The Seer VIII

"Griselda, if you are saying that because of Azazel then I think that you are very wrong, he has done too much for him to have a second chance" said Annie as she replied she did not agree with Griselda.

"Sure there are some factors that led to him being like this, but he has no excuse, he made his own decisions, knowing fully well what they would mean" said Annie.

"My dear, he did not know the implications of what he was doing" said Griselda.

"Are you defending him Griselda?" asked Annie.

"I am not defending anyone Annie… as a seer, I see both sides of the problem, and I am not allowed to make any judgments, I am only allowed to say what I see in nothing but honesty" said Griselda.

"But Azazel does not deserve any sort of pity at all" said Annie.

"Are you sure about that dear?" asked Griselda.

"I am very sure" said Annie as she nodded her head.

"Well my dear, when you have done the same thing many times, in the same way, don't you think that you would get tired of doing that thing?" asked Griselda.

"Yes, you will" said Annie as she nodded her head.

"That too can apply for Azazel in this case" said Griselda.

"You see, there is a difference between the Azazel of former and the Azazel of latter, there is a distinct difference between them" said Griselda.

"I doubt that" said Annie as she scoffed.

"Azazel had a wife, did he not? And he also had a daughter" said Griselda.

"Yes, he had a wife, who he accused me of killing" said Annie.

"He truly, deeply did care for his wife, and well you were set up, he believed that you killed her as a form of revenge, just to spite him for everything that he has done to you and your family" said Griselda.

"And you call that a man who deserves to be pitied?" asked Annie.

"No my dear, not at all, Azazel has done some very bad things, that is very clear, but he is also tired of what he has been doing, there is a change that needs to be undergone" said Griselda as Annie shook her head, she did not believe that at all.

"My dear, It is true that Azazel is becoming more human, an example that would show that was when he decided to have a battle in the plains of Kadama, instead of just going after you like he usually would have did" said Griselda.

"Would you not call that looking for an avenue to be defeated?" asked Griselda.

"Or a trap" said Annie.

"My dear, would you believe me if I told you that Azazel is now a slave to those powers that he made a deal with?" asked Griselda as Annie took a pause.

"He is no longer in his right frame of mind, his emotions have been seared up, he no longer does anything off his own free will, his thoughts and actions are controlled by his masters who he have sold his soul to" said Griselda as the cauldron started to stir and it turned blue as smokes of what looked like ghouls flew from inside the cauldron.

"My dear, when you sell your soul to evil, be prepared to become a slave to nothing but evil" said Griselda.

"Nothing good comes out of evil, just as how nothing evil can come out of good" said Griselda.

"Good and evil are two very separate things, no matter what anyone says, just like truth, they will continue to remain plastered there for people to chose between" said Griselda.

"And unfortunately Azazel chose evil" said Griselda.

"My dear, search deep inside your heart and tell me that you do not feel the slightest compassion to Azazel" said Griselda.

"I do not Griselda, honestly I do not, whether he is a slave to his own decisions or not still cannot excuse the fact that he let all of this go on for as long as it had" said Annie as she sighed.

"But you gave Maddie a second chance did you not?" asked Griselda.

"Well yes, but is different, Maddie didn't kill anyone, far from it, and she way different from her father, she is not like him at all" said Annie as she shook her head.

"If you say so my dear" said Griselda as Annie nodded.

"So you are trying to say that these evil spirits are the ones to controlling Azazel?" asked Annie.

"Yes, because he let them, initially, he wanted them for power, but you think differently when you realize that power is not all that matters" said Griselda.

"It gets to a point where there is too much power, so intoxicating that it can suffocate you" said Griselda.

"Well then, if Azazel really wanted to change, then he would not have tried to go after me" said Annie as Griselda just smiled at her.

"My dear, we can never know how people truly feel now can we?" asked Griselda with a smile as Annie shook her head.

"But I have a question" said Annie.

"Ask it my dear" said Griselda as she smiled.

"You said that there are evil spirits, they use dark magic right?" asked Annie as Griselda nodded.

"Then which magic do you use to be able to see? Because there is no magic on Caligo, and yet, you can still see everything" said Annie as she was trying to be cautioned, she did not want to sound rude but… how could she trust Griselda as well, what if she was using dark magic?

"I can sense your concern my dear, but there is nothing to worry about at all" said Griselda as she smiled.

"No, I do not use dark magic, like the one that Azazel uses" said Griselda.

"I use another form of magic, the earliest form, which is also the purest, but it lacks powers" said Griselda.

"The form of magic I use is dependent on ingredients, on its own it does not have any power, but it requires magic from other beings to be able to function" said Griselda.

"And when you think about it deeply, magic is all around us, in the animals, in the plants we see, in everything, even in the soil" said Griselda.

"I cannot cast spells, neither can I manifest my magic into a physical form, instead, I take magic from other things" said Griselda.

"Things like what?" asked Annie.

"From frogs, from toads, from lizards, from plants, from the soil, from the land" said Griselda.

"All the ingredients that I have stored here, that is what I use to quicken my magic, to allow me to see properly" said Griselda.

"So you have to go and get all those ingredients to be able to see properly" said Annie.

"Yes my dear… stressful I know, but I know how to handle it" said Griselda.

"What else can you do except see?" asked Annie in curiosity.

"Well I can see past and present, and sometimes the future in exceptional cases, I can make potions, and I can also cleanse" said Griselda.

"Cleanse?" asked Annie.

"Yes my dear, cleansing… it is a very special old technique of getting rid of evil spirits, it takes quite a long time to learn, and it is not something very easy to do, many factors contribute to someone or something being cleansed" said Griselda.

"So if you can cleanse evil spirits, then does it mean that you can see them as well?" asked Annie.

"I can dear, it takes a long time to train your eyes to see them, but yes, I can see them, most times, things that we count as ordinary, are not ordinary at all, they happen because of those evil spirits" said Griselda as she snap[ed her fingers and her cauldron stopped boiling.

"But nowadays your modern witchlings prefer to ignore that aspect of a problem, you would rather solve it with another spell" said Griselda.

"Old witches such as I who have lived a long while, prefer to keep to the old way of doing things" said Griselda.

"How old are you Griselda? If you do not mind me asking" said Annie.

"Not at all my dear, I do not mind, I am 200 years old" said Griselda with a smile.

"200?" asked Annie in disbelief as Griselda nodded.

"But you do not look that old" said Annie.

"I am my dear, I might not look it, but I am" said Griselda as she smiled.

"But how can you live so long… do you drink from the eternal waters as well?" asked Annie.

"No my dear, I do not, you see, we seers are only a few left in this world, and to make sure that this part of magic does not fade away, seers are only allowed to rest once they have a successor, who has been trained in everything that they need to know to be a seer" said Griselda.

"Oh I see…" said Annie as that was very surprising.

"Yes my dear, so are those all of your questions?" asked Griselda as she smiled.

"Yes Griselda, thank you" said Annie as she smiled.

"You are welcome dear, you can go now, fell free to come back anytime" said Griselda as she smiled.

"Thank you so much Griselda" said Annie as she smiled and Griselda smiled at her as Annie got up and she walked away.

"Oh you are so unfair" said Griselda to herself as she sighed deeply as she shook her head.