
Clove just tried to remain as calm as possible as she continued to sweep and pretend as if Azazel was not here at all.

She was trying her best to stay calm and think happy thoughts, because her heart was racing right now, and being alone with Azazel was so scary, she believed that he could suddenly get upset any second and kill her, she could not even begin to think just how horrible that would be.

In the midst of Clove's thoughts she loosened her grip on the broom as it slipped out of her hands and fell to the ground with a thud as Clove froze and held her breath as she waited for Azazel to shout on her for causing the broom to fall and cause a loud noise.

Clove waited, one second, two seconds, three, and yet no reaction at all. Clove quickly picked up the broom as she shakily turned around and wondered if Azazel had heard the noise, but to her surprise Azazel was just sitting at his desk with his eyes closed, as if he was resting.

Clove sighed quietly in relief as she decided that it would be best for her to get out of here as soon as possible.

Clove continued on with her cleaning as she stayed as far away as possible away from Azazel's desk when suddenly the door opened and Hunter walked in as in the same moment Azazel opened his eyes.

"Leave" said Azazel in a cold tone as he looked at Clove and he didn't have to tell her twice as she quickly nodded her head and carried the broom with her as she rushed out of his office.

"What is she doing here?" asked Hunter.

"Selene sent her" replied Azazel in a cold tone.

"You need to deal with her then, she knows the rules, and yet she keeps on disobeying" said Hunter as he smiled, he just wanted Selene to get punished for every single thing that she had done, her punishment was long overdue at this point.

Azazel said nothing as he knew that Hunter was right, but he could not get rid of Selene, or at least not yet, not until he had gotten what he wanted.

"Why are you here?" asked Azazel as Clove was about to run straight outside when she remembered that she had a mission to complete, she still had to find out what Azazel was up to, so she turned around and walked back to the door as she listened in on Hunter and Azazel's conversation.

"I need to talk to you about something, and also, why am I not able to hear anything else besides in this room?" asked Hunter as his hearing seemed to have disappeared.

"I don't need nosy ears hearing what goes on here" replied Azazel as Hunter nodded and Clove casted a spell on the door as she could audibly hear everything that was going on inside the office.

"The vampires are wondering what exactly the plan is, they are tired of waiting, they want to go back home, they are tired of being here" said Hunter.

"They should be patient" replied Azazel.

"You can tell it to them yourself, because they only want to know the plan" said Hunter.

"A month from now if the High Council does not make a move, then we will make the first move and storm the High Council Palace and take over, by then, everything should have already be put in place" said Azazel as Clove gasped internally, so they were planning to take over and storm the Palace, she had to warn Stella and everyone else immediately.

Clove immediately turned around and walked away, she needed to tell Stella what Azazel was planning to do in a month's time.

"Alright Azazel, in a month" replied Hunter.

"Yes" replied Azazel.

"Hunter, do you know anything about that supposed daughter of mine?" asked Azazel as he had been trying to remember, it felt as if his memories were hazy.

Hunter was surprised to say the least that Azazel would ask him such a question like this.

"Well I do not know much, but she apparently betrayed you before what happened at the Battle of Kadama" replied Hunter.

"Is that so?" asked Azazel.

"If I know one thing, it is that she hates you, she even joined forces with the High Council and she is even very good friends with Annie and the hybrid boy" replied Hunter as Azazel seemed to be thinking, oddly enough, he could not even remember that.

All he knew was that after what happened in Kadama, he lost the little last of his strength that he had left, and Selene did something to help him regain back his strength.

"What Is the name of that betrayal child?" asked Azazel.

"I am not sure, I believe her name is Maddison, or Maddie, either one of the two" replied Hunter.

"It's Maddison, the name Maddie does not sound like a name my child would have" said Azazel as Hunter was wondering what Azazel was planning that he started to ask after a child he clearly hated all of a sudden.

"Why are you asking about her all of a sudden?" asked Hunter.

"And how does that concern you" replied Azazel.

"I know that It does not concern me, but if you plan on contacting her, just be weary, you said it yourself that she is an insolent, ungrateful brat who you regret unfortunately father, she is with the enemy after all" said Hunter.

"I would like to see for myself" replied Azazel as Hunter just stood there, hoping that Azazel would no do anything rash to derail their plans.

"Azazel is going to strike the High Council in a month's time, Clove just reported that to me" said Stella as she looked at Sapiens, Captious and Curtis who were in her office with her.

"I knew it would only be a matter of time before he struck, this is Azazel after all, he cannot remain in a peaceful war for long" said Sapiens as he scoffed.

"That was obvious, and certainly since we were both at a draw, we were surely not going to start the first move, and neither was he" replied Captious.

"I truly care about none of those things, I only care about the safety of Annie, Maddie and the others" said Stella.

"The Palace is no longer safe for them, Azazel is not a man of his word, he can strike at any time, as long as he feels like it, and we are not prepared or ready at all for a full scale war" said Stella.

"I agree with Stella, we should focus on Annie and the other's safety first" said Curtis, he was not going to let Annie panic this time, it affected her powers, it was best that she remained calm through all of this.

"Which is why I have decided that they all would be much more safer in my home, they are going to move over there today" said Stella as Captious and Sapiens nodded.

"Meanwhile, I need you both to stay here and handle everything, inform the Cauldron to be on their guard and make sure to be ready just in case anything happens" said Stella.

"You do not have to worry about that Stella, we will handle it" said Captious with a smile.

"Thank you Captious" said Stella with a smile.

"What are you going to tell Annie and the others the reason for moving is?" asked Curtis as they all looked at him.

"After all, it is best that we do not tell them any of this, it could cause Annie to panic, and if she is not that much in control of her emotions, she will not be able to control her powers as well" said Curtis.

"I will just tell them that some things need to be fixed and put in place in the Palace and in the meantime they can stay with me" said Stella.

"We also cannot tell Maddie about this, she and Annie would have the same reaction, just this morning she rushed to me asking me to tell Clove not to get too close to Selene, I understand her worries, I really do, but right now, we have to make sure everything is put in place" said Stella.

"Last time Azazel's main goal was replenishing his powers by killing Annie" said Stella seriously.

"But now, he is at no need for them thanks to what Selene did, his goal this time is to have full control of the witch realm, so we need to be ready, I will inform King Albert and Queen Christina about this, and all factions of the High Council and Cauldron must be prepared, because at this point, a war is inevitable" said Stella in all seriousness as she knew that this time is was serious.

There could not be any silly, avoidable mistakes this time, or else the whole realm and beyond would suffer catastrophic consequences.