Sweet and nice

"You may enter" said Sapiens as he heard a knock on his office door as he was going through some books on a little wooden bookshelf in his office.

"Hello Grandfather, I hope that I am not disturbing you" said Matt as he walked into Sapiens office and he smiled.

"Ahh well not at all Matt, not at all, please have a seat" said Sapiens as he turned around and he smiled, he would always have time for his Grandchildren.

"Grandfather, I have a question" said Matt as he sat down on the couch while Sapiens turned to sit down across him.

"Well what Is it Matt??" asked Sapiens.

"Grandfather, do you by any chance have a book about the reviving spell??" asked Matt as he decided not to beat around the bush, he was here for a serious reason.

"Ahh…" said Sapiens as he did not expect to hear this sort of question from Matt, it did not seem like something he would be interested in.

"Well I do have a book about the reviving spell" said Sapiens as he explained.

"It is the first of its kind and also the last, I had translated it from the old tongue to the English a few years ago" said Sapiens.

"That is perfect Grandfather" said Matt as he smiled, Annie was right, she knew just the right person to ask.

"Grandfather, would you mind lending me that book?" asked Matt.

"Well of course, I can lend it to you" said Sapiens as he smiled.

"But first you need to tell me why you are suddenly interested in the revive spell, and why do you need the book?" asked Sapiens as he was curious.

"Ah well…" said Matt.

"It is for research Grandfather, I want to know more about the revive spell" said Matt as he smiled sheepishly, hoping his Grandfather would believe him, and to his surprise he did.

"Well since you say it is for research, I cannot argue with that, I find it a good thing that you are interested to know more" said Sapiens as he smiled.

"Oh Thank you Grandfather" said Matt as he smiled.

"You are welcome Matt" said Sapiens as he smiled.

He stood up and he reached into the supposedly empty shelf, and in a few seconds he brought out a book with three gems of red, green and blue lined on the centre, and the book had a leather latch on it.

"Here you go" said Sapiens as he gave the book to Matt.

"Thank you Grandfather" said Matt as he smiled and he took the book.

"Just be very careful with it" said Sapiens.

"Most of the original texts are no longer available, so it would be hard to regain if something was to happen to the book" said Sapiens very seriously.

"Don't worry Grandfather, I will be very careful with the book, and nothing will happen to it, I promise you" said Matt as he smiled.

"Good" said Sapiens as he smiled and Matt stood up to walk away.

"Oh and one more thing" said Sapiens.

"Be careful, the revive spell is forbidden, and it is very dangerous, so don't make a mistake of uttering the spell" said Sapiens as he warned Matt.

"Don't worry, I won't Grandfather" said Matt as he smiled.

"I will return the book back to you soon" said Matt as he smiled and he walked out of Sapiens office like he was rushing somewhere else, which he was.

"Hmm, I am getting soft" said Sapiens to himself as he shook his head, if it was back in his days, no one would dare walk out on him like that, but what could he do? His Grandchildren were not just no one.

"I got the book" said Matt as he walked back into the library as he smiled.

"Great" said Annie as she smiled as Matt gave her the book.

"Well that was quick" said Maddie as she laughed.

"I doubt Professor Sapiens just gave you the book like that" said Maddie as she laughed.

"Oh well he did" said Matt as he smiled.

"No joke, didn't he ask you what you needed it for?" asked Maddie as she could not believe this.

"Well he did" said Matt.

"And what did you tell him?" asked Maddie.

"That I wanted to do some research" said Matt as he smiled.

"And he believed you?" asked Maddie as this was surprising to her.

"Mhmm" said Matt as he shook his head and he laughed at Maddie's shocked expression on her face.

"Can I see the book" said Maddie as she looked at Annie who was observing the minor details of the book.

"Of course" said Annie as she smiled and she gave the book to Maddie.

"Wow, this looks antique" said Maddie as she looked at the book.

"Believe me it is, my Grandfather said that it's the first and last of it's kind, which reminds me, we need to be very careful with it" said Matt.

"Oh I can imagine" said Maddie as she looked at the book once again.

"Hey guys, so what are we doing??" came the voice of the most annoying person Annie, Maddie and Matt had ever met as he walked into the library like he owned the place.

"Oh no" said Matt to himself as he shook his head.

"Give me a break" said Maddie out loud as she sighed, and she hid the book behind her back, they were in for trouble with this guy around.

"What are you doing here?" asked Maddie as she shot daggers at Ollie as he walked closer to them with a smile.

"Wow what a way to say hello" said Ollie as he ignored Maddie as she glared at him.

"Hello Prince Oliver" said Annie as she smiled.

"That is much more better" said Ollie as he smiled.

"What brings you here?" asked Annie as she smiled, while Maddie and Matt wondered how she could be so nice to this annoying so called Prince.

"Ahh well, I was just in the area, and I decided to drop by and say hello to my friends" said Ollie as he smiled.

"Well Hello" said Annie as she smiled.

"And that's why I like you Annie, these two have so much more to learn, you are so nice" said Ollie as he smiled at Annie while Maddie just shook her head.

"Haha, they are nice as well" said Annie as she smiled.

"Sure, but no one is as sweet and nice as you" said Ollie as he kissed the back of Annie's hand again which made Matt disgusted.

"Mhmm" said Annie as she gently pulled her hand away from his.

"So what are you guys doing in the library?" asked Ollie as he went to sit down on the couch as Annie, Maddie and Matt turned to look at him.

"Well we were looking for something" said Annie as she smiled.

"Ooh, what could that be? I may be able to help; I know his library like the back of my hand" said Ollie as he smiled and he lazily lounged on the couch.

"When will this guy leave?" asked Maddie as she whispered to Matt.

"Not anytime soon from the way he is looking" said Matt as Maddie groaned.

"Well…" said Annie as she turned to look at Maddie and Matt and they both shook their heads violently, they did not want Oliver involved in this at all, they did not even know him.

"But he can be able to help us, he may know something, he is the prince after all" said Annie as she whispered.

"But he cannot be trusted" said Maddie as she whispered back.

"I agree with Maddie" said Matt as he whispered back.

"Well he does not have to know the whole reason, we can just tell him that we need information about the revive spell, and that would be all" said Annie as Matt and Maddie still looked sceptical about this whole thing.

"Oh come on, what do you say??" asked Annie as she looked at Matt.

"*Sigh*, Alright fine" said Matt as he sighed, and Maddie had no choice at all but to agree now that Matt was on board.

"Great" said Annie as she smiled.

"Ahh Umm Prince Oliver" said Annie as she turned to look at Ollie who had just been looking at them all whisper while he was smiling happily.

"Ollie" said Ollie as he corrected her once again.

"Oh yes, umm sorry, Ollie" said Annie as she smiled.

"We are looking for information on the revive spell" said Annie as she explained, she hoped that she would not regret this, but something told her to trust herself.

"And we were wondering if you know anything about the revive spell??" asked Annie as she went straight to the point.

"The revive spell" said Ollie as he seemed to be thinking.

"Alright, fine, I will tell you" said Ollie as he snapped out of his thoughts and Annie smiled.