We will do this together

"Hello??" called Selene.

"Excuse me, which planet are you on??" she asked

"NIA!" said Selene as she hit her desk which made a loud Thud noise, which snapped Nia out of her stupid thoughts.

"Yes??" said Nia as she stepped out of her daze.

"Just what in the world is wrong with you??" asked Selene as she looked irritated, this girl even had the audacity to ignore her??

"You mean to tell me that you did not hear me calling you all this while??" asked Selene as she was sure that this girl had lost a few screws in her head, it actually turns out that she was partially deaf all this time, that would surely explain a lot.

"I am sorry Ma'am" said Nia as she held on tightly to the broom she was holding and she looked down.

Unlike the other days, it seemed like Selene had run out of idea on more intricate ways to dirty her room, and maybe she had nowhere in particular to be today, so Selene only called Nia to do some light sweeping in her room, while she worked and watched Nia.

That was until Nia started sweeping dust to where Selene was sitting, and that caused her to start coughing, and she tried calling Nia to stop sweeping or take it easy, but the girl did not mind her at all, she just kept on doing what she was doing like she was programmed to.

"If I did not know any better, I would think that you were trying to kill me" said Selene as she rested her face on her palm.

"What??? Nooo? Of course, not" said Nia as her eyes went wide and she immediately became defensive, her heart rate paced up, did Selene know something??

"I know that you would not dare try such, or else… you want to be killed" said Selene calmly as she smiled wickedly.

"No ma'am" said Nia as she sighed and looked down.

"Good to know that you know" said Selene.

"But on second thought, I would like to kill you, just imagine… I killed your master and then I kill her faithful servant" said Selene as she smiled wickedly.

Nia's head shot up, she looked at Selene in pure disbelief, anger and hatred, this woman had finally admitted to her crime.

"What??" said Selene as she noticed Nia's gaze on her.

"Awww, you want revenge??" said Selene as she laughed.

"What are you even going to do? Report me to Azazel??" said Selene

"Save your breath dear, he will not believe anything that comes out of the pretty mouth of yours" said Selene as she smiled, and Nia frowned.

Yes Selene had admitted to killing Clove, right in front of Nia, but she was not scared at all, she had already taken care of everything so that Azazel would never track Clove's death to her, so there was no point hiding.

If this girl went to Azazel to say something contrary to all the evidence that she had given Azazel, Nia herself would be tried for being a traitor, so it was a win- win for Selene, she got to have the sweet satisfaction of seeing the anger on Nia's face, but the girl could not do a single thing to her, same as how she could not lay a finger on her, so they were both even now.

"What's with the frown dear??" asked Selene

"Frowning makes you look very ugly stop it" said Selene as she looked annoyed.

"Get back to sweeping" said Selene as she was done angering Nia, so she waved her hand to make her continue.

"How could you do that??" asked Nia as she looked utterly disgusted and angered.

This woman had no shame at all, she did not even see that she was a horrible person, or maybe she knew but she just did not care at all.

"How could I do what??" asked Selene as she raised an eyebrow at Nia

"How could you kill Milady?" said Nia as she knew that this was a stupid question, but she was just so angered and in pain.

"Ahh well it was very easy actually, and she was not the only one that I killed, that nosy vampire Liam was good practice" said Selene as she laughed like it was nothing at all.

"You are evil Selene, pure evil" said Nia as she cursed herself for ever even feeling bad for this woman.

"And you must be an angel of good" said Selene mockingly.

"Anyway enough chit chat, back to work, before I kill you" said Selene as she laughed.

Nia could not take it anymore, she wanted to tear this woman form limb to limb herself, but she could not do that right now, so she just dropped the broom on the floor and she walked straight to the exit.

"Where do you think you are going?" asked Selene, but Nia did not reply and she kept on walking, but she was stopped by a barrier put up against the door.

"Just who do you think you are?" asked Selene as she stood up.

"Come back here right this instant!" demanded Selene

Nia hesitated, she looked at the barrier, it looked like she would not be able to break it anytime soon, so her only choice right now was to go back and answer to Selene.

"I'm waiting" said Selene as Nia walked towards her.

"Now listen here and listen good you little brat, I am not just anyone" said Selene.

"I am Selene, and I am your master, and if you dare try anything like this again I will deal with you" said Selene as she walked closer to Nia who was still in anger.

"I do not care what Azazel says, I am only not allowed to lay a finger on you, he never said anything about me poisoning you, or even worse" said Selene as she threatened Nia.

"So watch yourself, and get back to sweeping and then you can leave" said Selene as she went back to sit down.

Nia grunted, she had so many emotions right now, there were feelings of disbelief, hate, disgust, anger, thirst for justice, and most of all foolishness, foolishness for her even no considering Hunter's offer, but there was one thing she did not have and that was fear.

She was not going to allow herself be terrorised by this woman who clearly did not have a heart, killing was obviously just like a hobby for her, and she had no respect for anyone except for herself, she was the embodiment of true evil itself.

Nia picked up the broom, but she kept on staring at Selene with an indescribable emotion.

"Oh don't just stand there girl, the sooner you finish, the sooner you can get out" said Selene as she smiled.

She really did think highly of herself, she was rude, self-absorbed, and most of all wicked as wicked could be.

Nia did not say a single word, she had already decided on what she was going to do next, so she just looked down and began to sweep, hoping that she would calm down and think rationally, because being alone with this woman was very dangerous.

If she made any move, or even tried anything funny, she was sure that Selene would not hesitate to kill her, she even said It herself that it would be a good accomplishment for her to kill both master and servant.

"Oh, and one more thing" said Selene as she smiled.

"You have the day off tomorrow" she said

"I cannot have any maid of mine looking like she's already dead" said Selene as she smiled.

"So by the time you come back to work, that stupid expression on your face should be gone" said Selene, and Nia just looked down and did not reply.

Nia was in the servants quarters, she was trying to find a way to contact Hunter, which reminded her that for some reason, he was the one who always found her, she never knew where he was, or what he did with his day?

But that was not her main concern right now, the thing was that she needed to see him immediately she had something important to tell him.

She had thought of using a mind link spell, but no, she did not think that they were both that close for the spell to work.

In the midst of Nia's thinking, she did not know that the persons she was looking for had just appeared.

"What are you thinking about?" asked Hunter as he saw that Nia was so deep in her thoughts that she did not even notice him.

"Hunter??" asked Nia as she wondered whether it was her thoughts speaking of what??

"Yes silly, what are you thinking about?" asked Hunter as he poked Nia's cheek, which made Nia surprised, even he was surprised, what was he doing??

"You sure do know how to make an entrance" said Nia as she knew that he was actually there.

"It's in my blood" said Hunter as he laughed.

"Oh I see" said Nia as she noticed that he was calmer than yesterday, when he got angry yesterday Nia was sure that she did not know him at all, that was the first time she had seen too much, anger and hate on his face.

"Anyway, I was looking for you" said Nia

"Looking for me?" asked Hunter as this was a first, he was always the one looking for her.

"Yes" said Nia

"I have been thinking…" said Nia as she looked around, they were the only ones in the servants quarters, but she could not take any risks.

"Thinking about what?" asked Hunter

"About what you said yesterday" said Nia

"Oh" said Hunter as he finally seemed to remember.

"Yes… but, I can't say it here, let's go inside" said Nia

"Okay then" said Hunter as he followed behind her.

"Yes so as I was saying" said Nia as they were in her room.

"About what you said yesterday" said Nia as Hunter was quiet so she could say what she wanted to say.

"I have been thinking" said Nia

"And I agree with you" said Nia

"You agree with me about what??" asked Hunter as he needed to be sure.

"I agree with your plan, let's get rid of Selene" said Nia seriously.

"That woman is wicked and heartless, and she does deserve to die" said Nia with anger.

"So let's do it, I am with you all the way" said Nia

"Nia are you sure?" asked Hunter

"Yes… Yes, I am" said Nia

"Good, then we will do this together" said Hunter as he smiled, and Nia smiled.