I am worried

"Maddie, can I ask you a question?" asked Ollie as he picked up the sword that he kicked far away and he looked at Maddie.

"Don't ask me if you can ask me something, just ask, because you are getting very annoying, I am starting to regret agreeing to try to live in peace with you blondie" said Maddie as she scoffed.

"Noted" said Ollie.

"Why do you call my blondie? You can just call me Oliver or Ollie" said Ollie.

"Firstly, I am not your friend, so I don't want to call you Oliver or Ollie, and the only reason you can call me Maddie is because I just don't have time to come up with something better for you to address me by" said Maddie as she picked up the wooden sticks as she put them away.

"Alright, point taken, but why do you call me Blondie of all things?" asked Ollie.

"Because you are blond" said Maddie.

"And what does that have to do with anything?" asked Ollie in confusion as he cleaned the sword and he put it in the case as he closed the wooden case.

"I hate the colour of your hair, it's annoyingly bright and yellow" said Maddie.

"Wait, what??" asked Ollie in shock as he looked at Maddie.

"Yes you heard me right" said Maddie as she did not deny it.

"But you are blonde as well??" asked Ollie as he did not believe how this made sense at all.

"I know, but that's different, I am a girl, being blond isn't for guys, like gosh" said Maddie.

"Wait, so you call me blondie because you hate my blond hair?" asked Ollie as he needed to get this straight.

"Precisely" said Maddie as she nodded her head.

"But that still makes no sense at all, no sense" said Ollie.

"Well I don't like blonde guys at all, and I prefer to call you by your horrible hair colour" said Maddie as she smiled.

"I don't get you Maddie, not at all" said Ollie as he shook his head.

"That's because you don't need to get me at all blondie" said Maddie as she smiled.

"Well whatever you say, I for one, love my hair colour, because I get It from my mother, and I have her blues eyes as well" said Ollie as he smiled remembering his mother.

"Yeah we get it, you are a mommy's boy" said Maddie as she laughed.

"I don't think that I am, I just love my mother very much, and my father as well, I miss them both" said Ollie as he smiled.

"No one asked blondie, not everyone has parents to miss" said Maddie as Ollie realized that he was being insensitive without him even knowing it, he felt so bad right now, he wanted to apologize, but Maddie spoke before he could say anything more.

"We should get back to the house now, the others must be wondering where we are" said Maddie.

"Yes… you are right" said Ollie as he nodded and Maddie walked ahead.

"No, Ollie has been gone for too long now, I am worried" said Annie.

"Annie I believe that you worry too much, I am sure that they are fine" said Katarina.

"No Katarina, you don't know Maddie, when she is angry, you cannot stop her, she can destroy anyone and anything" said Annie.

"Annie is right, I am mostly worried for Ollie, Maddie can, and will kill him, and I'm not joking at all" said Matt as Katarina was surprised, she didn't know that Maddie could be like that.

"I am going to look for them" said Annie.

"I am coming with you" said Matt as Annie nodded and before they could take a single step they heard the kitchen door open as they all rushed there.

"Maddie" called Annie.

"Yes" said Maddie as she looked at Annie as she smiled.

"You are alive" said Matt as he looked at Ollie.

"What were you expecting?" asked Ollie as he laughed.

"Wait a minute, Maddie, what happened out there?" asked Annie carefully as she looked at Maddie.

"Nothing" said Maddie as she smiled.

"But Ollie is here, and in one piece that is, you didn't fight each other now did you?" asked Annie in suspicion.

"No we just spoke, and decided to not be childish anymore" said Maddie as she smiled.

"Okay…" said Annie as he looked at Matt who looked just as puzzled as she was, they did not know whether to believe Maddie or not, but then again here Ollie was, looking perfectly fine.

"Oh Katarina, I couldn't find your red cloth, I searched everywhere" said Ollie as he looked at Katarina.

"Oh what a surprise, it turned out that it was in my pocket all along, silly me" said Katarina as she brought out the red cloth from her pocket and Ollie looked at her in disbelief, of course, he should have known.

"Hmm, what a surprise" said Maddie as she scoffed, she knew that Ollie coming back to the training ground wasn't just out of a coincidence it was planned.

"Whatever, I don't have time for this" said Maddie as she walked away.

"Tell me dude, what happened?" asked Matt as he looked at Ollie.

"Well she almost killed me but we came to a mutual understanding" said Ollie as he smiled.

"How mutual was that mutual understanding?" asked Curtis as Ollie looked at him.

"Mutual enough for the both of us to agree to try to live in peace with each other" said Ollie as he smiled.

"I don't know whether to be happy or concerned?" asked Annie.

"Be both, because the blondie and I are still not friends just so you all know" said Maddie as she smiled and she walked back into the room.

"Hey blondie, you owe me for those two times that you hit me on my head" said Maddie.

"Sorry about that" said Ollie as he smiled sheepishly.

"Mhmm right" said Maddie as she scoffed and she walked away.

"What happened out there?" asked Matt as Ollie just smiled.

"Nothing serious, Maddie and I are both fine now" aid Ollie as he smiled and Annie and Matt both looked at Katarina who just smiled.

The next day.

"Oh my dear, I was expecting you, come in come in" came Griselda's voice from inside the cottage as Annie was about to knock on the front door but she stopped in surprise as she opened the door.

"Good morning Griselda" said Annie as she smiled and she walked into the cottage.

"Ahh good morning dear" said Griselda with a smile.

"How are you?" asked Annie as she smiled.

"I am good dear, and how are you? What brings you here?" asked Griselda as she smiled.

"I guess that you would already know why" said Annie as she smiled.

"I do dear, but let's see if I am right" said Griselda as she smiled.

"Griselda, I wanted to ask you if you would be able to teach me how to perform a cleansing" said Annie as she smiled.

"Oh of course dear, it would be my pleasure to teach you how to cleanse" said Griselda as she smiled.

"It would?" asked Annie in surprise.

"Yes my dear, it's not every time that you get someone interested enough to learn an ancient technique, I admire that you want to learn how to do it" said Griselda as she smiled.

"Honestly I am not really that interested in it, but I do think that it would be cool" said Annie as she smiled and Griselda smiled.

"And I admire your honesty dear" said Griselda as she smiled and Annie smiled at her.

"So my dear, when would you like to start?" asked Griselda as she smiled.

"When would be best for you to start?" asked Annie.

"Anytime my dear, anytime" said Griselda as she smiled.

"Is there anything important that I need to know or?" asked Annie.

"Not at all my dear, I will guide you each step of the way" said Griselda as she smiled.

"Can my friend Ollie come and watch?" asked Annie.

"Oh of course he can dear, but isn't it prohibited for royal family members to have anything to do with cleansing?" asked Griselda.

"Well he did say something like that, but I think he's allowed to watch" said Annie.

"Well alright dear, he is welcome, all your friends are welcome here whenever they want" said Griselda as she smiled.

"Thank you Griselda" said Annie as she smiled.

"Can I hug you?" asked Annie with a smile.

"Of course you can dear" said Griselda as she smiled.

"Thank you" said Annie as she hugged Griselda and Griselda smiled at her.

"I will be right back" said Annie as she smiled and she broke their hug.

"Alright dear, take your time, I will be waiting right here for you" said Griselda as she smiled and Annie smiled at her as she walked away and Griselda sighed.