I just can't

"Do you feel better now Maddie?" asked Clove as she caressed Maddie's hair as Maddie finally stopped crying.

"Yes I'm fine" said Maddie as she sniffed and she nodded, she felt better now.

"Are you sure Maddie?" asked Clove as Maddie nodded and she broke their hug, she could not believe that she had allowed herself to cry like this in front of Clove of all people.

"I am fine" said Maddie as she nodded and she moved away from Clove.

"Maddie, please stop running away from me and pushing me away, I already said that I was sorry" said Clove.

"How can you be sorry for something you don't even know you did?" asked Maddie.

"I don't know what I did, but I'm sorry, because I don't want you to hate me at all, because I love you, and I don't want anything to ruin our relationship, we are family" said Clove.

"Clove, you can't just apologize for something you know nothing about" said Maddie.

"Then tell me why you push me away? Why it seems like you hate me? What did I do to you? Tell me Maddie, because I'm sorry" said Clove as she could see that Maddie had a lot of hurt hidden within her, many things that she did not want to say out, and Clove just wanted her to feel better.

Maddie sighed, she didn't say anything, she knew that Clove had no recollection of what she did to her, how she was the worst mother ever, married to the most terrible man in the world, she knew that she did not even know Azazel anymore, she did not remember him, she did not remember her.

But that still did not change the fact that because of all her previous actions this happened, she suffered, Maddie knew that it was unfair to judge Clove based on the actions and decisions she made previously, but it was just too hard for her to forget everything, to forget the pain and the suffering she had been through.

"Don't you have somewhere to be Clove? You should go" said Maddie in a tired tone, she could not fight or argue right now, she just wanted Clove to leave honestly.

"No Maddie, I am not going anywhere, that can wait, we need to talk, I am not going to leave you alone till you tell me what happened to you to make you hate me so much, did I offend you unknowingly?" asked Clove as Maddie shook her head.

"You didn't do anything to me Clove, or at least not now" said Maddie as she smiled.

"Maddie, please talk to me, help me understand, I am trying so hard to understand but I can't, it doesn't make sense to me" said Clove.

"There is nothing to understand Clove, I was just being the mean diva I am, really there is nothing wrong" said Maddie.

"Maddie, I don't believe you, and I am genuinely sorry for all the hurt, pain and suffering I caused you, all known and unknown, I'm sorry, I just want us to be close" said Clove as Maddie looked away.

"So I beg you right now Maddie to forgive me, please forgive me" said Clove as Maddie sighed, she felt like she was being unfair by not allowing Clove to have her forgiveness, she seemed to really be sorry, even though she did not know what exactly she had done.

"Clove, don't ask me to do this I…" said Maddie as she sighed, this was just too hard for her.

"But I do need to ask you, please forgive me Maddie" said Clove.

"I forgive you Clove, really I do, it's not that I hate you I just can't… I can't deal with this right now" said Maddie.

"I understand that Maddie, and I am not going to force you to do anything you don't want to do, I just want you to give me a chance to be your friend" said Clove.

"Fine Clove, fine" said Maddie with a sighed.

"Thank you Maddie" said Clove as she hugged Maddie.

"I promise to be more understanding, and I will never ever leave you alone again" said Clove.

"You promise?" asked Maddie as she did not know why she asked if Clove did.

"I promise Maddie, I give you my word, I won't ever leave you" said Clove as she hugged Maddie and Maddie nodded.

"I'm sorry for being mean to you and unfair, I should have never been like that to you" said Maddie as Clove broke their hug.

"It's fine Maddie, I understand you" said Clove as she smiled.

"Well I have to go now, see you later" said Clove as she smiled and she gave Maddie a kiss on the forehead.

"See you" said Maddie as she smiled and she wiped her tears as Clove walked out of their room and Maddie sniffed.

Annie walked to her room as she opened the door and she saw Maddie standing there.

"Oh hi Maddie, what's… wait, why are you crying, what happened Maddie??" asked Annie in concern when she saw that Maddie looked like she had been crying.

"Hi Annie, it's nothing, I just…" said Maddie as she was cut off.

"You what? Who hurt you, what happened?" asked Annie in concern as she walked to Maddie and she checked her up and down to make sure that she was okay.

"I am okay Annie, no one hurt me, Clove was here, and I broke down in tears, which I am not proud of" said Maddie.

"What do you mean?" asked Annie.

"I cried and had a breakdown just because she laid my bed for me, I know, pathetic, and she was worried, and I asked her why she pretended like she cared for me and so on and so forth, she asked for my forgiveness and *sigh*, it's just a lot Annie, really" said Maddie as she sighed.

"That does sound like a lot, but you said that she asked for your forgiveness?" asked Annie.

"Yes she did and I am sure she thought I was crazy for the way I was acting" said Maddie.

"No don't say that Maddie, after all she is your mother, she cares about you" said Annie.

"She doesn't know that Annie" said Maddie as she sighed.

"But she asked for your forgiveness" said Annie.

"Yes, she did, but she doesn't know what she did, she doesn't remember, so I feel like her apologizes and forgiveness is shallow, she says she's sorry for leaving me alone, and she will never leave me alone again" said Maddie.

"And how does that make you feel Maddie?" asked Annie as Maddie sighed.

"I don't know Annie, I honestly don't know" said Maddie.

"No Maddie, you know, just let it all out, tell me what you really think, how you really feel about all of this" said Annie as Maddie sighed.

"I… I…I just, I mean a part of me wants to let go, forgive her, forget about everything that happened, because it's all in the past" said Maddie.

"But another part of me doesn't want to let go, doesn't want to forgive, doesn't want to forget, because it's all just so painful, she doesn't deserve a second chance because… we… I… it's just not fair, she made mistakes and she needs to pay for them" said Maddie.

"Annie, what do you think?" asked Maddie as she looked at Annie.

"You are wrong Maddie" said Annie.

"Everyone deserve a second chance, you had one, so why don't you give her one? Why don't you give her a chance to prove to you that she's sorry, that she cares for you, why don't you let her in Maddie?" asked Annie.

"Because I don't want to get hurt again, as a child, I wanted her so much to be like other mothers, but she wasn't I realized that you couldn't always get what you wanted" said Maddie.

"But you can now Maddie, you can, give her a chance and give yourself a chance" said Annie.

"But what if it fails, what if it blows up in my face for being so soft, so… easy" said Maddie.

"It won't fail Maddie, I promise you, just let go" said Annie as she smiled.

"Annie" said Maddie as she sighed and Annie smiled as she hugged her.

"Just give her a chance, you know more than anyone else that I want to see you happy, both you and Clove are victims of what Azazel did, but don't let him win, make up with your mother" said Annie.

"Fine Annie, because you say so, I will" said Maddie as Annie smiled and she broke their hug.

"Mhmm, of course" said Annie as she laughed and Maddie laughed.

"Oh I feel so angry at myself right now, crying like a baby" said Maddie as she laughed and she wiped away the remaining tears on her face as Annie laughed.

"It's okay to cry sometimes Maddie" said Annie as she smiled.

"You know that's not my style Annie" said Maddie as she and Annie laughed.

"So you want to start by inviting your mom over for dinner?" asked Annie with a smile.

"Oh alright fine, but she's not sitting next to me" said Maddie as she smiled.

"That's good enough, I'm proud of you" said Annie as she smiled.

"Yeah, yeah, let's move to something else" said Maddie as she laughed.

"So how was potion brewing with Uncle Capi?" asked Maddie as she sniffed.

"Good, actually, let's go find Matt and have lunch together" said Annie as she smiled.

"Okay" said Maddie as she smiled and she nodded and followed Annie.