See Annie

"*Ugh* I hate that we have to do our laundry today" said Maddie as she groaned and fell on her bed as Annie turned to look at her and laughed while sorting out her dirty clothes from her clean ones.

"Oh Maddie, you are overreacting, and being lazy, it's not like we are even going to be doing anything, you don't even have to lift a finger, just cast a spell" said Annie as she laughed.

"And you call that doing nothing, I have to exert energy to cast a spell" said Maddie as she groaned and Annie laughed and shook her head at her lazy friend.

"I don't get why you are so lazy about this, it's not like we have anything better to do, so we might as well get rid of our dirty clothes" said Annie as she smiled and quickly tied her hair up into a ponytail.

"Only you would think like that, I had plans to stay in bed today, watch funny cat videos, talk to my mom, and most importantly eat!" said Maddie as Annie laughed.

"Matt is right, food is truly the only thing you think of" said Annie.

"No, I think about you guys and my mom, and then food" said Maddie.

"Ahh so I see, not only do you not have plans to do your laundry today, but you also aren't going to take a shower" said Annie in a statement tone.

"Well I have to wash my hair, and I'm to lazy to do that now, so I will do it later, you know how long it takes me to wash my long, luscious, wonderful hair" said Maddie as Annie rolled her eyes.

"Well I am going to do my laundry, I'm not doing yours for you" said Annie as she gathered all her dirty clothes into a white laundry basket that floated towards her.

"I didn't ask you to" replied Maddie as Annie shook her head.

"If you need me you know where to find me" said Annie as she put on her fluffy pink slippers and she walked forward as the laundry basket followed after her on its own accord.

"And if you need me I will be in the lounge enjoying my free day" said Maddie as Annie left the room.


"Maddie, have you seen my favourite purple sweater?" asked Annie as she walked into the lounge to see Maddie scrolling aimlessly on her phone while sitting down on the couch.

"The one that has a flower drawn on it?" asked Maddie as Annie nodded.

"I'm not sure, I last saw it in your closet" said Maddie.

"Well it's not there, I just checked" said Annie.

"Then maybe your mom has it, she did do the laundry last time" said Maddie as Annie frowned.

"Maybe" said Annie.

"What's going on?" asked Matt as he walked into the lounge.

"I'm looking for my favourite purple sweater" said Annie as she looked at Matt.

"The one with a flower on it?" asked Matt as Annie nodded.

"I don't know, I haven't seen it since last winter" said Matt.

"The fact you remember when she last wore it" said Maddie as she cackled, obviously wanting to be mean today.

Matt and Annie on the other hand ignored her comment, until Annie turned to look at Maddie.

"That's because he's sweet and attentive" said Annie as she defended Matt.

"That's the thing dearie, only to you" said Maddie as she laughed again and Annie scoffed.

"You are just being mean today Maddie, I don't get what you are trying to insinuate" said Annie as Matt just shook his head.

"Matty boy here is..." said Maddie as before she could finish her sentence at all she was cut off by a frantic looking Ollie who appeared to have been panting due to running.

"Guys, guys, I have bad news" he said as he composed himself and they all turned to look at him, Maddie and Annie were startled while Matt on the other hand remained calm.

"Ollie, what's the matter, what are you doing back here so soon?" asked Annie as Ollie looked at her.

"Blondie you better have a good explanation for why you barged in here like that" said Maddie with a frown.

"Dude, you look horrible, what's up?" asked Matt.

"Firstly, I'm sorry for barging in like that, and secondly I'm back so soon because I have extremely bad news" said Ollie and as soon as he said so Annie started to feel uneasy, if Ollie looked like this was a very serious matter then it really was.

"Out with it then blondie" said Maddie as she narrowed her eyes at him, Ollie wasn't one to look easily worried, so for him to barge in here talking about bad news, it had to be very serious.

"Annie my Father just told me that he wants to see you" said Ollie as he looked at Annie.

"He wants to see me??!" asked Annie in disbelief as she was not quite sure of what she had heard.

"Yes" said Ollie as he nodded his head.

"Hey, hey hold on, wait a minute, what for?" asked Maddie as she stood up and walked to stand in front of Ollie, what nonsense was he blabbering this fine morning?

"I don't know, he refused to tell me anything when I asked if something happened at the dinner last night" said Ollie as they all looked at each other.

"This sounds fishy to be honest" said Matt.

"Very, I don't know what to say" said Ollie.

"What would your father want to see Annie for? It makes no sense, he never recognized her before, so what's with his sudden change?" asked Maddie.

"I have no idea Maddie, it worries me honestly" said Ollie.

"And Aunt Stella isn't here yet, if she was, we could just ask her if she had an idea of what is going on" said Matt.

"This is worrying, what could your father possibly want to see Annie for?" asked Maddie.

"I don't know, if I did, I would tell you" said Ollie as Annie did not like how they were all panicking, if anything it was making her panic even more."

"And he only asked to see Annie, and not any of us?" asked Matt.

"Only Annie, and that makes me even more suspicious" said Ollie.

"Blondie, I don't know what sort of trouble you have gotten Annie in with your Father, but this sure doesn't sit well with me, you find a way to fix it, because Annie is going nowhere" said Maddie as she pointed at Ollie, obviously accusing him.

"Maddie how could you even think that? I wouldn't do anything that would endanger Annie" said Ollie as he sounded hurt.

"Maddie, you are going too far now, Ollie wouldn't ever do that, and if he did, why would he come to warn us" said Matt.

"Look I don't know okay, but I don't like this one bit, Annie is going nowhere, fix this blondie!" said Maddie as she looked at Ollie.

"I can't fix anything, I don't even know what caused my Father to want to see her so bad" said Ollie as there was a mini argument breaking out, they were all talking and arguing while Annie had been silent all this time.

"Okay that's enough you all be quiet!" said Annie as she raised her voice and they all stopped arguing as they turned to look at her.

"Stop playing the blame game Maddie, Ollie has nothing to do with this, he's just as clueless as we all are" said Annie as she shook her head at Maddie who scoffed in frustration.

"We aren't supposed to be arguing right now, we are all on the same side" said Annie as she looked at Ollie.

"When does he want to see me?" asked Annie.

"Annie there's no way you are going to see him" said Maddie as Annie shunned her with her finger as she glared at her and Maddie kept silent.

"Ollie, when does he want to see me?" asked Annie as she turned her attention back to Ollie.

"I'm not sure, he didn't specify, but he did say he wants me home for dinner, which means that he wants to see you any time before then" said Ollie.

"Good, so does right now work?" asked Annie.

"Probably" said Ollie as he nodded.

"Annie you can't be serious about going to see him, we don't even know what he wants" said Maddie.

"Maddie, I'm not a child, and how will we know what he wants if we keep on speculating and arguing here like a bunch of children?" asked Annie.

"I'm going, that's the only way we can know what he wants" said Annie.

"I'm sorry to say that she's right though" said Matt.

"Thank you Matt, you're the only one who isn't arguing" said Annie as she looked at him.

"I'm going and that's final, I'm not going to stay here making a big deal out of something we know nothing about" said Annie.

"Annie if for one second you think that I am going to let you go alone, you are so wrong" said Maddie as she groaned and shook her head.

"But he only asked to see her" said Ollie.

"Yeah right, well that is changing now, I'm coming too" said Maddie as Annie didn't say anything to refute.

"You all wait here, I need to go take a shower, I'll be back soon" said Maddie as she did not even wait for them to reply to her as she ran out the lounge and shook her head, so much for her relaxing lazy day, but there was no way she would let Annie go alone to face King Albert, no freaking way.