
The sound of beeping coming from a machine could be heard in a small well lit room, the windows were opened so fresh air could enter the room, and light from the shining sun also shone into the room.

The room was small and cozy, with bed, a bedside table and a chair, on the bed there was a girl laying on the bed as she appeared to be sleeping soundly, she had short black hair and her eyes were tightly closed.

On the vital signs monitor all her vital signs seemed to be doing very well, her body temperature was normal, her pulse rate was fine. her respiration rate was doing well and there seemed to be nothing wrong with her blood pressure, her heartrate was steady and the machine made a beep every five seconds.

The girl's finger was connected to an IV drip, so that fluid and blood could be replaced.

While the girl was in her slumber, the door to the room she was in opened, and someone walked into the room, and he took a seat right beside the girl.

"Hi Annie" said Matt as he was the one who sat right beside Annie, his reddish- brown hair was shorter than last time, and his Hazel eyes looked at Annie delicately.

"You will not believe what happened today" he said as he held Annie's hand in his and he looked at her with a sad smile.

"Maddie was being annoying as always, and without you to stop her, she has been doing more dangerous things, like for one, today she casted a smelling spell on herself today, when she could have done so on a plant but oh no she insisted, and she almost could not get the stench off herself" said Matt as he laughed.

"And well your dad... well he's been eyeing me a lot less than he used to" said Matt as he laughed.

"And your mom, well she's been good, and Aunt Stella and my grandfather, and Uncle Capi have all been doing well, they have been very busy, and well Curtis..." said Matt.

"That guy has been in a bad and unapproachable mood since what happened with Azazel" said Matt as he sighed.

"You cannot even get within a mile of his range without him scaring you off with a nasty glare"

"We all miss you Annie, we truly do..." said Matt sadly.

"Please come back to us... please come back to me" said Matt as he squeezed Annie's hand even more.

It had been a month since the battle with Azazel happened, although Matt, Maddie and everyone else had no recollection of what happened when they all suddenly collapsed, all Curtis had told them was that they were poisoned by Azazel, and Annie did something very risky to save him.

And when Annie had saved him, her final wish was that he save the others, which he was able to do just in time, as the backup arrived and they were safe, and Azazel was nowhere in sight, which was both a good thing, and a bad thing, because they did not know if he was dead or if he was alive.

After all that had happened, Curtis had carried Annie away, and he had tried to wake her up, but no matter what he did, she did not wake up, she just appeared to be sleeping, everyone was worried, they had all asked Curtis what had happened and he had said nothing, he only looked very angry and after that he and Stella supposedly had an argument.

It was in the middle of the chaos that it was found that Annie was in a coma, she was extremely weak, Stella had gotten the best Witch doctors, and she had even went as far as bringing human doctors to examine Annie, but they had all said the same thing, they could not figure out what was wrong with her, she seemed healthy and she was still alive... but she was still sleeping.

They had tried magic, and normal human medicine, but no matter what they did, Annie's body always rejected and treatment they offered, which made everyone loose hope.

Curtis's theory was that she had pushed her body, and since she was not used to doing so, her body was using all the time it required to recover, everyone seemed to just believe Curtis, because they wanted something to hope on, but there was no telling for sure when Annie would wake up.

For a month now Annie had been on this same bed, just sleeping, and all her vitals were steady, it had also been a month since any of them had heard anything at all about Azazel, but they were not stupid enough to think that he had given up, since Curtis had told them that he was definitely still alive.

They were all worried about the possibility of Azazel striking now, when Annie was at her weakest, it was all their greatest fear.

Matt had come here every single day for the past month to visit Annie, he would often tell her about his day, since they said that sometimes people in coma's could hear what was going on in the outside world.

Maddie would also come and visit Annie sometimes, when she really missed her, but she had stopped coming to this place regularly, maybe because just like everyone else it broke her heart every single time she saw Annie in this state.

And Matt could not blame her, he felt the exact same way as she did, but he kept on having hope and being persistent that maybe one of this days she would wake up, and be the happy cheerful Annie that she always was.

And well Curtis... he rarely came to visit her at all, Matt felt like there was something that Curtis did not tell them on purpose, as if he was hiding something from them, Curtis always seemed to look guilty and not at ease ever since Annie had entered into this coma.

Since the events of the battle the camp in the plains of Kadama was packed up, and they had all moved back to the High Council, that was where they were now, and Annie was in one of the vacant rooms that Stella had turned into a small hospital room so that Annie would be getting the best treatment.

According to what Uncle Jake had told them, they were able to capture some of the witches that were associated with Azazel... but the rogues were another story entirely, it was like they simply vanished and disappeared into thin air, as if they never existed, and that was alarming.

"I have been counting the days that you have been like this" said Matt.

"It's been twenty eight days now" said Matt.

"I hope you don't think that I am weird for counting" said Matt as he laughed and he looked at Annie who was breathing steadily.

He felt as if he was busy talking to himself, like he was talking to air, as much as he wanted to believe that Annie was going to come back soon, it was just devastating to see her like this, almost lifeless.

"Well sorry Annie, I have to go now, it's almost time for Dinner, and my Grandfather has been saying that I spend too much time here" said Matt.

"Oh you know how he is, he says that the more I stay here with you, the more likely I am to forget that reality exists or whatever that means" said Matt as he scoffed.

"But you know that if it was up to me, I would stay here with your forever" said Matt as he smiled at Annie and he looked at her peaceful face.

"Oh and before I forget" said Matt.

"Evie and the others wrote me a letter for you, since they are not allowed to leave the vampire realm for their own safety" said Matt.

"They all say that they hope you get better soon, and that when you do, they will throw you a recovery party" said Matt as he laughed.

"And between you and me, we both know who's idea the party is" said Matt as he laughed.

"Anyway, I will see you tomorrow Annie, rest well" said Matt as he smiled and he stood up as he was about to leave the room he heard something that stopped him right in his tracks.

"*Cough*" heard Matt as he was just about to leave and he stopped right there, was he hearing things??? or did Annie just cough???

Matt turned around to look at Annie, and she still appeared to be sleeping, Matt sighed and he laughed at himself and he turned around to walk away, but that was until he heard Annie cough again, and this time she coughed three times.

"Annie??" asked Matt as he walked back to Annie, he did not hear wrong at all, she actually did cough, and Matt heard her cough once again.

His heart was beating very fast right now, Annie... Annie was awake!!