Wrong with you

"Curtis, honestly, you aren't making sense right now, I am in so much pain and you aren't giving me a definite answer" said Annie as she groaned, she was surprised that she could still speak with what her head felt like right now.

"Annie I know that you are in much pain right now, I can feel it, maybe not as much as you feel it, but I do, and I can't tell you which spell to use because it's up to you" said Curtis as he put his hand on Annie's forehead once more.

"Just tell me which spell to use" said Annie as she closed her eyes and she groaned.

"Try a Levitatis spell" said Curtis as Annie furrowed her eyebrows and she sighed.

"Fine" said Annie as she opened her eyes and she looked at a book on the table as she focused on it.

"Levitatis incantatores" she said as the book lifted up and as soon as the book was in the air it was as if her headache was alleviated as the book moved up higher and higher into the air as Annie almost instantly felt better.

"You feel better now?" asked Curtis as Annie nodded and she blinked, her headache was gone, just like that.

"That's good" said Curtis.

"Cadere" said Annie as the book fell back down on the table as she looked at Curtis.

"So I have to use my powers?" asked Annie as she needed to understand this well.

"Yes, you need to use them every day to exercise your magic, or else it will overflow and cause you problems" said Curtis.

"But can't you just take some of my magic from me and use it yourself?" asked Annie as Curtis shook his head.

"No Annie, I don't have any magic of my own, it is your magic that flows to me, and it's already doing that, it is just too much for you, and you have to be the one to start to learn how to control it" said Curtis as Annie sighed.

"Wow, that's just great" she said in sarcasm.

"First, I had my powers but I couldn't control them, then I lost them, and now I need to use my powers at least once a day to survive, just great" said Annie as sighed, it was always one thing or the next, she could never get a break now could she?

"Don't say that Annie" said Curtis as he could sense her anger.

"No, don't tell me that Curtis, I's always one thing or the other, I can't be normal for once, I always have to have something wrong with me" said Annie.

"Don't say that Annie, there is nothing wrong with you" said Curtis.

"No Curtis, there is always something wrong with me, I didn't have my powers before, and now that I have them, they will probably kill me" said Annie.

"You just need to adjust, nothing bad will happen to you" said Curtis as Annie sighed and she just looked at him.

"When do you think that my magic will stop overflowing?" asked Annie.

"I don't know Annie, first we have to settle this before we can move on to another problem" said Curtis as Annie sighed.

"Okay Curtis" said Annie, she was relieved that at least that horrible headache was gone now, the pain was unbearable.

"Can you please tell me why I have to wear this dress again?" asked Evie as she looked at Elora.

"Because sweetie, this is practice for when you will wear your coronation ballgown" said Elora as Maddie laughed.

"Granny Elora, I don't mean to be that person but… Evie looks terrible, like a sack of potatoes" said Maddie as she could not help but laugh.

"I feel like one" said Evie as Elora laughed.

"It's not that bad dear, it's just for you to have some practice, because your ball gown is rather heavy" said Elora.

"Just what the heck is this ballgown made out of?? Cement? Because it sure feels like it" said Evie as Maddie laughed even more, she couldn't take the sight of Evie looking like a sack of potatoes in this harsh brown weird heavy dress that she was wearing.

"Wait a minute, it this flour??" asked Evie as she patted the dress and flour came out of it.

"Well yes, so you can learn to walk with perfect balance, now Evie, don't be like that, Lucinda is going to be here soon to check on your progress and it would be best that she meets you walking gracefully, now, go to the end of the hall and walk to me and Maddie" said Elora as she sighed and Evie walked to the end of the hall.

"What's happening?" asked Annie as she walked into the empty hall.

"Evie is learning to walk like a princess, but if you ask me, she looks like a sack of potatoes" said Maddie as she laughed and she shook her head.

"Tell me again why we can't just use magic to make the dress lightweight?" asked Evie.

"Because back in those days, we didn't use magic like that, and you also can't use magic on everything Evie" said Elora as Evie sighed, she couldn't wait until she got her magic powers, so all this would not be necessary anymore.

"Now Evie, walk to me" said Elora as Evie groaned with every step that she took until she walked to Elora.

"Good, now do it again sweetie, but this time without looking like there are chains holding you back" said Elora as Evie groaned.

"I can see that you are making progress" said Henry as he smiled.

"Grandfather, please, this is horrible, this dress is too heavy" said Evie as she complained.

"My dear, you have to bear with it" said Henry.

"But I can't Grandfather" said Evie.

"But I'm sure that it's not that heavy dear, I carried it and it didn't feel like anything" said Henry.

"That's because you are a vampire Grandfather, I am normal, so this thing ways a ton" said Evie.

"I am sure that you will get used to it dear" said Henry as he laughed and Evie knew that she had no one on her side.

"Grandfather can I go to the stables?" asked Frankie as he, Matt, Ollie and the others walked into the empty hall as Henry turned to look at him.

"Did you ask your mother first Frankie?" asked Henry as he smiled and Frankie smiled as he shook his head.

"Then I am afraid no, don't try to get me in trouble with your mother" said Henry.

"Grandma" said Frankie as he pouted and he looked at Elora who laughed.

"Sorry Sweetie, my hands are tied" said Elora as she laughed and Frankie groaned.

"Ahh Prince Oliver, how was going to the lake?" asked Henry as he smiled.

"Very nice your Majesty, the lake is very beautiful" said Ollie as he smiled.

"I am glad to hear that" said Henry as he smiled.

"Grandfather, can I talk to you?" asked Matt as Henry was waiting for this.

"Of course my boy, come on, let's go" said Henry as Matt followed after him.

"Evie, are you okay that thing looks heavy" said Kaylee.

"That's not a thing it's a dress" said Ellie as Evie scoffed.

"It's anything but a dress, and yes, it's extremely heavy, but I have to be elegant don't I?" asked Evie as she looked at Elora and she smiled.

"Yes, you have to dear" said Elora as she smiled.

"So what did you want to talk about my boy? What is on your mind?" asked Henry as he smiled and he looked at Matt as the both of them were looking down over a glass covering that was above the hall, Henry had come here because he knew that he and Matt needed privacy.

"Grandfather, you must already know" said Matt.

"Yes I do my boy, but I want to hear you say it, that's the only way that I will be sure we are thinking the same thing" said Henry as he smiled and he looked at Matt.

"Grandfather, why did you make Evie the crown Princess?" asked Matt.

"Are you upset that I did my boy?" asked Henry as he smiled and Matt shook his head.

"No I'm not Grandfather, I'm only upset that you didn't tell me about your plans earlier, so I could be prepared" said Matt.

"Grandfather, why didn't you ask me if I wanted to be Crown Prince?" asked Matt as Henry smiled, that was the question that he had been waiting to hear.

"Well my boy, it is for the same reason that you had not been with us for these past few months" said Henry as he replied and Matt looked at him.

"Because I know you well, and your place is not with us, it is with that lovely girl down there" said Henry as he smiled and he pointed to Annie who was laughing because of something that Ollie said, as Matt looked down as well to see her.