nowhere.

"Whatever" said Mira as she sighed, she had better things to do anyway.


"Aunt Stella what is it that you wanted to show us so quickly??" asked Maddie as she Annie and Matt were walking in the camp behind Stella.

"Yes Aunt Stella, I am also curious" said Annie

"So am I" said Matt

"Patience children patience" said Stella

"Aww just please give us a hint" said Maddie as she whined.

"Okay then" said Stella as she gave in.

"So I have heard of how bored, and boring life in the camp is" said Stella

"And I decided to make something for you to while away your time with" said Stella

"Here we are" said Stella as she stopped walking.

They stopped in front of a new tent, they were sure it was new because they had never seen it in this location before, this place used to be bare but now it was occupied with this tent.

"I asked that this library be set up for you, it has been equipped with the most recent and oldest books that should be interesting to you" said Stella

"Awww Thank you Aunt Stella" said Maddie

"Thank you Aunt Stella" said Annie and Matt

"You are welcome my dears" said Stella as she smiled.

"Now you can go in and explore, I am late for a meeting" said Stella

"Okay Aunt Stella see you later" said Annie as she smiled

"See you later" said Maddie and Matt.

"See you later my dears" said Stella as she smiled.