I have a name

"You guys are going to love the Castle, it is so big, which can be annoying, but at the same time, it's thrilling" said Ollie as he smiled and he was leading the way as Annie, Maddie and Matt followed behind him.

Maddie looked weary, as if she was forced to follow him, which she was, how could she be the only one left in the dining room, it would raise suspicion, especially with Ollie's mother, who she found nice, but at the same time, she made her feel uneasy.

"Why are you guys not saying anything?" asked Ollie as he suddenly turned around to look at them as he stopped walking.

"Ahh well because we are listening Prince Oliver" said Annie as she replied and she smiled.

"Ollie!" said Ollie as he corrected her again, how could his friends call him so formally, that would just be sad.

"Yes, sorry Ollie" said Annie as she smiled sheepishly, she still was not used to calling Ollie by his nickname, she was sure she would not be able to get used to calling him like that.

"That's better" said Ollie as he smiled.

"Where exactly are you taking us blondie?" asked Maddie as she looked at Ollie and she sighed, she just wanted to get this over with, hopefully, she would be able to go hide in her room till lunchtime, she just didn't feel good today.

"You know that I have a name right, and it's Ollie, and not blondie" said Ollie as he smiled.

"I prefer blondie" said Maddie as she smiled in annoyance at him.

"Fine, since you get to call me that, I get to call you by a nickname as well" said Ollie as he smiled.

"No you don't" said Maddie as she shook her head.

"Yes, I do, it's only fair blondie" said Ollie as he winked at Maddie which made her want to gag.

"Fine, suite yourself, I don't care anyway" said Maddie as she just scoffed, she was not in the mood to argue with this guy right now, before she got a headache.

"Well then grouchy, nice to be fair" said Ollie as he smiled and Maddie scoffed looked away from him, meanwhile Annie and Matt were just looking at each other, wondering what was going on.

"What's wrong with Maddie?" asked Matt as he popped into Annie's head.

"She's not in a good mood" said Annie.

"I can see that, she would usually fight till the end" said Matt.

"Why isn't she in a good mood?" asked Matt.

"I can't explain here, remind me to tell you later" replied Annie.

"Okay" said Matt.

"Where are you taking us anyway?" asked Maddie.

"Well before we can actually take a tour of the Castle, I need to do my training" said Ollie as he smiled, sure he was going to show his friends around his home, but his Father would not understand that, so he still needed to complete his training for this morning.

"What do you mean training??" asked Maddie.

"Follow me and you will see grouchy" said Ollie as he smiled and he turned around as he started to walk again, and this time even faster.

Maddie looked at Annie as she scoffed.

"Don't let it worry you too much Maddie" said Annie as she smiled as Maddie just shook her head as she walked, she really wished that this blondie Prince would really stop being annoying, but then again, she was expecting too much from a pampered Prince.

"She really isn't in a good mood" said Matt as he looked at Annie.

"Tell me about it" said Annie.

"Come on, let's go" said Annie as she began to walk and Matt followed after her.

"Welcome to the training grounds!" said Ollie with a smile as he, Annie, Maddie and Matt walked into an open area, there were many weapons in different places, and the ground was flat and dry.

"Wow, what a place" said Maddie as she was being sarcastic.

"What exactly are we doing here?" asked Matt.

"I thought you were supposed to give us a tour of the Castle and not a tour of the training grounds" said Maddie as she scoffed, what did she expect from this guy?

"I know, I know, we will get to that, but first, I need to complete my morning training" said Ollie as he smiled.

For Ollie a normal day for him would be to wake up, have breakfast with his mother and Father, after breakfast, he would do his morning training, and then he would go and do his Princely duties, as his father called it, which would be going through texts and all, and then he would have his afternoon training, followed by more Princely duties and then dinner, and sometimes he would spar with his Father, you could just tell how bored he was, doing that same routine every day.

"How about you spar with me?" asked Ollie as he smiled and he took a sword for himself from where they were hung, and he took another one as he threw it to Matt and Matt caught it in his hand.

"I don't know how to sword fight" said Matt as he hung the sword back from where Ollie took it from.

"Oh what a shame, I was really looking forward to sparring with you" said Ollie as sighed.

"How about I teach you how to and then we spar?" asked Ollie as he smiled.

"I don't think that you can teach someone how to fight with a sword that fast" said Matt.

"Well suite yourself" said Ollie as he smiled and he took off his light coat so he would be able to move freely.

"What a shame, no one is here, guess I have to settle for less" said Ollie as he snapped his fingers and in that same moment a dark tall figure appeared with a sword in its hand as Annie and Maddie were startled.

"What in the world is that?" asked Maddie as she touched her heart that was beating quickly, she almost had a heart attack.

"It's a shadow guard" said Ollie as he smiled and he replied as if they were supposed to know what it was.

"And that is??" asked Annie as she was also startled, that thing, whatever It was, was just standing there unmoving, it looked so scary, and it had no face, it was only black.

"You don't know what a shadow guard is?" asked Ollie in surprise.

"Does it look like we do?" asked Maddie as she snapped at Ollie.

"Relax grouchy" said Ollie as he smiled.

"That's a shadow guard, you can program it to do anything you want, which is in this case, to spar with me" said Ollie.

"It has no soul of consciousness, it's existence is to fulfil the process of whatever it was created to do" said Ollie as he explained.

"Interesting" said Matt.

"That's… sad" said Annie as she looked at the poor mindless thing, it was kind of cute… in a way, even without any face.

"I mean, it's not sad per se, it just does its duties well" said Ollie as he smiled.

"Anyway, let me just get this over with" said Ollie as he smiled and he turned to face the shadow guard as he snapped his fingers once again and the unmoving shadow guard began to lunge at him as he ran from where Annie, Maddie and Matt were standing so they would not get hurt.

"This will be easy" said Ollie as he smiled and he stopped running as he turned to face the shadow guard who was running at him swiftly and the shadow guard pulled out its sword as it got ready to strike Ollie and in a swift moment.

Ollie blocked the sword of the shadow guard with his as he quickly retracted his sword and he thrusted it straight into the unliving heart of the shadow guard, and in that same moment, the shadow guard disappeared like it was never there in the first place.

"That was rather easy" said Ollie as he smiled, at least when he trained with the Palace guards it was a bit harder.

"And that one was for you dear Annie" said Ollie as he turned to look at Annie and he winked at her as she smiled in embarrassment, what was she supposed to say?? Thank you?? No that would just be weird.

"Ugh" said Maddie as she scoffed and she rolled her eyes.

"What's wrong grouchy?" asked Ollie as he smiled.

"Do you want me to dedicate a kill to you as well?" asked Ollie as he smiled and he winked at her.

"You really think you are smooth" said Maddie.

"That is because I am" said Ollie.

"You just would not know because you have never met a real Prince before" said Ollie as he smiled.

"Haha, for your information, I have, I have met many real Princes" said Maddie as she laughed at him.

"In fact, Matt is a Prince, and he is also my best friend, so in your face" said Maddie as she held Matt's arm.

"Wait you are a Prince?" asked Ollie as he ignored Maddie and he looked at Matt with surprise.

"Yes" replied Matt simply.

"Not just any Prince, but the Prince of the vampire Realm" said Maddie proudly, did Ollie think that he was the only one that could brag.

"But aren't you Professor Sapiens' Grandson?" asked Ollie in confusion.

"Yes I am" said Matt.

"My Father is the Prince of the Vampire Realm, and my Grandfather is the King of the Vampire Realm" said Matt as he explained.

"Wow" said Ollie as he was surprised, he really should have found out more about Matt as well, he had only focused on finding out more about Annie and Maddie, but it would seem that Matt was also very interesting.

"Well now I guess we have more things in common, we are both Royalty" said Ollie as he smiled happily.

"Oh gosh" said Maddie as this backfired, Ollie did not seem annoyed at all, rather he seemed pleased.

"You are still holding my arm Maddie" said Matt as he turned to look at Maddie.

"Oh sorry" said Maddie as she smiled sheepishly and Matt just shook his head as Ollie smiled happily.