Something feels odd

"Hey Curtis, can I ask you a question??" asked Annie in her mind, Maddie and Matt had went off to do who know where, to do who knows what, she did not have the energy to follow their nonsense today, so she stayed alone in her room.

"Sure Annie's what's up?" asked Curtis as he replied immediately, it seemed that he was was not busy, because it would usually take him some few minutes to reply.

But then again, Annie was sure that he did not reply quickly on purpose, so it could seem like he was very busy, and that he had more important things to do, and also she was sure he just wanted to be annoying sometimes.

"You replied quick" said Annie as she laughed.

"Well because I always have time for you" replied Curtis

"Awww, you sound so sweet right now, but you and I both know how unresponsive you can be sometimes" said Annie as she laughed.

"But I am here now, that's what matters" said Curtis, and Annie was sure that he was smiling wherever he was.

"Aww stop with the sweetness, I am going to develop a sweet tooth" said Annie as she laughed, this was the nice, sweet and funny Curtis that she knew, the one she loved, but Curtis seemed to forget that sometimes, with how serious he always acted.

"We can use a spell to reverse the sweet tooth" replied Curtis

"Haha, okay okay" said Annie as she laughed.

"That's enough sweetness" said Annie as she smiled.

"Anyway back to my question" said Annie

"Yes, what is it that you want to ask me?" asked Curtis

"Ahh well it's about Azazel" said Annie

"Well what about Azazel??" asked Curtis as he was curious on what Annie was thinking about that made her suddenly ask about Azazel?

"I mean everything about him, more specifically on how powerful he is" said Annie as her tone went serious.

"Well there is a lot I can tell you about him" said Curtis

"But I will tell you the important things" said Curtis

"The things I have picked up while repeating the cycle over and over again for the past few centuries" said Curtis like it was not a big deal.

"Okay" said Annie

"Firstly, I do not know much about his beginning, I only know what Great Grandfather Abraham told me about him, since I was created only after their fight began" said Curtis

"But what I do know, is that this all started because of Azazel's thirst for power" said Curtis

"And the place where he went in search of power for, ended up requesting for something in return" said Curtis

"And it was blood, and not just any blood, it was the blood of the Grey's" said Curtis

"I myself do not know why it had to be Grey blood, but that is how it always has been" said Curtis

"So it became a pattern, a relationship even, Azazel would hunt the Grey's they would give him power, and he would give them blood in return" said Curtis

"Unfortunately to Azazel's dismay, things were not on his side, because he realized that the blood they demanded for skipped every generation, he found that out the hard way, leading him to hunt every two generations" said Curtis

Annie shivered, the way Curtis talked about blood and hunting innocent people, so calmly made her scared, but this was her life, her family, that he was talking about, and she wanted to know everything.

"Repetition after repetition, innocent lives were taken, and Azazel became the tyrant that he is today" said Curtis

"But Azazel, doesn't he look young, he has been doing this for many years, and he still looks so young" said Annie as she remembered when she saw Azazel's human form, when they went with Maddie to the plains.

As much as she remembered she was sure that the only two times she had seen Azazel, was in her dreams, and in those dreams he looked shriveled up and old, and yet in real life he looked young and youthful.

"Yes Annie, he does, but that is not his true form, he uses his magic to uphold that young form of his, remembered when you saw him in your dreams? well that is his true form" said Curtis

"I see" said Annie

"Azazel's power is immense, it's undefined" said Curtis

"Okay, but what about his power level right now?" asked Annie

"I mean this is the longest he has gone without renewing his powers right?" asked Annie

"Yes you are right" said Annie

"Yes, so doesn't that make him a bit weaker?" asked Annie

"Yes, he is weaker, but we do not know for sure, he has been doing a good job hiding his weakness" said Curtis as he was sure that waiting this long would have already taken a toll on his body.

"I see" said Annie

"So does that mean that he actually is weaker than he looks?" asked Annie

"In a way yes" said Curtis as he still did not know what suddenly piqued Annie's interest with Azazel.

It was true that she was going to have to face him sooner or later, but her asking about him, in this manner was just very surprising and unbelievable.

The truth was that Annie was getting tired of waiting, it was not relaxing at all not to know your enemies next move, for all she knew he could strike at any time and they would be caught off guard, or he could be planning something dangerous.

Annie didn't know why, but she just felt like something felt odd.

"Why do you ask Annie?" asked Curtis as he just had to know.

"Well because something feels odd" said Annie

"What does?" asked Curtis

"I don't know, everything does, Azazel's quietness, the fact that we have been here for months and nothing major has happened" said Annie

"Patience Annie, Patience" said Curtis

"We don't want you marching straight into Azazel's camp to challenge him to a premature fight" said Curtis

"Okay, fine, you are right" said Annie

"Hey Annie, we are backkk" said Maddie as she and Matt entered the room.

"Oh Hi Maddie, Hi Matt" said Annie as she looked up.

"Annie who were you talking to?" asked Matt

"Oooh just Curtis" said Annie as she smiled.

"Ahhh okay, say Hi to Curtis for me" said Maddie as she smiled and winked.

"Haha Curtis Maddie tells me to say Hi to you" said Annie as she laughed.

"He replied with a grunt" said Annie as she laughed, she could just imagine Curtis' annoyed face.

"Aww I know he's smiling" said Maddie as she smiled.

"Well Byeee Curtis, I will talk to you later" said Annie as she smiled

"Bye Annie" said Curtis as he disconnected.

"So what did you guys do?" asked Annie as she turned her full attention to Maddie and Matt.

"Well I practiced with me daggers" said Maddie as she smiled and showed her daggers.

"No way, I did not even see you take those with you" said Annie, because if she knew that they were playing with daggers again, she would have followed them.

"That's because my dear friend, I hid them" said Maddie as she winked.

"We all know how unfun you can be" said Maddie

"I am offended, I am so fun" said Annie

"Right Matt??" asked Annie as she turned to look at Matt.

"Ummm" said Matt as he did not want to have to choose a side.

"Annie, don't drag poor Matt into this, we all know how overprotective you can be" said Maddie

"Oooh but I clearly remember the last time you two tried that, Matt's eye almost got poked out, when the attack happened" said Annie

"Awww true true" said Maddie

"But this time it was safe" said Maddie

"We saw Mira, and she happily agreed to make us targets, and she even supervised us, and threw daggers herself" said Maddie as she looked proud.

"Awww no fair, if I know that this was going to happen, I would have gone with you" said Annie as she felt like she had missed out on something fun.

"Don't worry Annie, there is always next time" said Matt

"Haha yes there is" said Annie as she smiled at Matt.

"But what I cannot believe is that you actually snuck out your daggers" said Annie as she was sure that she watched Maddie the whole time, when did she have the time to do that??

"Hehe Invisibility spell" said Maddie as she chuckled.

"I cannot believe you" said Annie as she face-palmed.

"Haha" laughed Maddie.

"You know what I am hungry, let's go eat lunch" said Annie as she stood up.

"Sure why not??" said Matt

"Yes, I am also hungry, after throwing those daggers" said Maddie as she smiled, it seemed like she just wanted to annoy Annie today.

"Mhmm" said Annie as she shook her head as Maddie laughed.