The Seer IV

"Annie Amara Grey, you have a lot of explaining to do, so you better start explaining right now!" said Maddie as she, Matt, Ollie and Curtis were all siting in the kitchen, looking at Annie.

"Maddie, can you relax please, you are making a fuss over nothing" said Annie as she sighed, she did not expect Maddie to act like this, as if she was her mother.

"Oh I am not making a fuss over nothing" said Maddie.

"Yes Maddie is right, Annie we all deserve an explanation, do you know how worried we all were?" asked Ollie as Annie looked at him.

"Exactly! Thank you Blondie, but if you ever back me up without my permission again, we will have a problem" said Maddie as she looked at Ollie and he rolled his eyes at her.

"We already have a problem" said Ollie as he replied.

"Oh what did you say?" asked Maddie as she turned to look at him.

"The both of you be quiet, and let Annie explain" said Matt as Annie looked at him and Ollie and Maddie kept quiet.

"I was on my way back here when I heard some noises coming from the trees, I was going to run to the house, but then I heard something fall down, and I sounded really painful, so I went to find out what happened, and I met Griselda there" said Annie.

"She had fallen down, and I helped her up, I saw that she was elderly, and she was limping, so I decided to help her home, since she said that her house wasn't too far from here, and that it was just past the trees" said Annie as she explained.

"My goodness Annie, haven't you heard about stranger danger?" asked Maddie as she could not believe what she was hearing.

"I didn't think that she would try to hurt me, she is an old woman after all" said Annie as Matt sighed.

"Annie, Maddie is right, you can't just go anywhere with strangers, we were so worried about you, and I could not hear your heartbeat at all, we thought that maybe someone had captured you" said Matt.

"I know, and I'm sorry, I knew that you guys would worry, but I lost track of time when Griselda invited me to have tea in her house" said Annie.

"Wait you drank tea in that old woman's house?" asked Ollie in disbelief.

"Yes" said Annie as she nodded her head and Maddie, Matt and Ollie all looked at her with disbelief as Curtis kept quiet, hearing what she had to say.

"Anyway, that's besides the point, it turns out that Griselda is a seer" said Annie

"A what?" asked Ollie in confusion.

"A seer, as in she sees things about people, she knew about all of you and I didn't even have to tell her" said Annie.

"You mean like a psychic?" asked Maddie as Annie looked at her.

"Not quite, her powers don't work like that from what she told me" said Annie.

"But she told me that she can answer some questions for me" said Annie.

"Questions like what?" asked Matt.

"Questions that I have about everything, about Azazel" said Annie.

"Hmm, and what did she ask for in return? Because believe me, I have read about things like this, and they don't go free of charge" said Ollie as Annie did not want to tell them that Griselda had asked for her blood, because she knew that they would all overreact, but now that Ollie himself had brought that up, she could not lie to them.

"*Ahem*, she asked me for my blood in return for the answers" said Annie as she cleared her throat.

"Annie are you crazy??!" asked Maddie as Matt and Ollie also had the same expression that she had on their faces.

"You blood?? Please tell me that you didn't give her your blood" said Maddie.

"No… I didn't" said Annie.

"Thank goodness, Annie, you seriously need to think, a strange woman, who you haven't met before, asks for your blood, and you want to give it to her?" asked Maddie.

"Well I trust her, and she can tell me what it is that I want to know" said Annie.

"Are you hearing yourself right now?" asked Maddie.

"I am Maddie, gosh, you are treating me like a child, I can do whatever I want to do, I'm not stupid" said Annie as she was upset.

"Annie, you really are not making any sense right now!! Curtis say something, please anything" said Maddie as she looked at Curtis and everyone turned to look at Curtis.

"Annie is right, she is not a child, and she is free to make her own decisions, the best we can do is support her" said Curtis as he could tell that Annie wanted to figure things out on her own, she had questions, and they were questions that he could not answer at all.

"Curtis, you can't be serious, come on be sensible" said Maddie as she could not believe what Curtis just said, what happened to the sensible Curtis?"

"I am being sensible, and do you really think that I would allow Annie hurt herself?" asked Curtis as Maddie sighed.

"Thank you Curtis" said Annie as she smiled at Curtis, at least someone supported her.

"But Curtis, you need to think, what if that woman is bad?" asked Maddie.

"Relax Maddie, don't you trust me and my judgement?" asked Curtis.

"If it's anything like Annie's judgment then no" said Maddie as she shook her head.

"Maddie, please don't be like that, you all shouldn't be like this at all" said Annie.

"Matt" said Annie as she looked at Matt and he sighed.

"Prince Oliver" said Annie as she looked at Ollie and he sighed.

"Please" she said as Maddie sighed.

"Fine Annie, fine, but I am going with you the next time you go and see that woman" said Maddie.

"Her name is Griselda, and no, I want to go on my own" said Annie as Maddie looked at her.

"Are you hiding something from us Annie?" asked Maddie.

"No I am not Maddie, it's just that Griselda mentioned that I have to go alone" said Annie as Maddie took a deep breath, this made no sense to her at all.

"Can you please tell me why you seem to be coming to my house more frequently than usual?" asked Katarina as she looked at Griselda who was walking towards her.

"You say it as if you could not use the company" said Griselda as she smiled.

"Mhm, tell me what it is that you want, why are you coming here all the time?" asked Katarina.

"Annie, I want to see her tomorrow, I ask for your permission" said Griselda.

"Why? What do you know?" asked Katarina.

"Well we just met this afternoon when I came to see you, and I would like to clarify some things first" said Griselda as Katarina looked at her as if she was not making any sense at all.

"You still haven't told me why, and if Annie really wanted to see you, she would have come to me to ask for my permission herself" said Katarina.

"Well she does not want me to tell you some things, and I will keep to my word, I just want to inform you that she will be meeting me tomorrow morning, I tell you so you do not have to worry about where she is" said Griselda.

"Old woman, you are making no sense at all, just what exactly are you playing at? What did you see about her?" asked Katarina in suspicion.

"Nothing that is harmful, she is a good girl, I just tell you so you do not worry" said Katarina.

"If you are telling me this, and Annie did not come and tell me that she met you herself, then it means that you want me to feign ignorance, and I cannot do that if I do not know what it is that you are up to" said Katarina.

"Don't you trust me? I would never do anything to harm you, or Annie, or her friends, so just trust me, when I am done with what I need to find out, I will come and tell you everything, but for now, you must truly feign ignorance" said Griselda as she nodded her head.

Katarina sighed, she did not know what to think but she knew that Griselda was a seer, and for her to do things like this, it had to be something very important.

"Fine, whatever you say, but keep your word, and don't you dare try to hurt any one of them, or it will be off with your head, your seer things are always dangerous" said Katarina.

"Not this one, I am working for truth and not lies" said Griselda.

"Take care dear, I will speak to you tomorrow" said Griselda as she turned around and she walked away as Katarina sighed.