
"Well in the spirit of getting competitive, why don't we three play a bored game, while we wait for Curtis wherever he is?" asked Maddie.

"Sure why not?" said Matt

"Okay" said Annie

"Hehe Yayyy, I will be right back" said Maddie as she did not wait for a reply and she literally sprinted out the library doors.

"Wow who knew Maddie could run like that??" asked Matt as he laughed.

"I know right?? gosh she ran like she saw a ghost" said Annie as she laughed.

"I don't know why she gets so excited over board games" said Annie

"Maybe because she's an only child, and she was used to playing board games alone" said Matt

"Hmm true" said Annie

"What about you? do you like bored games?" asked Annie

"To be honest I hate them" said Matt

"And don't get me wrong, it's not because I don't like the game itself" said Matt as he saw the frown on Annie's face.

"Oh?? then why?" asked Annie

"Because in a family as big as mine, everyone gets wayyy too competitive, especially Evie, if we are not careful the game would end up in a fight" said Matt

"The only time everyone is controlled is when my mom or dad plays with us, and then we are put in check" said Matt

"Which is why when someone suggests that we play a board game, I try to find a way to get out of it, because I cannot waste my time settling fights on trash talks, or who cheated or not" said Matt

"Haha I'm sorry, but that's so funny" said Annie as she laughed, she was also an only child, so she had no idea how truly annoying and competitive siblings could be.

"Oh it's funny now, but when you see my siblings in action, you would wish that you had never let them play" said Matt

"And being the oldest, you end up having to settle all sorts of arguments that are just hilarious" said Matt

"Haha" said Annie

"Well judging from your many experiences, it's fine if you don't want to play with me and Maddie" said Annie as she closed a book, and she put it back on the shelf.

"No it's fine, you both are way better than my siblings" said Matt

"Besides you are mature, there is no way we would argue just because of a simple game" said Matt

"Umm I beg to differ" said Annie as she turned around after returning the book back to it's place.

"You haven't seen Maddie play" said Annie

"When she plays, she looses all her maturity, and then her competitive side comes out" said Annie as she laughed.

"It cannot be that bad right?" asked Matt

"Haha Haha right" said Annie as she started laughing even more.

"Come on Annie, be serious, It's not that bad right??" asked Matt

"Okay okay I will be serious" said Annie as she stopped laughing.

"Okay, Maddie's competitiveness is so bad that it's contagious" said Annie

"That doesn't sound like the sweet Maddie I know" said Matt, and Annie replied him by giving him a look that said "Sweet??"

"Okay, she's not sweet like that... most of the time" he said

"But that's besides the point, I am sure that Maddie is not that bad" said Matt

"Whatever you say Matt, just wait and see" said Annie as she sat down leisurely.

Was it only him or was Annie acting more like Curtis??with the way she was so chill.

"Yes we will" said Matt

"So wait, which game did she go get anyway??" asked Matt

"I don't know, she didn't say" said Annie

"But I would not be surprised if it's a totally new game" said Annie

"I do not know she even managed to fit all those games into her bag??" said Annie as she was still surprised on how Maddie managed to do that.

"Haha well Maddie is full of surprises" said Matt

"Why am I full of surprises??" asked Maddie as she finally returned.

"Well because you somehow found a way to fit many board games into your bag" said Annie

"Ahhh that" said Maddie

"Well I concur to being full of surprises in that area sooooo" said Maddie as she put the board games on the table.

"So which one are we playing??" asked Matt

"Haha well I chose an original, quick, fun easy game, so I could crush you two quickly" said Maddie as she smiled sweetly at Matt.

"Umm" said Matt as he was not expecting the last part of that sentence and he looked over at Annie, and Annie just laughed, and gave him a "I told you so" kind of look.

"Bu don't worry I will go easy on you" said Maddie.

"So I present to you, Snakes and Ladders hehe" said Maddie

"So who wants to go first??" asked Maddie as she sat down at the table, and Matt sat down, and Annie walked over and sat down.

"I volunteer Annie to go first" said Matt

"Oooh good idea Matt, Annie why don't you go first?" asked Maddie

Annie looked at Matt, she knew what he was trying to do, he was trying to push her to go first, so that maybe the competitiveness of Maddie would be reduced, coward!

"Coward!" Matt heard Annie say in his head, and he just replied with a chuckle.

"Oh well why not" said Annie as she shrugged.

"Yayyy, so you roll first" said Maddie

"And who rolls second?" asked Maddie

"I think you should go second" said Matt

"Okay and then you are last" said Maddie

"Hey, first, second and third, just like in the order of our ages" said Maddie as she laughed.

"I didn't even notice that" said Annie as she laughed.

"Anyway let's start" said Maddie

"Okay" said Annie as she rolled the dice and they gave her a six.

"Oooh six nice" said Maddie as Annie moved.

"Your turn" said Annie as she gave Maddie the dice.

Maddie rolled and he got a ten, and she landed on a ladder, which made her ahead of Annie and Matt.

"Hehe, that's how I do it" she said as she bopped her head.

"Oh no way??how come you are so lucky??" asked Matt

"Well because I am Maddie" said Maddie as she gave Matt the dice.

Matt rolled, and funny enough he got a two on the dice, which meant he moved two blocks, but luckily for him there was a ladder on the block he landed on, which put him in second place, and Annie in first place.

"How did you only roll a two?? the game must hate you" said Maddie as she laughed and Annie joined in.

"Yeah yeah, but I got to use a ladder so ha" said Matt as he moved to his new block.

"Okay, my turn" said Annie as she rolled a four and a ladder took her to the thirty eighth block, putting her ahead of them all.

The game progressed quickly, and to no surprise Maddie, won, followed by Annie in second place, and finally Matt in last.

"Hehe I won, I told you that I would win" said Maddie as she jubilated.

"Haha Matt, I think that the game truly hates you" said Annie as she laughed, Matt was taken back down by the same snake, three times in a row, it was funny to watch his frustrated face.

"Yeah yeah, whatever" said Matt as he was still annoyed.

"What's going on here?" asked Curtis as he walked in.

"Hehe, Hi Curtis, I see you are finally ready to be beaten again" said Maddie

"Mhmm Maddison we will see" said Curtis as he sat down, and Maddie set the chess board.

"Umm this is our cue to step back" said Annie as she whispered to Matt.

"Okay" said Matt as he moved and sat down somewhere else.

"Are you ready to loose?" asked Maddie

"I should be asking you that question" said Curtis

"Ha, we'll see" said Maddie

"Welcome to the match of the century" said Annie as she laughed.

"Wow they both look so serious" said Matt

"Haha you haven't see anything yet" said Annie as she laughed.

Maddie was white, while Curtis was black, Maddie moved her right pawn one block, she was going to take this slow and steady.

Curtis moved his pawn in the middle two steps ahead.

"Where is the action?" asked Matt as he talked to Annie in her head.

"Oh just wait for it, once they start killing it's all trash talk" replied Annie

"Okay" replied Matt

And Annie wasn't wrong, as soon as Maddie made a strategic move, and she killed Curtis' knight that he moved out a few moves ago.

"Haha take that" said Maddie

"Haha enjoy it while it lasts, that's the last piece you would kill from me" replied Curtis.

"Oh we'll see" said Maddie as she looked at Curtis with a smirk.

"You see" said Annie as she looked at Matt.

"Oh I see it alright" said Matt.

As if he put a spell on her Maddie kept on making bad moves, and Curtis seized the opportunity and he killed her pieces one by one, till she was only left with one bishop, one castle, her queen, her king, a knight and two pawns.

"*Tisk* And you talk about me cheating" said Maddie as she looked up at Curtis, and Curtis just smiled, without saying a word.

"Okay then, you will regret that" said Maddie.

Curtis did not know what happened?? maybe he was being too full of himself, he moved his queen right into Maddie's place, and she killed it with no hesitation.

"Gosh relax, are you killing a real person??" asked Curtis as he was shocked on the aggression she used to kill his queen.

"I don't know you tell me" said Maddie

"Gosh, these two are dangerous" said Matt as he was shocked, this was really serious.

"I know right" said Annie as she laughed