Not a good idea

"Don't mind her Ollie, please tell us what's on your mind." said Annie as she smiled sweetly at Ollie but not before sending Maddie a disapproving gaze that she ignored with a scoff.

"Thank you Annie." said Ollie as he smiled and Maddie felt like giving him a knock on his head, wasn't he here to be the peacemaker? Why then was he allowing them to disagree even more.

Oh he would definitely get a piece of her mind later, she would make sure to save that knock on his head for an appointed time.

"Well I was thinking that since the admissions test is on Saturday and you guys will be studying throughout this week —" said Ollie as he was rudely cut off by Maddie.

"You mean since Annie and Matt will be studying throughout this week." added Maddie very politely causing Annie to scoff and shake her head, she would deal with Maddie later, she was very sure about that.

"Okay, since you and Matt will be studying this week." said Ollie as he complied with Maddie's words, he didn't want her transferring her already worked up aggression on him more than usual.

"And you will only have a week before the results come out and a week to prepare once you are accepted into Artrovan." said Ollie as his confidence and surety that they would be accepted just made Annie feel even more nervous than usual.

"You sound so sure that we are going to be accepted..." said Annie, her nervousness clear.

"Oh right sorry... I mean whether or not you get accepted, it doesn't matter, but we need to think positively right?" asked Ollie as he smiled and Annie nodded.

"I guess so..." replied Annie.

"Ollie is right, it's best to think positively." said Matt as he smiled.

"Anyway, back to what I'm saying. When you do get accepted, you will be gone for almost the entire year and I won't be able to see you guys again as much as I would like to, and I am really going to miss you." said Ollie as it didn't really hit him until yesterday that if they were accepted into Artrovan they would go to the Academy.

Which would result in them spending less and less time together, he would end his losing his friends and he didn't want that at all. He wanted them to continue remaining his friends; but at the same time, he could not just be selfish and stop them from progressing on with their lives.

Although it would make him feel sad that he had only just got his friends to what seemed like yesterday to him and now they were being separated. It was just one of those things that Ollie knew too well, life could be often unfair.

"Awww Ollie, you don't have to say it as if we won't ever see each other." said Annie as she smiled.

"She's right dude, we won't just stop being friends just like that, I think that you are overreacting." said Matt as he chuckled.

"Well maybe I am, or maybe I'm not, all I know is that Artrovan students will surely be very busy, and since you will be living on the school grounds, we won't get to see each other that much." said Ollie as he smiled sadly.

"Oh what a happy glorious thing to hear!" said Maddie in a jocund tone as everyone turned to look at her, giving her disapproving looks.

"You're our friend Ollie, we would never be too busy for you." said Annie as she smiled and looked at Ollie.

"That's really sweet of you Annie, really, thank you." said Ollie as he smiled and Maddie sighed in annoyance.

"Okay, okay, you do realize that you've been going on and on without telling us what you really want to say, so out with it already blondie." said Maddie.

"Yes, yes, so I wanted to suggest that after your admissions test, instead of returning back to the Palace, how about you come to the Castle and spend a few days over there with me while you wait for your results?" asked Ollie in a very happy tone.

Since he wasn't going to be able to see his friends for a very long time, he might as well make the most of all the time they had left to spend with each other, and what other excellent way to do that than to invite him to his home where they could spend as much time together as possible.

Ollie was so thrilled about his idea that he was not quick to notice the sudden silence that enveloped the room after what he had said.

"Umm is something wrong? Was it something I said?" asked Ollie as he looked at Annie, Maddie and Matt.

"No, no, not at all Ollie, nothing is wrong, you didn't say anything wrong." said Annie quickly as she shook her head.

"But your reaction states otherwise." said Ollie as he was trying to think of what could possibly be wrong with his suggestion.

He looked at Matt, hoping that his brother in arms would not lie to him like Annie just did.

"Well dude, nothing is wrong with what you said it's just..." said Matt as he hesitated.

"What? Say it." he said as he didn't want to be lied to, it was obvious that they did not agree with what he had said.

"Are you sure that it would be fine for us to come to your house? I mean it's not like there's anything official we have to do there, we don't want to seem like we have nothing better to do than go to where we are not invited." said Matt as Ollie looked at Annie and she nodded, making Ollie feel very offended, not by what Matt said, but by the fact that they thought like that.

"What do you mean? It's not like you are idly coming to my house, I invited you over, and it's my house I am allowed to invite anyone I want." said Ollie with a frown.

"You might think that, but not everyone does, especially when it seems like the three of us get more liberties than we should..." said Maddie as Ollie turned to look at her and his frown deepened even more.

"Ollie we don't mean to upset you, not at all, it's just that it's not a good idea." said Annie softly.

"Are you saying that because you really think so, or because you are concerned about what people will think?" asked Ollie as they were silent, giving him his answer.

"I don't think you should care, they can keep their opinions and thoughts to themselves, I don't get it, all I want to do is invite my friends over to my house, is that such a bad thing?" asked Ollie.

"No, it's not dude." replied Matt.

"Then if it's not why don't you come?" asked Ollie.

"Wait Ollie, did you ask permission from your parents first?" asked Annie as Ollie turned to look at her quickly.

"Of course I did, and they said yes, I'm allowed to invite anyone I want to my own home." said Ollie as he really was upset with this and they could all see it.

Annie felt bad, all he wanted to do was spend more time with them before they would or would not be accepted into Artrovan, and he was right, they were friends... If only they didn't have to think about what would be said about them, she would have instantly agreed.

"You have a point blondie, I would be pissed if I couldn't invite anyone I wanted to my own house." said Maddie.

"Thank you Maddie, so what do you say?" asked Ollie.

"Don't tell me that just because you are worried about what people will say you won't come over to my house just for a few days?" asked Ollie.

"You're right Ollie, we shouldn't care, but..." said Annie as she took a pause.

"Maddie what do you think? Will you be alright?" asked Annie as she looked at Maddie, she knew how uncomfortable both of Ollie's parent's made her feel, and the treatment she received from the Castle staff was even worse, it was not like they said anything, but their looks said it all.

"Honestly, I don't care, I won't pass up an opportunity to return to that beautiful Castle, even though it's clear that I'm not welcome there." said Maddie with a snicker.

"That's not true Maddie, you are always welcome, my mother likes you, and well my father, the two of you are on better terms after that meeting you had." said Ollie as Maddie begged to differ, she still felt uncomfortable around them.

"Well maybe if not your parents, other people in the Castle." said Maddie.

"They wouldn't dare, they would not dare speak ill of my guest." said Ollie in annoyed anger as Maddie chuckled.

"Not in front of you they won't" said Maddie as Annie looked at her sadly.