Truly feel

"You know what I find very weird" said Annie as she looked at Maddie.

"What?" asked Maddie as he turned to look at Annie.

"The fact that Matt is acting so weird… I mean, I don't know what makes him so upset" said Annie as she whispered the last part, she was sure that Matt could hear them, but he looked like he was not paying attention to them, but it was clear that he could have been.

"I mean, I cannot be the only one that sees it right?" asked Annie.

"I mean, my dear Annie, in the mind of guys, jealousy is evident" said Maddie as she smiled, she really hoped that Matt could hear her, so he could put his head back together and be the calm, cool, Matt he always had been.

"Jealousy?" asked Annie in confusion.

"Yes my dear Annie, jealousy, a strong emotion" said Maddie as she smiled.

"You think Matt is jealous?" asked Annie in surprise.

"I don't think Annie, I know" said Maddie as she smiled.

"But how come? Matt is not jealous, why would he need to be?" asked Annie as she was confused, this made no sense at all, why would Matt be jealous, and of what?

"Well my dear Annie, male dominance is especially important, and well some guys can just feel entitled even though they are not supposed to" said Maddie as she smiled, she really, really hoped that Matt could hear her right now, she he would come to his senses.

Maddie was tired of shipping Annie and Matt when Matt would not even get the courage to make a move at all, it was just plain annoying.

"Maddie, you are speaking in riddles I don't understand what you mean" said Annie as she shook her head, Maddie could be confusing at times.

"Well my dear Annie, there are just some guys who don't have the courage to tell the girl they like how they truly feel, and then they get jealous when a new love interest enters the scenario" said Maddie as she smiled and Annie was even more confused, she doubted that they were still talking about Matt at this point.

Annie was sure that Maddie was speaking about a show she watched or something, because this just made no sense at all, just no sense.

"Are you talking about a tv show or something?" asked Annie.

"Yes Annie, yes, I am talking about a tv show, called Life, and if you don't take what you want, you will never get it" said Maddie as she smiled, that was her philosophy, the one she grew up with, she was taught to always take what she wanted, and never to regret, although in that context, she was meant to do it in evil, but now she would do it in good.

"Sometimes, I don't know with you Maddie" said Annie.

"I was talking to you about how weird Matt as been acting, and well, now you come over talking about a tv show that has nothing to do with this at all" said Annie as she shook her head, sometimes Maddie could be very serious, and other times, she could just be playful, and joke around.

"Well Annie, they correlate" said Maddie as she laughed, she loved making Annie confused, It was fun, she wondered how long it would take Annie to figure out that Matt liked her, at this point, these two would never get together because they were both so naïve.

"I don't see how Maddie" said Annie as she shook her head.

"Well my dear, have you ever thought that maybe Matt isn't just upset, and he is not angry at something, but rather someone" said Maddie as she smiled, that was the only hint she would give, she wanted these two to solve their problems themselves.

All she would do was to make sure that Annie never fell for Ollie, that would never happened, not as long as she was still here, she would make sure to block every avenue that Ollie could try to use to wiggle his way into Annie's heart, if he was a snake, then she would hit on straight on the head, which would result in his death, but regardless, he better not overstep his boundaries for his own sake.

"But who could he be angry with?" asked Annie.

"Is it me?" asked Annie, because it if was her that Matt was angry with, she did not know why? She was sure that she did not do anything to upset him, and even if she did, why didn't he tell her so she could apologize?

"No, Annie, wrong person, try again, Matt can never be angry with you" said Maddie as she laughed, Matt being angry with Annie was impossible, he liked her too much for that to be the case.

"He's angry with Prince Oliver?" asked Annie.

"Bingo" said Maddie as she smiled.

"But why? I am sure that he did not do anything to him for him to be angry with him" said Annie as she could not understand.

"Well he's here isn't he? That's enough reason to be angry" said Maddie as Annie frowned at her.

"Gosh, okay, okay, I'm just joking, sheesh, don't take it to heart like that Annie" said Maddie as now she was sure that she had to make sure not to say anything bad about that blondie Prince in front of Annie.

Maddie sighed, she wished that, that blondie Prince had not come into their lives, it would have been so much better without them knowing that he even existed.

"But Matt isn't like you, sure he disliked Prince Oliver, but he was never angry with him" said Annie.

"I don't know whether to be offended, or not, because hey, that's just how I am, I show you If I don't like you, and If I like you, you will know" said Maddie as she smiled.

"I know that Maddie, but Matt is different, which is why I don't understand why he would be angry at Prince Oliver" said Annie as she seemed to be thinking.

"Well Annie, he is not only angry at that blondie prince, but he is jealous of him as well" said Maddie as she smiled.

"Why?" asked Annie.

"Well dear Annie, you seem to not realize that you and that blondie prince have been spending awfully too much time together, you both are always laughing, and talking, and it's annoying" said Maddie.

"So you think Matt is jealous of that?" asked Annie.

"He is jealous that you are spending too much time with that prince Annie, it's actually very irritating, and I agree with him, since when did you both become so close, he's always with you, at all times, and I wonder when you and him became so close just under less than a day" said Maddie as she pursed her lips.

"In fact, I am sure the only reason that blondie Prince isn't with you right now, is because you came here to talk to me, and at least he can take the hint that you wanted to speak to me alone" said Maddie as she yawned, they had been walking all this while, and that got her thinking.

"Well Matt doesn't need to feel jealous or angry, not at all, he should have just talked to me, but he doesn't want to, he would rather keep on looking like he's miserable" said Annie.

"That's because he is" said Maddie as she laughed.

"Don't say that Maddie, that's too much" said Annie as all Maddie did was laugh.

"Well Annie, now you know, so what are you going to do?" asked Maddie as she stood laughing and she looked at Annie.

"Well I need to talk to Matt of course, but he won't talk to me, which is annoying" said Annie as she sighed.

"And after you do talk, what are you going to say?" asked Maddie as he was curious.

"Well I will tell him that he does not need to be jealous at all" said Annie.

"Hmm good idea, hopefully he will listen to you" said Maddie as she laughed.

"He better" said Annie.

"Hey Matt" said Maddie as she stopped walking and she turned to look at Matt who was still behind them, but he did not reply to her.

"Matt!!" called Maddie once again as Matt finally snapped out of his own thoughts, he had not been focusing at all.

"What is it Maddie?" asked Matt as he came back to his senses.

"Can you hand me my bag? I need my water bottle" said Maddie as she smiled, the afternoon sun was rising, and it was way too hot.

"Sure" said Maddie as he removed Maddie's bag from behind him and he threw her green water bottle to her.

"Thank you" said Maddie as she smiled and she drank from her water bottle.

"Anytime" said Matt as he smiled at her and Annie looked at him as he looked away, which made Annie annoyed, he was just being very childish right now.