Better now

"Alright, we should all go to out rooms to rest, just like King Henry has suggested, and then we will come back for dinner" said Curtis.

"Okay" said Annie.

"That sounds good to me, I can't wait to relax, this is the only thing that I agree with you on Curtis" said Maddie as Annie laughed and Curtis just shook his head, by now he knew that Maddie was rarely serious at all times.

"Annie, are we still roommates forever or what?" asked Maddie as she looked at Annie and she laughed.

"Oh you know that we are Maddie" said Annie as she laughed and Maddie smiled at her.

"I wonder where Matt is right now?" asked Ollie as they all looked at him.

"Probably having a huge family reunion right now" said Annie as she laughed, if she knew the Sundews, and that she did, she knew that they were very loving, and loud, to say the least, and now that they finally had Matt back after so long, they were not going to let go of him so easily.

"That sounds nice" said Ollie as he smiled.

"Yes it is" said Annie with a smile.

"Well I will go to my room now, see you all later" said Ollie as he smiled.

"Bye Ollie see you" said Annie as she smiled and she waved at him as Ollie waved back at her.

"Good riddance, I was wondering when he would finally leave" said Maddie as she scoffed and Annie looked at her.

"Maddie, can you at least try to be nice to him?" asked Annie.

"Annie, this is the best that I can do, don't push it" said Maddie as Annie just shook her head, she knew that she could never change.

"Anyway, I don't want us to argue just because of that blondie, come on let's go to our room, we need to relax, you especially" said Maddie as she held Annie's hand and she dragged her in the opposite direction.

"See you later Curtis" said Maddie as Annie did not even have time to react at all as she just turned around and waved to Curtis who waved back at her, he had more important things to do, and that involved talking to Sapiens, because he needed to know what was actually going on, and why Stella had asked them to come here instead of the Palace.

"Ahh room, sweet room" said Maddie as she opened the door to she and Annie room.

"Oh a bed, a real bed, I have missed you, so soft, so soft" said Maddie as she dropped flat on the bed and Annie laughed as she shook her head at Maddie's behaviour.

"Annie, you have to get on the bed, it's so soft, I feel like I can go to sleep right now" said Maddie as Annie closed the door of their room.

"But you don't look like you will" said Annie as she laughed.

"I won't because I don't want to mess up my sleep schedule, anyway, I get dibs on the shower, I have to wash my hair 100 times at least, to make up for all the washes that I have missed in the past 6 months" said Maddie.

"Umm Maddie, I don't think that's a good idea, that would only dehydrate your hair, and not make it feel any better" said Annie.

"Oh don't give me the facts Annie, I won't do it now that you told me about it, but I will take a shower first, finally hot running water, you know what, I will see you later, the bathroom is mine for an hour, and I'm not joking" said Maddie as she rushed into the bathroom and Annie shook her head.

"Don't spend too long in there and get so wrinkly" said Annie as she laughed.

"I won't, I hate wrinkles" replied Maddie as Annie hoped that she would not end up getting a cold from staying in the water for too long.

"Ahh, that's better" said Maddie as she opened the door of the bathroom in a red bathrobe as her hair was wrapped in a towel and literal steam was coming out of the bathroom.

"What the heck Maddie, there's literal steam coming out of the bathroom" said Annie as she looked up at Maddie in surprise.

"I might have used all the hot water" said Maddie as she smiled sheepishly.

"You did more than that, you were boiling water that's what, geez" said Annie as Maddie jus ignored her and she sat down on her bed as Annie was sitting down on hers.

"Anyway, are you going to tell me what's bothering you now?" asked Maddie as she removed her wet hair from the towel, she could tell that Annie was not herself, it was very clear from her quietness.

"Nothing's wrong" said Annie as Maddie shot her a ' are you serious right now' type of look.

"Oh, so you being oddly quiet, and looking like that is nothing?" asked Maddie as Annie sighed.

"Come on Annie, you know that you can tell me anything, what's wrong?" asked Maddie.

"I just… I just miss my parents so much… I so looking forward to seeing them, but now we have to stay here for a while, and I just… I don't know, maybe I'm just being a big baby" said Annie as she sighed.

"No Annie, no not at all, don't say that, you are not being a big baby at all, it makes sense that you miss your parents, I mean you haven't seen them in 6 months, anyone would miss them, it's only natural" said Maddie.

"And don't be sad Annie, I am sure that we will see them soon, Evie's coronation will be in five days, and after that we can leave, and I am also sure that your parents miss you as much as you miss them, and they must probably be very worried, not knowing how you are doing and all" said Maddie as Annie nodded.

"You are right Maddie… thank you, I feel better now, and I'm sorry because I'm here talking about my parents when you…" said Annie as she was cut off.

"I am going to stop you right there Annie because I'm not offended at all, I don't feel bad, I have come to the realization that not everyone has loving parents, and I'm okay with that, at least I don't have to follow in the horrible footsteps of my so called parents, I am my own person, and so what if I don't have the parents that I would have wished to have? That does not affect me in anyway, what matters if how I am determined to live my life in the best possible way" said Maddie.

"So don't ever feel bad or apologize to me for speaking about how much you love and miss your parents, because they are your parents, and you love them, and they love you, you don't have to feel sorry for that" said Maddie as she smiled.

"Thank you Maddie, for always being so understanding" said Annie as she smiled, she did not know what she would without Maddie.

"Of course, it is in my nature, anyway, go in there, take a nice shower, and then we can talk more" said Maddie as she smiled and Annie smiled as she nodded and she did what she was told.

"*Sigh*, of course, being me is never easy" said Maddie as she looked at her nails, she wanted to paint them, but she didn't know which colour.

"Hey Annie, which colour do you think I should paint my nails?" asked Maddie.

"I don't know, which colour do you have in mind?" asked Annie from inside the bathroom.

"I was thinking it's between black and green, I don't know which one" said Maddie.

"Oh then green, it's your favourite colour" said Annie.

"Alright, thanks, green it is" said Maddie as she smiled and Annie laughed.

"I am loving this colour" said Maddie as she looked at her newly painted dark green nails as Annie laughed,

"Come on, you should paint your nails as well, how about we go purple for you?" asked Maddie.

"No, I'm actually to tired to paint my nails" said Annie as she sighed and she dried her hair.

"You are right, anyway, let's go find Matt before it's dinner time" said Maddie.

"I don't think that we should, he should enjoy his time with his family" said Annie.

"Oh that's nonsense, I know he misses us, and besides, don't you want to say hi to Aunt Luc?" asked Maddie as Annie nodded.

"So come on" said Maddie.

"Oh alright then" said Annie as Maddie smiled.

"You know, now that I think about it, it's actually funny, we spent an entire 6 months in the wilderness" said Maddie as she and Annie were talking.

"I think that you exaggerate Maddie, it was not that bad" said Annie as she laughed and she looked out the window in the hall as she gasped when she saw a carriage outside, and she was surprised to see who it was.

"What is it Annie?" asked Maddie as she looked at Annie.

"My parents??!" asked Annie in shock as she did not know if she was seeing well or not.