A message from Clove IV

Azazel squeezed the crystal shard tightly, he was deep in thought, Clove had said and lot, and even if he did not want to admit it, she was right in a way.

"My Lord, I am sorry for not informing you that I was coming earlier" said Selene as she entered Azazel's office without knocking.

"Selene what are you doing here?" asked Azazel as he snapped out of his thoughts while still holding on to the crystal, he did not look pleased at all.

"I am sorry for my sudden intrusion, but I have some important piece of news" said Selene.

"And oh, I heard about the tragic news, please accept my condolences for the loss of the dear Clove" said Selene as she smiled slightly, as if she was sorry.

"Mhmm" said Azazel.

"Clove was a very nice woman, even though I am not in a place to say such, considering our relationship before she died, we just always never saw eye to eye, but I truly did not wish for such to happen" said Selene

"I see" said Azazel as he was rather calm.

"Yes so once again my lord I am sorry for the loss of your wife" said Selene

"She was a very good woman, and she was a good wife" said Selene as she smiled, even though it seriously killed her inside to say such sweet words about Clove.

"Correction Selene, she is my wife, the only wife I would have in this whole life" said Azazel seriously.

"Yes of course my lord" said Selene as her eyes twitched slightly, was Azazel trying to indirectly crush her expectations but saying what he just said, no anyway she was not going to have any of it at all.

"What exactly do you want Selene?" asked Azazel as he went straight to the point, he wanted to be alone to think, and yet here was Selene who was bent on making him angry at this time of the night.

"Ahh yes, well My Lord as I said earlier, I have some important piece of information to tell you concerning the cause of your Clove's death" said Selene, as Azazel raised an eyebrow at her.

"After I heard what happened, I took it upon myself to get to the bottom if this whole thing, because it seemed very suspicious and planned" said Selene

"How come Clove was attacked during a time of panic and chaos, it was obviously planned from the beginning" said Selene.

"Get to the point Selene" said Azazel as he looked bored and he looked at the crystal shard in his hand.

"Ahh yes" said Selene

"Well I carried out an extensive investigation on the scene of Clove's death, I even went as far as testing the soil because something did not add up" said Selene

"And that was when I found something very serious" she said as he face turned extremely serious.

"On the scene of the crime, I found a smell patch, the soil just did not look level, so I processed the soil patch and then I found this" said Selene as she brought out something small from her hands and she threw it on Azazel's desk.

Azazel picked up what Selene threw at him ,and he put it right to his nose and he smelt it, and his eyes went wide when he perceived a very familiar sweet odour.

"My Lord, as you can tell it smells exactly like her, in fact there is no doubt that, that is her scent, no one can have that same vanilla smell except for the Grey girl" said Selene grimly.

"My conclusions are that the whole thing was planned, it was an attack by the High Council to kill your wife" said Selene.

"What else could explain the fact that other than them breaking our protective barrier, they did not send attacks or proceed to capture us, but instead at that same time Clove is targeted and she dies" said Selene.

"So I believe what happened was that they used their attack to distract us, while the Grey girl made her way into the camp, she targeted Clove and then she killed her" said Selene.

Azazel's eyes looked cold, colder than they were before, this was actually Annie's scent, which meant that all Selene was saying was the plain truth, to think that he had went easy on her, he underestimated her, and she took it for granted and killed his wife under his own roof!!

This was unacceptable, she was going to pay, she did not know what she had just gotten herself into.

Azazel was so in rage that without him knowing it, the pink crystal shard that he was holding in his hand the whole time was suddenly crushed into tiny pieces in his hand, but it wasn't bleeding.

"How did this happen?" he asked out of rage,

"Well My Lord, for them to have been able to know where Clove was going to be, they must have had an informant from the inside, someone very close to Clove" said Selene

"And I have no doubt in my mind that they could have used Nia, the maid you got for Clove, she must be a mole, a spy a double agent" said Selene

Azazel did not believe that, Nia was way too innocent for her to have been a mole, Clove's death affected her greatly, and when he arrived at the scene Nia was busy trying to reverse the wounds time.

"She is not the mole" said Azazel as he was still angry

"How are you so sure My Lord, anyone can be anything these days" said Selene.

"I do not have to repeat myself do I? she is not the one" said Azazel coldly.

"Yes My Lord, I hear you" said Selene

"But this is a very serious case" said Selene.

"For all we know the mole could have killed Liam too" said Selene and Azazel looked at her.

Clove was naïve, he knew it, talking about peace and ending war, she probably did not see who killed her, or else she would have wanted him to take revenge, and that was what he was going to do, take revenge.

To think that he even almost considered her plea to end this all, and not continue the cycle, well she was right about one thing, he was going to end it all, and not continue the cycle, and he was going to do that the way he had originally planned.

"Selene leave, I would like to be alone" said Azazel

"Oh but My lord, are you sure??" asked Selene as she looked worried about him.

"I do not have to repeat myself, leave or I will throw you out myself" said Azazel rather harshly.

"I am sorry My Lord, I am just worried about you" said Selene as she looked sad.

"But I will leave, if that is what you wish" said Selene as she turned around and walked towards the exit, but Azazel did not see the soft, sultry, wicked smile on Selene's face as she walked out.

"Mission accomplished" she said to herself as she smiled joyfully.

Who told you that she did not know that Azazel was getting softer and weaker?? she could clearly see it in all his dealings with matters that concern the Grey girl and the High Council.

The Azazel she knew would not think twice without dealing with those he needs to take care of wickedly, where do you think that she learnt all he skills from, she learnt from her master.

She knew that Azazel was getting weak, and it was all because of that wretched woman, she was soft, and she was making him soft, Azazel needed a woman that was tough, and that could handle all that he needed to do to fulfill his ambitions, and that woman was obviously her.

Which was why, she devised a plan, a plan to wake Azazel up from his weakness, and the most important part of that plan was killing Clove.

Of course she was the one who killed Clove, and she enjoyed every single second of seeing the look of despair on Clove's face, that whole sob story of the Grey girl doing all this was for two reasons.

The first reason being that it would remind Azazel of who his enemy was, and how the they had no hesitation of taking something that was his, and so he should do the same.

And the second reason being that she had just removed all suspicion from herself, which was why, she had asked that piper to use that mud to get the girl's smell patch, she had planned this all along from the beginning.

And Liam's death? well yes she also killed him, her reason for killing him were a bit mixed, on one hand, she killed him because she knew he would be a trouble for her future plans, which included this one, and she knew that he did not fully trust her, which was a good play on his side.

And on the other hand, she did not trust him, she did not know who's side he was fully on, to Selene, Liam felt suspicious, he was neither here or there, which was highly suspicious, as if he was working for someone else that they did not know about.

"Well all the distractions are gone now, everything should go smoothly from here on" said Selene to herself as she walked to her own tent with all smiles.

Her plans were all totally fool proof, and no one could stop her.