The pampered one

"Ugh, I don't get why you like to go out scouting, there is nothing here but mosquitos, darkness, and nothingness.

"If you were only going to complain the entire time, then why did you come along?" asked Ollie as he could not understand Maddie, not at all, she was so enthusiastic to go scouting, and yet, once they left she started to complain a lot, to the point that Ollie wished that she had just stay back at camp with Matt and Annie, he could not take her whines, the were annoying, very annoying.

"Hey, I didn't know that it was going to be this bad" said Maddie as she really hoped that Annie and Matt had made up already, or else if this great sacrifice of hers was in vain, she would give Matt a mighty smack on the back of his head, maybe it would screw in a few loose screws.

"You should not have come along, I don't understand why you did" said Ollie as he sighed.

"Well it's not your job to try to understand me *Ugh*" said Maddie as she groaned, he regretted coming here, especially with Ollie, if not for Annie really wanting to make up with Matt, she would have gone nowhere at all.

"You are right, it is not my job to understand you, but gosh, you are so difficult to understand" said Ollie.

"And I never asked for your opinion blondie, so leave me alone, I might be difficult to understand, which I am not, but you are just a pain to be around always imposing your ideas on others, gosh, we don't have to like you just because you say so, grow up, you are not a child, you don't make friends like that, you are only being controlling" said Maddie.

"I am not controlling, not at all, you are just someone who is so closed minded, who always has to have everything done her way, you think I am pampered, well you are the true person who is pampered" said Ollie as he could not just help it, he did not know what he did to Maddie to make her dislike him so, if anything, he was the one who had any right to be angry with the way she had been treating him.

"Oh my… you little pampered Prince, calling me the pampered one, of you don't know true suffering, you don't know half of it, even quarter of it" said Maddie as she stopped walking, she was not going to stand for this injustice, no not at all.

"Curtis, aren't you going to say something?? Can't you see that this blondie is insulting me?" asked Maddie as Curtis stopped walking and he turned back to look at Ollie and Maddie.

"I am not Annie, if you both want to insult each other, that's just fine with me" said Curtis plainly as he continued on walking, as both Maddie and Ollie were left in shock, he would not say or do anything to try to stop them?? Some sort of friend he was.

"Unbelievable, I am going to report you to Annie Curtis, how can you not do anything about this??" asked Maddie as Ollie had no choice but to agree with her as well, Curtis truly was unbelievable, he would just let them fight, just like that??

"Believe what you want, and well if you report you, you would be reporting yourself as well, because I remember that Annie asked you to be nice, and I would not like to slip up and mention all the horrible things you happened to say, and also how you may or may not have started the argument in the first place" said Curtis.

"Wow, now I know where we stand Curtis, you know what fine, you, and this blondie can enjoy each other's company, I am out of her" said Maddie as she looked up at the sky and she could see some smoke through the trees as she ran ahead, she could not stay here with these two anymore, Ollie was driving her crazy, and Curtis well he, he was betraying her, who was she fooling? Curtis was never on her side, never, so why would he be now?

Ollie just continued on walking, Maddie remained an enigma to him, he had never met someone was cruel, mean, and unkind, self-absorbed, narcissist and well just horrible as she was, this was a first for Ollie, he did not know what to do at all.

He did not want to fight with her, not at all, but whenever she opened her mouth she just provoked him, he was not an easily provoked kind of guy, but Maddie was just making him loose his cool, and it was annoying, he was never like this, never.

Ollie sighed as he caught up to Curtis as they walked in silence.

"Maddie is not all that bad, she just does not pretend, if she does not like you, she will show it in many ways" said Curtis.

"Don't pay attention to her words, she does not really mean them, she is only trying to get under your skin, and if you show her that you are irritated, she will only continue on" said Curtis.

"Why are you giving me advise Curtis?" asked Ollie as he looked at Curtis, he was surprised, Curtis sounded like an expert when it came to Maddie's behaviour.

"Well because you are a good kid, and well I know you don't want to fight with Maddie at all" said Curtis.

"You seem like an expert" said Ollie as he smiled.

"I am, I have been with her for almost two years now, and even though she acts like that, she actually cares, so just don't let her get to you so much" said Curtis.

"Thank you Curtis, I won't" said Ollie as he smiled, he was relieved that there was someone on his side, and also that Curtis was helping him, he really needed some reassurance.

"No need to thank me" said Curtis as he continued on walking.

Ollie sighed, he had to apologize to Maddie, he had stooped down to her level, and that was not like him at all, not at all.

"Oh you both better have made up by now or else" said Maddie as she walked back to the camp and she saw Annie and Matt sitting by the fire on a log as they seemed to be talking to each other as they were smiling.

"Maddie… you are back, where are Curtis and Prince Oliver?" asked Annie as she looked at Maddie and she smiled.

"I left them behind, they were too slow, and I did not want to get eaten alive by mosquitos" said Maddie as she whipped her hair back and forth, she wished that they were out of her hair by now.

"But regardless, tell me if you guys have made up, or else, I will help you first by knocking your head Matt" said Maddie as she looked at Matt and she smiled.

"No need for that Maddie, we made up already" said Matt as he smiled at Maddie, he knew that she was not joking at all.

"Good, better, now no more fighting, next time you fight, I am not going to tolerate it, not at all" said Maddie as she warned them both while Curtis and Ollie walked to where they were beside the fire.

"Don't worry Maddie, we won't fight anymore" said Annie as she smiled.

"You better not, look at me, sacrificing my tender, delicate skin for you two, I am just too generous, too generous" said Maddie as he murmured to herself as Matt and Annie laughed.

"I will make dinner, Maddie you don't need to help" said Curtis as he walked to his backpack as Maddie sat down on the other log.

"Good, I was not planning to" said Maddie as she shot him a sweet smile, if he was not on her side, then she would not help him at all, she did not help traitors, not at all.

"Hmm" said Curtis as he walked away.

"So, what happened while we were away?" asked Ollie as he sat down on the left side of Annie, he could tell that Annie and Matt were back to being friends again, well at least now he knew why Maddie insisted on going along with them, she wanted to leave the two of them alone.

"Nothing much, Matt and I just sat here and talked" said Annie as she looked at Matt and she smiled at him and he smiled at her.

"Finally, you guys made up" said Ollie as he laughed and Annie laughed.

"Not to be offensive Matt, but anger doesn't suite you, you were always frowning, you looked bad" said Ollie as he laughed.

"Hey, hey okay, I get it" said Matt as he laughed and Annie laughed as well, Ollie was just too funny.

Maddie scoffed at the three of them, they seemed to become best friends now, all of a sudden, she was annoyed, very annoyed at Ollie.