On ground

"This is very serious this time" said Sapiens with a very grim expression on his face as Captious and Stella both had the same grim expression on their faces.

"I agree with you Sapiens, this situation is dire, worst than the last" said Captious as he looked at Stella.

"Stella, what do you think about this?" asked Sapiens as Stella just sighed, she did not know what to do honestly, at this point, she was just tired of it all, she could never get a break now could she?

"Stella, you must feel stressed with all the pressure on you" said Captious.

"At this point Capi, I am not stressed, I am only just tired, tired of everything, it is either one thing or the next, either Azazel or the High Council, you would think by now that I would get used to it, but it is just hard" said Stella as she sighed and both Captious and Sapiens as they knew just how horrible Stella felt right now.

"But let's look at the bright side, Sapiens you gave me good news by telling me that Curtis said Annie got her powers back, that is such a huge relief to me, you don't know how worried I was about her, but at least we have one problem solved" said Stella as she smiled.

"I agree" said Captious as he smiled.

"Same here, I am just relieved that going to Caligo was not an utter waste of time" said Sapiens as he smiled.

"Yes, I agree with you" said Stella as she smiled.

"Stella, I wanted to know if I hear right or not, but did you ask Curtis to return with Annie and the rest?" asked Captious.

"Yes I did Capi" said Stella.

"Excuse me for saying this Stella, but do you think that is a good idea? I mean with what is on ground right now, I doubt that this is the safest place for them" said Sapiens.

"I do not take an offence to that Sapiens, and besides, you may think that this is not the safest place for them, but in reality it is" said Stella.

"I mean it is safer for them to be here where we can watch them closely, we know how cunning Azazel is, he might try to directly attack Annie, we cannot know with that crazy man, so it will be best for Annie to be here with us where we can watch her, and Maddie as well" said Stella.

"I agree with you" said Captious.

"From what I can feel, they are close, we should get ready for their arrival soon" said Stella as Captious and Sapiens nodded.

"And I believe that we need to talk to Curtis and tell him about the new development on ground" said Sapiens.

"Oh I don't know about that, because if Curtis knows, then Annie will know, and I do not want her worrying over nothing, the last thing that she needs on her mind right now is worrying about Azazel" said Stella.

"I beg to disagree with that Stella, Annie will end up finding about him and everything that is going on, I believe that it would be best if we sit her down, and speak to her about it" said Captious as Stella looked at him.

"In a way, you are right, and I am right as well, but Annie has just returned, it is best that we say nothing, but we should speak to Curtis, I am sure that he will find a way to keep away from Annie things that she doesn't need to know" said Stella.

"Well I trust Curtis will be able to handle Annie" said Sapiens.

"Alright, we should stop talking about this right now, the High Council will sit to discuss this" said Stella.

"I agree" said Captious.

"Oh Sapiens, I am sorry for needing you to come here, you missed Evie's Coronation because of this" said Stella.

"You do not have to worry Stella, duty calls, and everyone understands" said Sapiens as he smiled.

"I was needed more here than there" said Sapiens as he smiled, even though he was a bit sad that he was not present for Evie's coronation.

"Did I tell you all the good news?" asked Sapiens as he smiled.

"No, which good news?" asked Stella as she smiled.

"Evie's powers finally manifested" said Sapiens as he smiled.

"Oh that is wonderful news Sapiens, congratulations" said Stella with a smile.

"That is great news, on which side is she on?" asked Captious as he smiled.

"Thank you, my beloved Granddaughter is a vampire" said Sapiens with a smile.

"Oh that is wonderful, I am sure that Evie will be a great future Queen" said Stella as she smiled.

"I am sure of that as well" said Sapiens with a smile.

"But if you don't mind me asking Sapiens, you seem rather happy that she is a vampire, were you not expecting her to be a witch?" asked Captious with a smile.

"Well I am not disappointed at all, I already made up my mind to be happy with whatever my grandchildren turn out as, I love them either way" said Sapiens with a smile.

"Aww, that is so sweet of you Sapiens, you are a wonderful Grandfather" said Stella as she smiled.

"I have to admit that being a grandfather is the best feeling in the world" said Sapiens as he smiled.

"I can only imagine" said Stella as she smiled.

"It's times like these, seeing you so happy, makes me rethink my choices, who knows, maybe I would have been a grandmother as well" said Stella with a sad smile.

"No Stella, don't think like that" said Captious as he smiled at her.

"I am okay, you don't have to worry" said Stella as she smiled.

"Come on, we should go to the meeting now, we cannot be late" said Stella as she stood up and she laughed as Sapiens and Captious laughed as well, and they followed after her.

"Oh home sweet witch realm" said Maddie as she looked out the carriage window she could not remember the last time that she had bene to the witch realm, and now she was finally here.

"You can say that again" said Matt as he laughed and they all laughed as the carriage came to a stop and Maddie did not wait for Curtis to open the carriage door as she opened it herself and she looked at the Palace which she had not seen in song a long while, it was nostalgic.

"Oh how I've missed this beautiful palace" said Maddie as she smiled and Annie laughed.

"I did miss it as well" said Annie as she laughed and she saw her parent's carriage stop moving right in front of theirs.

"It feels good to be back" said Ollie as she smiled and Annie and Matt agreed with him.

"Well I guess that this is where we all say goodbye" said Ollie as he smiled and they all looked at him.

"What do you mean dude?" asked Matt.

"Well I have to head back to the Castle right now, stern orders from my father" said Ollie as he smiled and he sighed internally, he knew that once he stepped foot in the witch realm, his father would be calling him back home.

He had mixed feelings about it, on one hand, he would be happy to see his parents again, but on the other hand, he doubted that he would be allowed to go anywhere for a long time, that was just how it worked, he knew his father very well.

"Aww Ollie" said Annie as she felt sad.

"I don't think that we will see each other for a while" said Ollie with a smile.

"Oh finally" said Maddie as everyone looked at her and Annie shook her head.

"Oh Ollie, we will miss you" said Annie as she smiled and she hugged him.

"I will miss you too Annie and you all, you two Maddie" said Ollie as Maddie scoffed.

"Take care dude" said Matt as he smiled.

"I will, I will, you too, I hope that I will be able to come to the palace soon" said Ollie as he smiled.

"Anyway, Curtis, everyone else, see you later" said Ollie as he smiled and he waved at them as he walked his way to the stables.

"Finally, good riddance to him" said Maddie as she had been waiting for this day.

"Maddie, can you be nice for once?" asked Annie.

"Not a chance" said Maddie as Annie sighed.

"Oh my dears, I finally see you after so long" said Stella as she smiled and she walked down the steps of the Palace and she hugged Annie as Annie laughed.

"I missed you too Aunt Stella" said Annie as she laughed and she hugged Maddie.

"And I missed you too" said Maddie as she smiled and Stella hugged Matt.

"Is it me or did you all get older?" asked Stella as she laughed.

"I mean Aunt, If by older you mean more beautiful, then yes I did" said Maddie as Matt rolled his eyes and Annie laughed and Curtis scoffed.

"Come on, let's go inside" said Stella as she smiled, she was so happy that they were back here.