A dangerous place

The sound of twigs being crushed on the ground could be heard as Christina walked into the thick forest, a part of her knew that this was a bad idea, she was not supposed to allow Albert talk her into this, but on the other hand, the adrenaline of sneaking out for once in her life, it felt so good, her heart was racing.

"We can talk now" said Albert as he spoke out loud and Christina turned to look at him.

"You sure?" asked Christina.

"Of course, you worry too much" said Albert as he scoffed and he walked ahead of Christina as she frowned at him.

"There is nothing dangerous here at all, only trees" said Albert as he laughed and he looked around, he felt so good now that he was breaking a rule, his Father had told him many times not to go out into the forest, telling him that it was dangerous, but there was no danger here at all.

"So what exactly are we looking for here?" asked Christina as she followed after Albert, the Forest was quiet, way too quiet for her liking, she felt like it was dangerous.

"I don't know, something" said Albert as he shrugged, and it was at that moment that Christina wondered why she had followed this idiot out here, but then again he was an idiot, who was a harm to himself more than anyone else, so it was good that she was here to make sure that he did not get into any trouble.

"You know, it's weird, there are no animals here, not even birds" said Christina as she looked up and the trees were almost like they were covering the sky, as they let little sunlight enter into the forest.

"Hmm you are right about that" said Albert as he kept on walking, it was weird that there were no animals here, not even little insects.

"You know, I am starting to think that this is actually a very dangerous place" said Christina.

"You worry too much, seriously, how old are you?" asked Albert.

"Oh haha, very funny Albie, I will kindly remind you how old I am with a jab to your right rib" said Christina.

"Why you right rib you may ask? Well because you probably won't get too hurt" said Christina as she smiled.

"You would not dare" said Albert as he laughed.

"Let's see if you even find me" said Albert as without warning he suddenly took off running, which caught Christina off guard.

"Albie… Albie… don't do that…" said Christina as she called out for Albert but he was already gone.

"Oh great, just great!! Stupid guy, left me here all alone" said Christina to herself as she scoffed, she should have known that he would pull some sort of stunt such as this, he was just that childish.

Now here she was stuck in a dangerous forest alone, Christina considered going back to the Castle, but then how would she explain where Albert was? And then she thought that maybe Albert would return soon, but she did not want to fool herself, that guy was so selfish, he only cared for himself and no one else, that was what she hated about him most.

But then again, she had to take into consideration that she was supposed to protect him, he had not reached maturity yet, while she had, that was one of the reasons that her Father trusted her to look after Albert, because she had already reached maturity, meanwhile Albert showed no sigh of reaching it soon, which worried everyone, especially King Alvin.

Well, there went all of Christina's plans to leave Albert here alone, Christina sighed as she shook her head, she had to go and find him, before he hurt himself, she wondered why she had thought that he would be serious for once, he was never serious, he never took anything seriously, whether in his life, or with those who liked him, not at all, it really irked her.

"Fine Albie Fine" said Christina out loud as if he could hear here wherever he was, and that might have been true.

"But I am not going to run because of you" she said to herself as she began to walk, she went in the direction where Albert had ran away.

"Stupid Albie… never does anything I want, but nooo, I have to chase him because he says so" said Christina under her breath as she almost tripped on the thick exposed root of a mighty tree, but luckily she was able to balance herself.

"You see, there I was, just about to fall *Tisk*, he won't catch me would he?" asked Christina to herself as she scoffed, she wondered why she was bestowed with the task of growing up and being forced to be Albert's friend just because the King said so, it was so annoying.

"So annoying, I don't even know why I like you anyway" said Christina under her breath as she suddenly stopped right in her tracks, she heard some twigs on the ground break, but she could see no one in sight.

"Albie…" called Christina.

"Albie, is that you?" asked Christina as she looked around, she was surrounded by trees, and she heard nothing at all, but then another sound of rustling made her feel on edge.

"Albie, this isn't funny…don't play with me like this… just come out" said Christina as now she was getting scared, she knew that someone was watching her, but something told her that it was no Albie.

"Alright then Albie, I give up fine, have it your way" said Christina as she decided that the best thing to do was to be calm, so she started to walk again, further and further into the forest, she decided that if it was Albie following her, he would calm down and come out, and if it wasn't and it ended up being someone or something else, she would fight and use a deflection spell, and then she would call.

Christina heard rustling, she was scared, but she braced herself as she closed her eyes and she turned around quickly as she opened her eyes and got ready to cast the spell when she was scared out of her wits.

"Boo!" said Albert as he caught hold of Christina's right hand as he came out of the shadows.

"Ahhh!!!" said Christina as she was about to cast a spell, any spell, until she heard the sickening, horrible, so not funny laughter of Albert as he looked like he could not contain himself.

"You little…" said Christina as she still looked as white as a sheet.

"Do you know that you almost gave me a heart attack?" asked Christina as she tried to calm down her racing heart, while Albert's laughs were not making things any better.

"Oh I did?" asked Albert as he laughed.

"It's not funny Albie, I was about to cast a spell on you" said Christina.

"Oh like you could in the paralyzed with fear state that you were in?" asked Albert in a mocking tone as he laughed.

"Ugh" said Christina as she grunted and she yanked out her hand from Albert's grip as she made a great mistake, and suddenly the ground beneath she and Albert began to slope like quicksand, which shot them both tumbling down.

"Ahh…" screamed Albert and Christina both at the same time as they went tumbling down, they were caught off guard, they did not even have time to brace themselves as they landed in a clear area.

Albert ended up landing flat on his back on the ground, while Christina landed on top of him.

"Oh great, just great Albie, do you see what you have gotten us into?" asked Christina as she looked at Albert in his eyes as she panted and she was on top of him, her hair was filled with leaves.

"Get off of me" said Albert as he suddenly seemed flustered.

"Well you get off from under me" replied Christina as she narrowed her eyes at him and Albert pushed her gently off himself as he cleared his throat and Christina shook her head, she could not trust this guy with her life, not now, not ever.

"Where are we?" asked Christina as she realized that they were no longer surrounded by trees, but they were in a clear space of land, and she could even hear water falling nearby.

"We must be in the heart of the forest" said Albert as he looked around and Christina got off the ground as she dusted her clothes and her hair.

"What a relief" said Christina sarcastically.

"This place is actually very peaceful" said Albert as he smiled and he looked around, it was like a little safe space, there was nothing there than you, yourself and the silence.

"Yeah, that would be if we were sure that we are actually safe here" said Christina as she sighed deeply.

"Oh we are" said Albert as he sounded so sure of himself that it irked Christina so much.