That hurt

"Oh my, I am so, so, so happy!!" said Maddie as she smiled and she laughed as she had the brightest smile on her face that she had had in such a long time.

"That is you and me both Maddie" said Matt as he smiled as he looked at Maddie just jumping all around the room.

"She is awake, she is awake!!!" said Maddie as she laughed.

"I feel like I could just sing" said Maddie as she laughed.

"Nope, don't do that, remember the last time you tried to sing??? Let's just say that your voice isn't the best" said Matt as he laughed and he held his ears as he remembered the torture his delicate ears went through when he first heard Maddie sing.

"Oh Hush Matt" said Maddie as she felt like hitting him, but she would not do so seeing as he is in a bad mood.

"Oh you don't know how good I feel" said Maddie.

"I just feel so relieved and happy that she is finally awake, I was always just so worried" said Maddie as she sighed.

"So was I Maddie, so was I" said Matt as he sighed, he always had the fear that Annie would never wake up, as much as he wanted to be positive he just could not be, and he had thought that maybe, just maybe all their hope would never work and that Annie would just stay there, bound to sleep forever.

"You know what, I'm not even going to sleep tonight, I am going to stay awake so I can go see Annie first thing tomorrow morning" said Maddie as she jumped up.

"Okay alright, slow down there Maddie, you are going to sleep" said Matt as he laughed, he had not seen Maddie act so childish before.

"No, I am not, and who told you that you can tell me what I can and cannot do" said Matt as he smiled.

"You can do whatever you want, but If you do stay up all night, you would probably be too tired to go see Annie tomorrow" said Matt as he laughed.

"Then I will just use an awake spell" said Maddie.

"And if you do, you might end up sleeping two days extra" said Matt.

"Ugh, you are right, why are you right??!" asked Maddie as she frowned and she threw a pillow at Matt.

"Well because I am right" said Matt as he laughed and he caught the pillow Maddie threw at him.

"Unlike me, who doesn't have to sleep at all, basically… sometimes" said Matt as he laughed.

"Stop flexing you hybrid" said Maddie as she frowned but she laughed as she shook her head.

"Ouch Maddie, hybrid?? Coming from you that hurt" said Matt as he laughed.

"Well you are being annoying, so I had no choice" said Maddie as she pouted.

"Well okay, it's fine, I will just report you to Annie" said Matt as he laughed smugly.

"Oh haha, you better not disturb her with that" said Maddie as she laughed.

"Anyway, enough about that, do you know where the heck Curtis is?" asked Maddie.

"I am sure that Annie would like to see him, and yet we have no idea where he is" said Maddie as she face-palmed Curtis was just being so annoying for no reason.

"Well Maddie, I am the same as you, Curtis hasn't slept in our room for month now, and no one knows where he is at all" said Matt as he sighed, he agreed with Maddie, Annie must have been thinking about him, and yet he was nowhere to be found.

"Does he know just how truly annoying he is right now??" asked Maddie as she sighed and she shook her head as she sat down on her bed as she crossed her legs.

"Well apparently not" said Matt as he shook his head.

"What a guy" said Maddie as she shook her head in disappointment.

"Anyway Maddie, I have to go now, I need to find my Grandfather, I promised my mom I would go to my Grandmother's house tonight" said Matt as his parents had been at his Grandfather's house for a long time now, and he had been the one who insisted that he wanted to stay here with Annie and Maddie.

"Oh well Alright, greet Aunt Luc and Uncle Luke for me" said Maddie as she sighed.

"I will, and goodnight Maddie" said Matt as he smiled.

"Yeah, yeah, just go already" said Maddie.

"Hey!!" said Maddie as a pillow hit her head with full force.

"Payback" said Matt as he laughed.

"See you tomorrow" said Matt.

"I will get you for this Matt" said Maddie as she shouted as he left her room, he could hear her perfectly fine.

"Yeah, yeah" said Matt as he laughed, she wasn't going to get him at all.

"Grandfather, are you here?" asked Matt as he walked into Sapiens office without knocking.

"Yes Matt, I am come in" said Sapiens as he seemed to be writing down something on a piece of paper.

"Grandfather did you hear that Annie is finally awake?" asked Matt as he smiled and he sat down across Sapiens desk.

"Yes I did Matt, I was with Stella when she heard the news" said Sapiens as he smiled at Matt.

"Isn't that great Grandfather??" asked Matt as he smiled.

"Yes, it is Matt, yes, it is" said Sapiens.

"Stella had been really stressed over the whole matter" said Sapiens as he smiled.

"At least now she can rest easy" said Sapiens as he smiled.

"Yes" said Matt as he smiled, he was happy that his best friend was finally awake once again, it just made him feel so relieved, they were all scared that the worst would happen, and luckily it did not happen at all.

"Grandfather, are you going home?" asked Matt.

"Well I was going to stay a bit late to finish off some things, but I can leave them for tomorrow, so we can do now" said Sapiens as he smiled.

He had some important High Council documents to go through, but that could wait till tomorrow, now he wanted to go home and go and tell Elora and Lucinda the good news, they had been very worried as well.

Alright, and also Lucas as well, but to tell the truth, Sapiens was still getting used to having a vampire as a son in law, but he had to live with it, for the sake of his Grandchildren and daughter.

"Okay Grandfather" said Matt as he smiled.

"Alright, let's go now" said Sapiens as he smiled and he stood up.

"Okay" said Matt as he smiled and he stood up and followed after his Grandfather as the door to Sapiens closed itself as they left, Matt could not wait to tell his Grandmother, his mother and his father, and as well as his siblings, they would all be overjoyed.

He laughed, he found it funny that it was the day he had read Evie's annoying letter that Annie had woken up, but he would not tell Evie that, she would be unbearably annoying about it.

"Lis, Honey, you need to go and rest" said John as he walked back into the room, and there Lisa was, in the same spot her had left her, she was just looking at Annie, who had her eyes closed, but she was not sleeping at all.

"I want to stay here" said Lisa as she yawned, she was getting sleepy.

"But you are already sleepy, and it's getting late" said John.

"I will stay here John" said Lisa in a tone that stated that there was no room for argument at all.

"*Sigh*, Alright fine, at least go and change first, and get something to eat, and then you can come back" said John as he sighed.

"She isn't going anywhere Lis" said John.

"*Sigh*, Alright fine, stop bugging me John" said Lisa as she sighed, all she wanted to do was stay here with her daughter.

"She will be alright" said John as he smiled as Lisa lazily stood up and she walked towards him.

"Cheer up" said John as he smiled and he held Lisa's hand as they both left the room and they closed the door behind them.

Just a few moments after they have left, the door to Annie's room suddenly opened, and the sound of footsteps could be heard, as they made their way to the side of Annie's bed.

Annie opened her eyes as she felt someone hold her hand, and she felt like crying when she saw who it was.

"Curtis!" she said to herself as she saw Curtis's green eyes staring down at her blankly.

"Don't try to move just yet" came his voice as he knew that Annie was trying to move and speak, and Annie did as she was told.

"You will be fine soon" said Curtis as he let go of Annie's hand and he sighed as he walked away and Annie closed her eyes in weakness.