No need to thank me

Ollie appeared in his bedroom as he decided to change his clothes before going to his Father's office to report on his mission to Agricola.

Ollie looked at the time, he still had about an hour left before dinner, but it wasn't enough, he needed to report to his father now, because the rules were no speaking of official matters during family dinner.

Ollie changed his clothes before leaving his room and heading to his Father's office, he walked through the halls and past a particular hall filled with several clocks that had their hour and minute hands spinning out of control round the clock while the second hand moved as slow as ever.

Ollie left the hall full of clocks as he turned left and entered another hall that was filled with large mirrors on both sides of the walls.

Ollie's reflection could be seen in the mirrors as he walked by. Ollie stopped walking when he heard someone call his name as he turned and faced his reflection.

"Hi Adrish, how are you today?" asked Ollie as he smiled and waved at his reflection as his supposed reflection stepped out of place and began to float in the mirror.

"Young Oliver, it's my 436th year being trapped in this mirror, how do you think I feel?" asked the reflection named Adrish.

"You feel playful today, because why else would you take my reflection, didn't you say that you hate being a short man like me?" asked Ollie as he laughed.

"That you are right about" said Adrish as he morphed into the shape of a taller, broader, dark haired man with a little beard as he continued floating around.

"You seem rather jolly today, what happened?" asked Ollie as he smiled.

"Well I managed to scare off a few maids today, something nice for a change despite being stuck here for the rest of eternity, forced to watch everyone else live their lives as they walk past me" said Adrish in a rather somber tone, but Ollie knew better than to believe him.

"Oh if only a young, brave, valiant boy would set me free from this prison of mirrors?" asked Adrish in a hopeful tone.

"Nice try Adrish, you wouldn't be trapped in there if you didn't try to overthrow the Royal family centuries ago" said Ollie as he smiled and he shook his head.

"That may be true, but it's rather cruel to keep me like a memento, to laugh at my misery, it's been 436 years, I have changed now, and I totally no longer have anything against the Royal family" said Adrish as Ollie shook his head.

"It was either this or be killed, and we both know which one you prefer" said Ollie.

"Yes, yes, but I have changed, who helps you with all your History assignments? Who tells you stories of old of your Grandparents? Who makes you laugh with wonderful jokes?" asked Adrish as Ollie laughed.

"You could at least repay me by setting me free, because after all, you know, only a person of pure royal descent can set me free, and you my boy are up to the task" said Adrish hopefully.

"Nice try Adrish, but no, you're never going to get me to release you" said Ollie as he laughed.

"Oh well, you can't blame me for trying my dear friend" said Adrish as he smiled and Ollie smiled.

"So where are you from my boy and where are you off to?" asked Adrish as he bounced around the mirror to the other side as Ollie followed him.

"Well my Father sent me to Agricola and I am on my way to his office to report to him" said Ollie.

"Ahh good thing you came by this way, your Father already left the office" said Adrish.

"He did?" asked Ollie as Adrish nodded.

"Yes, he had an important meeting to attend to or something, you never know with that Father of yours" said Adrish as he shook his head.

"Oh well then, thank you for telling me Adrish" said Ollie as he smiled.

"You're welcome my friend, now give me something for my good will towards you" said Adrish as Ollie laughed.

"Of course, but sadly, I don't really have anything on me, but I do have some cookies that Annie's mom made" said Ollie as cookies appeared in his hand.

"Alright, alright, that will do" said Adrish as Ollie threw the cookies at the mirror of instead of hitting it and breaking they passed through the mirror seamlessly as they landed into Adrish's hand.

"You're welcome Adrish, see you later" said Ollie as he smiled and he turned around walking away away as Adrish ate the cookies.


Ollie walked into the dining room as his mother and father were already present there.

"Good evening mother, good evening father" said Ollie as he smiled and sat down.

"Good evening Ollie, how are you?" asked Christina with a smile.

"I am well mother and how are you?" asked Ollie as he smiled.

"Great now that I see you" said Christina as Ollie smiled.

"And Father, how are you?" asked Ollie as he turned to look at Albert.

"I am well Oliver" replied Albert.

"Father I was on my way to see you to report the outcome of Agricola to you, but Adrish told me that you were not not there" said Ollie.

"Yes I left early, and be careful with Adrish, he's a trickster, we don't need him getting released and causing havoc all over the realm" said Albert.

"Yes I know father" said Ollie as he nodded as they ate their dinner.

"Father..." called Ollie as Albert looked at him.

"Yes Oliver" said Albert.

"Father, Annie and Maddie told me that you apologized... thank you for that... and thank you for being nice to them, it means a lot to me, because they are my friends, and I prefer it when you are nice to my friends, so thank you" said Ollie as he smiled and Christina smiled, of course her Albie was nice, he was always nice that's why she loved him so much.

"There is no need to thank me Oliver, it was something I needed to do, after all, you were right, and you were also right about Annie, she is a very reasonable, respectful girl" said Albert.

"Yes she is Father, and what about Maddie, what do you think of her?" asked Ollie as he smiled.

"I would rather not say, you might be upset with what I think" said Albert.

"Understandable Father, but don't worry, your thoughts about her will change soon, you just need to get to know her better" said Ollie as he smiled.

"Hmm" replied Albert.

"Alright then boys, enough talking about official matters, come on let's talk about something else" said Christina as she smiled and both men turned to look at her.

"How was your day Chrissy?" asked Albert as he smiled.

"Oh it was just wonderful..." said Christina as she started talking about her entire day.


"Hello, hello everyone" said John as he walked into the lounge with a smile as they all turned to look at him while Curtis followed behind him.

"Hi dad" said Annie as she smiled and looked at him.

"Hello Uncle" said Maddie as she smiled.

"Hi Mr. Grey" said Matt as John looked at him and frowned.

"Honey you're back late, you missed dinner" said Lisa as she looked at him.

"Sorry, we got sidetracked" said John as he laughed sheepishly and Annie looked at him and then at Matt who did not look surprised.

"Well you're dinner's in the kitchen, I'll go warm it for you" said Lisa as she stood up and John gave her a kiss before she left.

"So how was being back in Sunset Village uncle?" asked Maddie as she smiled.

"Well Maddie, it was very nice actually, it was nice being in a familiar environment again, you should have seen our front yard Annie, totally overgrown with weeds and shrubs, thankfully Curtis used magic to clear it all out" said John as he smiled.

"That's nice dad" said Annie as she smiled but she did not fail to notice how her father slightly frowned whenever his eyes landed on Matt, and Matt on the other hand didn't seem fazed at all, as if he was used to this.

Annie was surprised, she had never noticed this before, it was worrying.

"Hey uncle, next time you go back, can we all go as well?" asked Maddie as she smiled.

"Of course we can Maddie" said John as he smiled.

"I'm sure Matt will love to come along too" said Maddie.

"I doubt he would, right Matt?" asked John as he looked at Matt in an unfriendly manner.

"Right Mr. Grey" replied Matt.

"Alright, that's it" said Annie as she stood up, she couldn't take watching this anymore.

"What's wrong Annie?" asked John as he was surprised that she just flared up like that.

"Dad come on, I need to talk to you" said Annie as she pulled John's hand and they both left the lounge.

"What's going on?" asked Matt in confusion as he looked at Maddie.

"Annie's finally going to fight for you that's what" said Maddie as she laughed.

"What?? No she shouldn't do that, it's only going to make things worse" said Matt in a panic.

"Oh just relax and watch the show Matty boy, everything's going to be fine" said Maddie leisurely as Matt was sure she did not know what she was talking about at all.