Be delicious

"Nia, look I found this while searching around in Azazel's office" said Clove as she put her hand in her pocket as she showed Nia the crystal shard that she found.

"It's a crystal shard" said Nia as Clove handed the shard to her.

"I know, what if there is some important information in there, we can never be sure, I just wanted to show it to you" said Clove as Nia looked at the pink crystal shard closely.

"I don't mean to be a downer, but there is nothing beneficial to us in here" said Nia.

"How do you mean?" asked Clove in confusion.

"This is not Azazel's crystal shard" said Nia.

"And how do you know that?" asked Clove.

"It belonged to my lady, it's her crystal shard, I know that because she sent me to get them for her" said Nia as she sighed sadly, remembering a sad memory.

"Oh…" said Clove in a mix of realization and disappointment.

"Yes, she wanted to record some messages for Azazel and her daughter, I don't know what she recorded, but I am certain and these are her shards" said Nia.

"Well in that case, I have to find a way to return it" said Clove.

"Don't you want to watch it first and see what's in here?" asked Nia as Clove shook her head.

"I would rather not intrude into her privacy, it's her shard, and she must have recorded a very delicate, personal message in there" said Clove as Nia nodded.

"Which Is why I have to return it, I believe that Azazel holds this shard in high regard, he even kept it in a book" said Clove.

"I doubt that, if he had any regard for my lady and her memory, he would have fulfilled her greatest wish" said Nia with a scoff.

"Maybe he couldn't anyway, I will return it tomorrow" said Clove as Nia handed the crystal shard back to her as she nodded.

"Just what sort of luck do I have?" asked Maddie to herself as she ranted internally, obviously greatly displeased by what had happened.

"Maddie this, Maddie that" said Maddie to herself as she saw Matt walking to her.

"Hey Maddie" said Matt with a smile.

"Hi" replied Maddie in a sigh as they walked together in the same direction.

"What's wrong Maddie?" asked Matt as it was obvious to see that Maddie was upset.

"My dear Matthew, I am starting to dislike that I am so likeable" said Maddie as Matt scoffed and he laughed.

"Of course you are, what's really wrong though?" asked Matt as Maddie sighed.

"Nothing Matt, nothing, it will be handled soon" said Maddie.

"Alright, it's okay if you don't want to tell me" said Matt as he smiled.

"Yes, yes, I don't want to say anything because it is nothing important, anyway, do you know where Annie and that blondie are? I called a meeting ages ago" said Maddie as she looked at Matt.

"They should be in the kitchen I believe" said Matt.

"To the kitchen we go" said Maddie as Matt laughed.

"No don't add that, it's going to make It taste horrible" said Annie as she took away a shaker from Ollie as he laughed.

"Oh relax Annie I wasn't really going to add it" said Ollie as he laughed.

"Righttt, I don't trust you, you might be joking now, but you won't be when you accidentally add it" said Annie as Ollie nodded.

"Alright, alright, you make a good point" said Ollie as he nodded his head and Annie shook her head.

"Cooking with you was a horrible idea" said Annie.

"We aren't cooking we are baking, and besides, you promised to show me how to make chocolate chip cookies" said Ollie as he ate from the cookie dough.

"What's going on in here?" asked Maddie as she walked into the kitchen with Matt.

"Baking, that's what" replied Ollie with a smile.

"Hmm, you are in way too much of a good mood blondie" said Maddie as she looked at Ollie.

"Just let me enjoy it Maddie" said Ollie as Maddie scoffed.

"I called a meeting ages ago, and no one showed, except for Matt" said Maddie.

"Oh I'm sorry Maddie, I forgot about it, I'm making cookies" said Annie with a smile.

"They better be delicious" said Maddie as Annie laughed.

"You can count on it" said Annie as she laughed.

"So what's the meeting about?" asked Annie as she turned to look at Maddie.

"Alright guys it's very serious" said Maddie as everyone looked serious.

"Azazel?" asked Annie as Maddie nodded.

"Look I've been thinking, and I am tired of us waiting for him to make a drastic move" said Maddie.

"It's useless and stupid, he has already shown that he's more powerful since he was able to get in here without triggering the alarms" said Maddie.

"So I want all of us to approach Aunt Stella and Curtis, because obviously, this is not working" said Maddie.

"I agree" said Ollie as Matt and Annie agreed with him.

"Which is why I think we should end this supposed stalemate and strike first, but of course taking precautions against anyone getting hurt" said Maddie as Annie nodded.

"So are we all on the same page?" asked Maddie as Annie, Ollie and Matt nodded.

"Good" said Maddie with a smile.

"When do you want us to talk to the Chancellor and Curtis?" asked Ollie.

"Maybe after dinner blondie" said Maddie.

"Alright" said Annie.

"Yes, meeting adjourned, blondie come with me" said Maddie.

"Why?" asked Ollie, Annie and Matt at the same time.

"I need a sparing partner" said Maddie.

"Maddie" called Annie.

"Don't worry Annie, it's a friendly duel" said Maddie as Annie seemed sceptical.

"There's nothing sceptical when it comes to you Ollie and swords" said Annie as Ollie and Matt laughed.

"I am up for a challenge though, so let's go" said Ollie with a smile.

"Nice to see that the blondie isn't a coward" said Maddie with a scoff.

"Come on" said Maddie as Ollie followed after her.

"You two be careful, don't cut each other's heads off" said Annie.

"I'll try" replied Maddie as Annie sighed and Matt laughed.

"They will be fine, Ollie won't hurt her" said Matt.

"That's what I am worried about, Maddie can be very unstable sometimes" said Annie with a sigh.

"You know, I cannot lie that I was not surprised when you asked me to spar with you" said Ollie with a smile as he and Maddie's swords hit one another with a clanking sound.

"Well I need to practice a bit, and seeing your annoying face is a nice motivation" said Maddie with a smile.

"Oh very funny Maddie, I know you like my face" said Ollie as he winked and she pointed her sword at his neck as he kicked it out of her hand.

"No fair blondie, what kind of move was that?" asked Maddie.

"It's called you should focus Maddie" said Ollie as he laughed and Maddie out of annoyance used her leg to sweep Ollie off his as he fell to the ground on his back.

"Ouch Maddie, we aren't fist fighting, we are sword fighting" said Ollie.

"You started it blondie, just know if you want to go, I can go" said Maddie as she put her hands up into a fist.

"I am a courteous young good mannered man who does not hit ladies" said Ollie as he stood up.

"That's probably what your mother tells you" said Maddie as Ollie scoffed and she almost landed a punch on his face as he blocked her.

"What do you always do that?" asked Ollie in confusion.

"Because I never pass off an opportunity to hit you Blondie" said Maddie with a smile as Ollie shook his head and sighed.

Maddie sat down on the ground as Ollie did the same and there was silence for a while.

"Why won't you go home blondie?" asked Maddie as she broke the silence and Ollie looked at her.

"You just want me out of here don't you?" asked Ollie.

"That's the undeniable truth blondie" said Maddie.

"Well it's pointless for me to go back there, my father he doesn't listen to me, I thought we were past it, but no, he's still as stubborn as ever" said Ollie with a scoff.

"You know hiding and running away like a coward won't do anything blondie" said Maddie.

"You need to go back home, where you belong" said Maddie.

"I am not going anywhere" said Ollie.

"You see, you are a coward" said Maddie.

"I am no coward Maddie, you don't understand, my father he's the worst when it comes to communicating or believing in me, he doesn't understand me, and neither does he try to understand me" said Ollie.

"I know he's making an effort, but it's not enough" said Ollie.

"At least you have a father who tries" said Maddie as Ollie kept quiet, realizing how selfish he sounded, for a moment, he had forgotten that he was talking to Maddie.

"At least you have a father and mother who truly care about you" said Maddie.

"You don't know what I would give to have parents who are as supportive as Annie's, parents who are as understanding as Matt's parents who want their son home like yours" said Maddie.

"I'm sorry for being insensitive Maddie, I shouldn't have spoken about this with you" said Ollie as he felt bad, and he didn't want Maddie to feel bad.

"Come on blondie, your mother has come over here every day just because she wants to see you, and she wants you back home" said Maddie.

"Sure I have a mother now who loves me, but I cannot lie that I have never wanted the affection of a father" said Maddie.

"When I was little, all I wanted was a father who loved me, who was proud of me, so I did everything I could to make him proud of me, I did everything he wanted, but then I grew up and realized that what he wanted from me was wrong" said Maddie.

"It's different with you blondie, your father just wants to protect you, he loves you, and if he disagrees with you, it's for a reason" said Maddie.

"He treats me like a child, he thinks that I am immature!" said Ollie in anger.

"Well you are proving him right by immaturely running away from home!" said Maddie as her words made Ollie shut up, because in all honesty she was right.

"Look I know how it feels to have your feelings, thoughts and opinions be shut down blondie, but in your case, running away from home won't fix anything, even though it worked for me" said Maddie as Ollie scoffed.

"You are going to be future King of the Witch Realm, and I for one know that Kings never run away from a fight like a coward, they face their battles, and that's what you should do" said Maddie as Ollie sighed.

"Try talking it out with your father, and go back home" said Maddie.

"Fine, I'll go home Maddie" said Ollie as he sighed.

"Good, because I can't bear seeing your mother over here for one more day, she creeps me out" said Maddie as Ollie laughed.

"Ahhh so that's why you want me to go so bad, you want to avoid my mother" said Ollie as he laughed.

"Yes blondie, so go, you go home" said Maddie as she preferred to not tell Ollie that his mother was the one who told her to convince him to go now, her work here was done, she would leave it at that.

"I will go" said Ollie.

"Thanks Maddie, really, thank you" said Ollie as he smiled.

"No problem blondie, you know that I will never pass up an opportunity to talk some sense into you" said Maddie as she smiled and Ollie shook his head as he laughed.