Everyone is different

"Sorry to say your Majesty, but with all due respect, do you mean to say that you have been admiring my neck?" asked Maddie as she never thought that this would be a sentence that she would ever say.

"Well yes, I love to admire beautiful things, don't you think so?" asked Christina with a smile as Maddie felt as if Christina wanted to harvest her neck or something.

"Right…." Said Maddie as she did not feel comfortable at all.

"And you my dear are very beautiful" said Christina with a smile as Maddie took a step back.

"Right… yes, thank you your Majesty" said Maddie.

"Well I have to go now, I can hear Annie calling me" said Maddie as she backed away.

"Right…" said Ollie as Maddie looked at him and glared.

"Shut up blondie" said Maddie as she could not control herself and Ollie just smiled.

"Your Majesty, it was nice seeing you, thank you, but I have to go now, Bye" said Maddie with a quick smile as she left the room without looking back.

"Oh she was in a rush to leave" said Christina as she sat down next to Ollie.

"That she was" replied Ollie.

"Why does she call you blondie Ollie?" asked Christina as she had noticed Maddie calling her son blondie.

"It's her hate name for me" said Ollie.

"Hate name?" asked Christina in confusion.

"Yes hate name, like a nickname, but when you hate someone, that's her hate name for me" said Ollie as he noticed the worried look on his mother's face.

"But don't worry Mother, she doesn't actually hate me, it's all in good fun" said Ollie as he smiled.

"Oh if you say so Ollie" said Christina as she was still worried about that, she had never heard of something as absurd as a hate name.

"She's the only one who doesn't care that I am a Prince" said Ollie.

"You really like Maddie, don't you?" asked Christina.

"Well yes I do, she's my friend, even though she isn't that friendly with me" said Ollie.

"I noticed that she is a bit hostile" said Christina.

"That's just how she Is, everyone is different, and they have different attitudes and characters" said Ollie as he smiled.

"Annie is sweet, Matt Is chill, Curtis is well Curtis" said Ollie as he laughed and Christina smiled.

"And Maddie?" asked Christina.

"Well Maddie is Maddie" said Ollie.

"She is just herself, she says what she thinks, even when no one wants to hear it" said Ollie.

"If you need someone to be painstakingly honest with you at all times, that would be Maddie" said Ollie with a smile as Christina smiled.

She could not lie that she was not happy that Ollie had his own friends, she had always been worried since he was always alone, he did everything he was supposed to, but she could still tell that he was unhappy.

"I am happy that you have friends my Ollie" said Christina as she smiled and Ollie smiled.

"I know how lonely you were before, and I know it was unfair to you" said Christina.

"Your father and I had each other when we were growing up, but you have no one, so I am happy that you have true friends who accept you" said Christina as she smiled.

"I am happy about that too mother" said Ollie with a smile.

"But I am still not coming home" said Ollie.

"Even if I make your father change?" asked Christina.

"Let's be honest mother, no one can change Father's mind, especially when he is angry" said Ollie as Christina smiled sadly, because that was the truth.

Albert wasn't going to budge, and Ollie made it clear that he was not going to either, so this could end up growing a bigger rift than before, and that was what she was most worried about.

"I tell you, the blondie's mother is so strange, she was talking about how nice my neck looked, which made me believe that she wants to harvest it" said Maddie as Matt and Annie laughed.

"Oh come on you guys, it's not funny, I was really weirded out, I told you that I found her very strange and creepy" said Maddie.

"Maddie, I think that you are just overreacting, honestly" said Matt as he laughed.

"I agree with Matt, maybe she was just truly admiring your neck" said Annie as she laughed.

"Look, I know my neck is to die for even my hair is, but gosh, I was creeped out" said Maddie as Annie and Matt continued to laugh.

"What are we laughing about?" asked Ollie with a smile as he walked into the room.

"Your mother and her weirdly admiring my neck" said Maddie as she looked at Ollie who sat down beside Annie.

"Ahh well, she does that a lot, she loves admiring things, from, plants, to faces, everything she finds admirable" said Ollie as she laughed.

"Well that's weird blondie, super weird" said Maddie.

"You should be happy, my mother finds you very beautiful" said Ollie.

"Oh please, I already know that I am" said Maddie with a scoff.

"Of course you do" said Ollie as he laughed and shook his head.

"So what did your mother want to talk about?" asked Matt as he looked at Ollie.

"Well she wants me to come back home, which I am not going to do, not until my father listens to my wishes and tries to make a change" said Ollie.

"I don't expect him to change centuries of years' worth of laws, I just want him to make an effort to prove that he respects my opinions" said Ollie.

"Maybe you should try talking to him again" said Annie.

"No, he won't listen, he's that stubborn" said Ollie as he scoffed.

"Seems like the blondie has father issues" said Maddie with a smile as Ollie just looked at her and shook his head.

Clove sat down on her bed as she sighed, she was just so tired, and she had gotten several scares just in the space of yesterday night and now.

Clove shook her head, she really hoped that she would find the information that she needed soon, so she could get out of here.

Clove looked under her bed as she found a letter and she opened it and read it, she smiled reading the letter, and reading Maddie say that she missed her.

"Oh Maddie, I miss you too… really" said Clove to herself with a smile, she wanted to write to Maddie and tell her about everything that happened, but it would be too much, she knew that Maddie would not want her to be anywhere near Azazel.

Which she agreed with, but she was already here, and there was no point going back now, not until she had finished her mission.

"Sage, Sage" called Nia as she hurriedly rushed into Clove's room without warning as she was taken by surprise.

"Nia what's wrong?" asked Clove as she quickly hid the letter under her pillow as she stood up.

"I am so sorry for barging in here like that, but Selene is looking for me, and I doubt that she will come in here to find me" said Nia.

"Oh that's fine Nia, are you okay? Why did you have to run away?" asked Clove.

"Selene is in a really bad mood today, I am sure that if she was able to, she would kill me today" said Nia.

"Oh Nia, I am so sorry, you can stay here until she calms down" said Clove.

"Thanks Sage, I really appreciate it" said Nia as she smiled.

"You don't have to mention It" said Clove with a smile as she started to smell smoke as her eyes went wide.

"Is that smoke?" asked Nia as she started to smell the smoke as well.

"Umm…." said Clove as she picked up the letter.

"I can explain Nia… really…" said Clove as she could see Nia looking at her with a weird expression on her face as she knew that she was busted.

But at the same time, she trusted Nia, she knew that she was a good person, something told her not to be scared.

"Nia you have to promise me that you will not tell anyone what I am about to tell you" said Clove.

"I give you my word Sage" said Nia as she nodded and that was more than enough reassurance for Clove as she took a deep breath.

"Nia I... am actually a spy from the Cauldron, sent here to find out what Azazel's plans are" said Clove as she waited for a bad reaction from Nia, but she received nothing like that at all.

"Now that makes sense" said Nia as she did not seem surprised at all, even though she was a little bit surprised.

"it does?" asked Clove in a mix confusion and relief.

"Yes it does" replied Nia in all honesty.