Going away

"*Yawn*, you know what, Curtis just wants to test me, he really just wants to test me today" said Maddie as she yawned and she rubbed her eyes, the sun wasn't even out yet, and still Curtis wanted them to be very early, as if the journey ahead was running away, which was not possible, she would have loved it to be possible but it was not.

"Oh relax Maddie, he's going to be here soon" said Annie as she laughed, she just found Maddie's anger very funny.

"Don't test me Annie, tell your book not to test me, because I really will take him down" said Maddie.

"Oh you won't take him down, you are just bluffing" said Ollie as he walked to where Maddie and Annie were standing as he smiled and Maddie turned to look at him.

"Who invited you into the conversation blondie? Don't test me as well, because I am really not in a good mood today" said Maddie.

"When are you ever in a good mood" said Ollie.

"How dare you blondie, how dare you, I will kill you this time, you are forgetting your place" said Maddie as she moved closer to Ollie, and he did not even flinch at all.

"Oh come on Maddie, if you wanted me dead, you would have left me to fall" said Ollie as he smiled and Maddie felt like strangling him.

"What's wrong with the both of them?" asked Matt as he looked at Annie and she turned to look at him.

"I have no idea myself" said Annie as she shook her head and Matt was just so confused.

"Have they always been like this, or is it only me that sees this is even worse than before?" asked Matt as he looked at Annie.

"I mean, I don't know, when we went to go and rescue you, I thought they got along… no I lie, they didn't, but you are right Maddie is more…. Aggressive?" asked Annie as she did not know if that was the right word to use to explain how Maddie was acting right now.

"And Prince Oliver, he's way too confident, as if he actually wants Maddie to kill him" said Matt as he shook his head.

"I never know with these two" said Annie as she sighed and she shook her head.

"Why you pampered prince, you know what, I should just kill you right here myself" said Maddie as she really wanted to slap him, or bite him, anything to hurt him, he was so annoying, such an annoying person, a thorn in her flesh, the bane of her existence, she loved her life so much before she knew that he even existed.

"Okay, okay hey, hey, cut it out you two, it's too early for this" said Annie as she stood in between them, she had seen enough, and she could also see Maddie slowly losing her sanity and willpower to refrain from hurting Ollie.

"You tell that to this stupid blondie, he is so annoying, he should just leave me be, what did I ever do to him? Other than be my wonderful self, he just hates me, Annie, he hates me, fight for me, do something, defend me" said Maddie as she turned to look at Annie and she whined as Annie sighed.

"Hey, hey, Annie, don't listen to her, she is trying to play the victim, who is the one always saying that she wants to kill me? And that she hates me, that's all Maddie, I never said anything harmful to her, she's the one bullying me here" said Ollie.

"Oh baby little prince is being bullied by a girl, what a mighty, strong prince you are" said Maddie as she laughed.

"I am a very good, well trained prince, who would never hit a lady" said Ollie.

"Okay you both, be quiet, while we wait for Curtis" said Annie as she could not stand the both of them at all, they were worse than little children when they were arguing.

"Where is that book anyway?" asked Maddie as she was very annoyed now.

"Alina, are you almost done?" asked Ivor as he looked at Alina who was busy wrapping an object.

"Yes master I am, this is such a good going away present, Master you really outdid yourself this time" said Alina as she smiled and she looked at Ivor.

"Mhmm" said Ivor as he smiled.

"Master Ivor, I am done doing what you asked me to do" said Lilith as she smiled and she walked into the room.

"That's nice Lilith, you can help Alina if you want to" said Ivor as he smiled.

"Okay" said Lilith as she smiled and she walked to help Alina as Ivor walked out of the room, and he met Curtis on his way.

"Are you guys done with your gift?" asked Curtis.

"Well we are almost done" said Ivor.

"Alright then" said Curtis.

"Oh, which reminds me, if you look at the map, and you follow it exactly, you will reach another colony" said Ivor.

"When you get there, show this" said Ivor as he handed Curtis a shiny looking brooch.

"This looks expensive" said Curtis.

"It is more than expensive, it is very valuable" said Ivor.

"I am giving it to you to keep you safe, the people in the other colony are not very nice, if you show this to a woman named Katerina, you will be kept safe" said Ivor as Curtis looked at the brooch and he nodded.

"Alright, thank you Ivor" said Curtis as he smiled.

"You are welcome Curtis, it is the least that I can do" said Ivor as he smiled.

"No, I am done, I am going to drag that book out here, he is so annoying" said Maddie as she was boiling.

"Hold your horses Maddie, here he comes with Ivor and the others" said Ollie as Curtis, Ivor and the rest.

"Oh finally, just what took you so long?" asked Maddie as she looked at Curtis.

"I had to finish packing, and well Ivor, Alina and Lilith wanted to see us off" said Curtis.

"Oh Matt, I am going to miss you, you are the best person that I have ever met, thank you for being so nice and understanding with me" said Lilith as she smiled and she hugged Matt as he smiled.

"You are welcome Lilith, be good, and I will miss you as well" said Matt as he smiled and Lilith broke their hug.

"I will be good, very, very good" said Lilith as she smiled.

"Oh and Annie, thank you for being so nice to me, and also for forgiving me for capturing Matt" said Lilith as she hugged Annie.

"It's all good Lilith" said Annie as she smiled and she hugged Lilith back.

"Just know that Matt loves you very much okay" said Lilith as she whispered into Annie's ear as Annie was taken by surprise but she just nodded and she smiled.

"I know" said Annie as she smiled.

"Oh and Prince Oliver, my fellow royal in arms, you are so handsome, both you and Matt are" said Lilith as she smiled and she looked at Ollie.

"Thank you, and you are very pretty as well, take care Lilith" said Ollie as he smiled and Lilith smiled at him.

"Maddie, I like you, even though you do not like me, and well I will miss you as well" said Lilith as she looked at Maddie and she smiled.

"Right…" said Maddie.

"Can I hug you?" asked Lilith as she smiled and Maddie shook her head, until she saw Annie who was looking at her with a very disappointed look on her face, which made Maddie sigh.

"Alright fine, you can hug it, make it quick" said Maddie.

"Yayyy" said Lilith as she hugged Maddie quickly as Maddie flinched.

"Oh and Curtis, you are so cool, and serious, you should smile more" said Lilith as she looked at Curtis.

"Noted" said Curtis.

"Oh this one, he won't take your advice to heart, he's just very annoying by nature" said Maddie.

"And you are naturally very nagging" said Curtis as he replied.

"Book, don't make me remind me you that you are not human" said Maddie.

"And stop being grumpy, it's too early for that" said Curtis.

"Thank you Curtis, thank you, finally someone on my side" said Ollie as he looked at Curtis.

"Okay enough you guys" said Alina as she laughed, this was such a funny way for them to all part ways, with Maddie and Ollie arguing, it was very memorable.

"Come on guys, this is our last time together, I don't want you all to spend it arguing" said Alina.

"Yes Alina, you are right, very right, and for that reason, I will be the good person that I always am, and the bigger person, by letting this children off the hook" said Maddie as Alina laughed, Maddie was too much.