You see

"Wait a minute, Griselda said that?" asked Maddie as she looked at Annie who nodded.

"Wow I don't know what to say, because she obviously used some strange magic to break through Caligo's no magic barrier, and on top of that, she scared you and told you that nonsense" said Maddie in clear displeasure.

"Maddie calm down, I don't like that look on your face" said Matt as Maddie looked at him and smiled.

"Why whatever do you mean Matthew, I am just fine" replied Maddie as Matt shook his head.

"Annie, what are you thinking about?" asked Matt as he looked at Annie and Maddie scoffed and dipped her hand in a bowl of popcorn as she ate her popcorn in annoyance.

"I don't know, it's just confusing that Griselda would tell me something like that" said Annie as she looked at Matt.

"Did she say anything else?" asked Matt.

"Yes, she reminded me of exercises I did with the old tongue, and she told me to practice them, she says that they can boost the intensity of my spells" said Annie.

"Well you want to know what I think?" asked Maddie as both Annie and Matt looked at her.

"I think that Griselda needs to pick a side and stick on it, is she on our side or not?" asked Maddie.

"She's indirectly telling you not to kill Azazel, that´s what she's saying and no way I am going to let you listen to that nonsense" said Maddie as she stood up.

"I know, but she didn't say that, she only told me that every deserves a chance to change, and I shouldn't be too hardened in heart" said Annie with a frown.

"Oh no way, that's nonsense, be totally hard hearted Annie, you will need to be" said Maddie.

"But…" said Annie.

"But nothing Annie, don't you dare go soft on me, even my mom said that Azazel needs to be killed, so take it literally" said Maddie as Clove walked into the room.

"Mom, Annie can kill Azazel right?" asked Maddie as she looked at Clove who was taken aback by her harsh question.

"Yes" replied Clove as she did not know what else to say, she wondered if Maddie was testing her or something.

"You see" said Maddie as she smiled and handed her bowl of popcorn to Clove.

"Are you full?" asked Clove as Maddie nodded.

"Alright, but I told you not to make too much popcorn" said Clove as she laughed.

"Yeah, yeah, you don't have to rub it in mom, I will finish it later" said Maddie as Clove smiled and shook her head as she left the room.

"Anyway, as I was saying, you see, even my mom agrees with him, that man has done far too much terrible things to be spared, he needs to die" said Maddie as she looked at Annie.

"Oh come on Matt you know that I am right" said Maddie as she looked at Matt.

"I know you are Maddie, but this isn't about us, it's about what Annie thinks, she's the one who gets to decide" said Matt.

"Nope, not in this case, we are a team and the team decision is final" said Maddie.

"Annie, don't you get cold feet now, you promised me that you would kill him, don't you dare break your promise, kill him" said Maddie in a tone with no room for refuting.

"I know Maddie, I know and I will" said Annie as she sighed, she knew that ultimately she would have to, she remembered what happened last time, and she would not let it repeat again.

"Good, because if you don't kill him, I will" replied Maddie seriously as both Matt and Annie knew that she was not joking.

"Maddie" called Matt.

"Don't you dare Maddie me Matt, I'm not in that mood, this is the final decision, if Annie falters and doesn't kill him, I will do it for her" replied Maddie with a smile as Curtis walked into the room.

"Curtis talk some sense into Annie and remind her that she has to kill Azazel" said Maddie as she looked at Curtis and Curtis looked at Annie.

"Maddie you can't be selfish to demand Annie to do that" said Curtis as he knew that this was hard for Annie, he knew that the last thing on her mind was killing anyone.

"You asked Annie to kill someone, regardless of who Azazel is, he is still someone, and Annie definitely does not want to kill anyone" said Curtis.

"Alright then, I will do it myself" said Maddie as she realized that Curtis was right.

"Stop it" said Annie in an irritated tone as everyone looked at her, she did not seem happy at all.

"I am not a child Curtis, I know what I want to do" said Annie.

"And let's be honest, no one can defeat Azazel except me, if anyone else could do so then he would be dead already" said Annie in anger and mild irritation at how they were all here, talking about her and how she felt like she couldn't say it herself, meanwhile she was right here.

"Annie, you don't need to say that" said Matt as he could clearly see that Annie was upset. Annie just looked at Matt and shot him a glare.

"You all just stand here, talking about my life, as if I am not here?" said Annie.

"Annie, I am sorry that we made you feel like that" said Maddie as she felt bad now, Annie was usually the calm one, and she rarely got upset, but now that she was, Maddie realized just how truly selfish she was being right now.

"Just save it, I don't want to hear it" said Annie.

"This time is going to be different, there is no way Azazel is going to win again, everything will end once and for all" said Annie as she stood up and left the room in annoyance.

"You see what you did Maddie" said Matt as he looked at Maddie and rushed to find Annie.

"You see what you caused Curtis?" asked Maddie as she looked at Curtis who was silent.

"You caused it, not me" replied Curtis as Maddie scoffed, knowing that he was right.


"Hunter, come with me I have to tell you something" said Nia as Hunter was talking to a rogue as he looked at her and the rogue left.

"Oh, so I see that you are no longer upset with me" said Hunter with a smile that irritated Nia.

"I am not here for jokes Hunter, this is something important, so come on" said Nia.

"So you expect me to just follow you anywhere, anytime you want to, while you are upset and ignore me?" asked Hunter as Nia scoffed.

"I don't have time for this" said Nia in annoyance as she turned around and walked away as Hunter smiled and follow behind her.

"So she's actually Azazel's wife that somehow is still alive despite what Selene did to her?" asked Hunter as he and Nia were alone and she nodded.

"You witches are confusing, how in the world does that even work?" asked Hunter in nothing but pure confusion from trying to wrap his head around all of this.

"Well you rogues are not any better" said Nia as she took an offence to him speaking of witches like that.

"You make no sense, I know that there are rules put in place to ensure whatever balance you have, but her being alive makes no sense at all" said Hunter.

"Well maybe for you it does not, but since Maddie is still alive, then it makes sense that she is still alive as well" said Nia as Hunter sighed, he knew that asking more questions would not answer anything.

"So does the plan change now or does it remain the same?" asked Hunter.

"It remains the same, my lady said that nothing will change, and we still have our roles to play" said Nia.

"Alright then, should I tell Azazel?" asked Hunter.

"What no?? why would you even think of doing that?" asked Nia.

"Well because it is no lie that he cares for his wife, or at least he used to, maybe things could change if he knew that she is still alive" said Hunter.

"No it will change nothing, as long as Selene is here, he will never change, so don't make any stupid moves and just stick to the plan Hunter" said Nia.

"Gosh I hear you Nia, I never knew that you could be so loud" said Hunter.

"I learn from the best" replied Nia with a smile.

"Is that an insult or compliment?" asked Hunter in annoyance.

"Both, just don't be silly Hunter, I am not going to go down for this if you decide to bail on me" said Nia.

"Don't worry Nia, I won't" replied Hunter as Nia walked away.